Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3030 Escape

The Fourth Master and others all entered Uncle Cheng's home. To be honest, the Fourth Master was also hungry.

However, he respected his identity and did not lift the lid of the pot, but waited for others. However, after he came in, he didn't smell any food at all.

A young man took the initiative to work, walked to the stove and opened the lid of the pot. He took the pot lid in his hand, looked into the pot, and was stunned.

There was no food in the pot, just bark and grass roots.

"This...this...what is this..." the young man said in stunned silence.

Seeing him like this, other people also came over. When they looked into the pot, they were also stunned.

"These guys dare to play tricks on us!" Another young man shouted angrily.

"You can't say that. It looks like there is no food here. They must be very hungry, so they use this to satisfy their hunger." Mr. Luo said.

Fourth Master nodded and said: "That should be the case, let's not worry about this with them. Since there is nothing to eat, let's go."

After saying that, he walked outside.

What is boiled in the pot are grass roots and bark, and they are allowed to eat them as they wish. They left Uncle Cheng's house and went to the street to take a look, but Zhang Yu and others were gone.

"Where have they gone?" Yan Xing asked.

"He must have run away," a young man said angrily.

"It's not that easy to run away... split up and chase after me..." Fourth Master immediately ordered, "When you see it, call me loudly, I will be here to take care of you!"

"Yes!" "Yes!" "Yes!"... Yan Xing and others immediately agreed.

However, Mr. Luo quickly stopped him and said, "Fourth Master, I think it's better not to pursue him."

"Why?" Fourth Master asked.

"The boy said before that he was here to find someone. Now it seems that he is indeed right. He should not be from here. Moreover, he should be able to see that we have murderous intentions for him, so he ran away first. Let's chase him. What he said is to force him to fight to the death. Even if we kill him all, we will suffer some losses, which is not cost-effective. Our purpose here is not to kill them... Besides, they can't escape. Here..." Mr. Luo said.

"What kind of loss can there be? Even if these little shrimps are capable, I can take care of them all by myself! Our affairs must not be leaked at all. If we are not afraid of ten thousand, we should be afraid of the worst. What if they go out!" So, chase me!" Fourth Master shouted again.

Seeing him giving another order, Yan Xing and others did not dare to neglect and immediately split up to follow.

After Zhang Yu went up the mountain, he called his disciples to leave quickly. To be honest, the disciples were all so hungry that they really couldn't walk. But everyone also understands that we can only leave here by following Master, and we must not hold back.

They gritted their teeth and walked very fast. Since the mountains were full of trees and they were walking to the east, it was not something that could be discovered at once. The Fourth Master's people didn't know the direction Zhang Yu and the others were going, and there were very few people. How could they find such a search like a headless fly?

Zhang Yu and others climbed to the top of the mountain together. When he got here, Zhang Yu looked down the mountain and saw no one chasing him.

At this moment, Zhang Yu breathed a sigh of relief and took out something from his arms.

This thing is none other than Jiuhua Ming Lantern. This time when he went out, Zhang Yu brought all the magic weapons he could bring with him. Jiuhua Ming Lantern is a lamp. Normally, it is very inconvenient to carry. But Zhang Yu had a way. He took apart the lamp.

The reason why the Jiuhua Ming Lantern must be brought is very simple. The two groups of people in front and behind are trapped in Wuli Village. There might be a trap here. Zhang Yu brought it with him just in case.

When he was with Fourth Master and the others, Zhang Yu never took it out because he was worried that the other party would snatch it away after seeing such a good thing.

Of course, there is no aura of formation here, and Zhang Yu is not sure that it must be a formation. But now, he must take his disciples out.

Zhang Yu put the Jiuhua Ming Lantern together, then breathed his true energy into the Jiuhua Ming Lantern and recited the incantation. I saw the Jiuhua Ming Lantern that was originally placed in my palm suddenly rose into the sky on its own. Not only that, the lamp also lights up automatically, looking like a small golden flame.

Immediately, the Jiuhua Ming Lantern began to float diagonally upward.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu couldn't help but feel happy. The Jiuhua Ming Lantern can only be used in a formation. If there is no formation here, it will definitely not work.

Now it seems that there really is a formation here.

Zhang Yu immediately said: "Follow me."

He waved his hand and followed the Jiuhua Minglan forward. These disciples had never seen the Jiuhua Minglan and did not know the purpose of this thing. But they could tell that this thing should be a magic weapon.

For them, their master was their only life-saving straw. They followed Zhang Yu closely and moved on the mountains.

The route pointed by Jiuhua Ming Lantern is very fast. It does not go straight along the mountains. When walking, it will go under the mountains. There seemed to be no path at first, but when I got closer, it turned out to be dark and bright, which was really weird.

However, Zhang Yu also knows that this is the secret of the formation. It makes you feel that it is not a road from a distance, so if you don't go that way, you will miss the way out. Of course, if there is no Jiuhua Ming Lantern, if you want to test casually in this huge spreading mountain range, you may be in considerable danger.

Finally, under the guidance of the Jiuhua Ming Lantern, Zhang Yu came to a familiar place - the plank road.

The disciples seemed to be deeply impressed by this place. When they saw the plank road, they all shouted excitedly, "Plank road!" "It's the plank road we came from!" "I know how to leave!" "We're out!" "It's finally out!"...

The disciples were extremely excited, and the female disciple even shed tears.

At this moment, the nine-flowered lantern floating in the air slowly fell in front of Zhang Yu. This means that there is no formation in front of you.

Zhang Yu took back the Jiuhua Ming Lantern, disassembled it, and put it back on his body. Zhang Yu was also excited. With this Jiuhua Ming Lantern, he would definitely be able to come in and out freely. All he had to do was find Meng Xing'er and the others and bring them out.

As for the secrets here, Zhang Yu really didn't want to get involved. Even though he was curious in his heart, this formation was too powerful. The more powerful the formation, the stronger the person setting it up, so Zhang Yu didn't want to provoke this person.

Zhang Yu waved his hand again and said, "Let's go back down the mountain!"

“Going back!” “Going back!” “Going back!” “Going back!”…

The disciples were overjoyed. Even though they were already hungry, they were still full of energy. After all, everyone knows that as long as you go down the mountain, you will have something to eat, which is like looking at plum blossoms to quench your thirst.

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