Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3029 Follow me!

"I'm also confused, but what's the problem? It seems like there's just a layer of paper missing, and it hasn't been pierced yet." Zhang Yu's brows were furrowed, as if he was thinking about something.

Mr. Luo walked in from outside, followed by Fourth Master and Yan Xing. The three of them looked at Zhang Yu's disciples and looked around.

After watching for a while, Yan Xing seemed to have thought of something. He pointed at the stove and shouted loudly: "When you saw the pot on the stove, was it placed on the ground?"

Zhang Yu's disciples were all stunned for a moment and looked at each other. A female disciple named Wu Xiaoyan said: "No... we are actually quite tired these days. We stayed here last night and didn't go out in the morning. I have been here all the time, thinking about having lunch before going out to find a way out... The pot has always been placed here..."

"It's always been there!" Yan Xing shouted, "It's impossible! When we were in charge of the search, we searched Old Man Cheng's house carefully and removed all the pots on the stove!"

"Yes! I moved the pot!" A young man at the door shouted immediately.

"I also remember that I moved the other pot!" Another young man shouted.

When Zhang Yu heard what they said, he suddenly felt enlightened. He immediately shouted: "We have searched here, and it stands to reason that this place should be in a mess. Now, let's go to the impressive rooms and see what those rooms look like!"

"Go out and search for me!" The fourth master had already reacted at this time. He waved his hand and ran outside immediately.

Mr. Luo and Yan Xing quickly followed, and Zhang Yu also ran out. The other disciples, even if they didn't know what was going on, followed him out. Dahei was always with Zhang Yu's legs. When Zhang Yu stopped, he stopped, and when Zhang Yu moved, he moved.

Uncle Cheng's house belongs to the half at the entrance of the village, and Fourth Master and the others are more familiar with the half at the end of the village. He ran directly towards the house at the end of the village. Before he ran far, he discovered a problem, that is, not all the houses here had their doors open, some of them were still closed.

In Fourth Master's impression, all the doors here were opened. Not only him, but Mr. Zhang Yuluo and others also remember this.

The fourth master quickly rushed to a closed room. He raised his leg and kicked open the door that was stuck inside. He rushed in and took a look inside the room. It was neat and tidy, with no signs of being disturbed. When I opened the cabinets and boxes, they were all empty, with nothing in them. It looked the same as the village I visited last time.

Zhang Yu, Mr. Luo, Yan Xing and others then rushed into the room. When they entered, they were all dumbfounded. They looked at each other, and Zhang Yu shouted: "This is indeed not the village we searched before!"

"That's right! They just look the same!" Mr. Luo shouted.

"I understand! I understand..." The fourth master's face showed excitement and he said: "This going around seems to be in the same place, but in fact it is not in the same place... The layout of this formation, It is indeed clever enough... Now we have finally found a flaw, and we will definitely be able to find more flaws next! I want to see how many villages like this there are here!"

What he said made sense, and Zhang Yu was immediately reminded. Whenever you break a formation, you must understand the context of the formation and understand its layout. Now, two identical but different villages have appeared here, which means that the other party may have this layout. As long as you figure out the rules of the layout, you will most likely find the formation's eye or the birth gate.

After the fourth master said these words, he turned around and walked out, followed by Mr. Luo, Yan Xing and others. Zhang Yu and his disciples also came last. When he came to the street in the village, the fourth master looked around and suddenly said: "Mr. Luo, what do you think if I burn this village down?"

"Burned..." Mr. Luo was shocked and asked, "Why is this?"

"When we walked on the mountain, we didn't find anything suspicious, but this village looked weird. But if we investigated on the spot, we couldn't see anything wrong with the village on the surface. So I think that if we give the village Burning it may make the problematic areas emerge." Fourth Master said seriously.

When he said he wanted to burn the village, everyone present was shocked. Now that he heard what he said, Zhang Yu didn't know what others thought, but in Zhang Yu's heart, he nodded secretly.

Although the village is not big, it is not small either. If you are looking for it like this, how can you easily find any clues. If it is burned, if there is anything important in it, it will definitely not be burned easily, and some problems will definitely be found.

Mr. Luo thought about it for a while, nodded and said, "This method is not bad."

"Then let's do it! If you guys leave the village, I'll light the fire directly!" Fourth Master said arrogantly.

Zhang Yu said nothing, while Zhang Yu's disciples looked at each other in shock.

Instead, a young man whispered: "Fourth Master, we haven't eaten yet... Well, I think there is cooking in the pot... Can we go and eat first..."

"That's right, let's go eat first..." Fourth Master said, striding towards Uncle Cheng's house.

His men followed suit. When Zhang Yu's disciples saw these people going directly to Uncle Cheng's house to prepare for eating the food in the pot, they became a little anxious at that time.

They all looked at Zhang Yu one by one, hoping that Zhang Yu would make an idea. Zhang Yu knew in his heart that he couldn't fight with the opponent now. When he was alone, he could still run away if he couldn't fight, but where could these disciples run.

Zhang Yu shook his head gently, indicating that he should bear with it for the time being. Disciple Wu Xiaoyan, on the other hand, whispered: "Master... we are not afraid that they will eat our food... it is just... it is too embarrassing for you..."

"How do you say this?" Zhang Yu wondered.

"There is no food at all in this village... We used to be able to find some mushrooms and other things on the mountain to satisfy our hunger... Then we couldn't even find mushrooms or anything... Today... what is being cooked in the pot is the grass roots and trees we got on the mountain yesterday. Pi..." Wu Xiaoyan lowered her head and said.

Zhang Yu had only heard of eating grass roots and bark in snowy mountains and meadows. He never expected that at this moment, his disciples would be reduced to such a situation.

The disciples are now a little sallow and thin, which shows that life trapped here is not easy.

Zhang Yu thought about it for a moment, then saw that the fourth master's people had already walked into Uncle Cheng's yard. Zhang Yu gritted his teeth and whispered: "Don't talk, just follow us and walk softly..."

After saying that, he walked straight forward.

The location he walked was not at the entrance or the end of the village, but at the east end of the village.

The village is surrounded by mountains, and Zhang Yu led Dahei and his disciples to the foot of the mountains quickly. He took the lead to go up the mountain, and in his heart, he had already made up his mind that he must lead his disciples out of here as soon as possible.

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