Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2989 Decisive Battle

"Of course you have to go in!" Pisano said without hesitation.

He knew very well in his heart that Zhang Yu had already laid out his position and wanted to have a showdown with him. If you don't go in, you will be afraid of Zhang Yu.

You must know that his student Padoin is trapped in the formation. Although he has taken care of Li Meizhen, Li Meizhen is just an insignificant character after all, and Padoin is his third disciple.

If you don't go in by yourself, it will look like one of them is folded on one side, and it's a tie. But if word spread, it would not be a tie. It was clear that he was bullying Li Meizhen as an ordinary person, but it was his apprentice who was trapped in the formation by Zhang Yu, and he did not dare to rescue him.

Pisano personally came to Zhenhai to deal with Zhang Yu, and he was already suspected of bullying the small. If he loses for a while, even if he wins against Zhang Yu in the end, it will not be a glorious thing. Even if Pisano doesn't care about some intrigues, this is only if there is no handle. Padoin has become the handle in others' hands. If he uses other methods, it will be somewhat unworkable.

"Teacher, then I will go in with you." De Sciglio said quickly.

"No need, you can't help much, just take care of it outside. It's just a small formation, I can solve it in half an hour." Pisano said arrogantly.

"Yes, teacher." Desilio also knew his own strength, so he could only agree obediently. He was also worried that if there were too many changes in a while and the teacher couldn't take care of him, wouldn't it be bad? Although his strength is not weak, compared with Dhruv and Inzaghi, he is not good enough.

Pisano ignored him, raised his head, and took a deep breath. From this point, it can be seen that the dignified astrologer did not dare to be negligent in front of Zhang Yu's formation.

Immediately afterwards, Pisano stepped into the room.

De Sciglio watched helplessly as Pisano entered. In his eyes, after Pisano entered, he turned directly to the left and quickly disappeared from his eyes.

Although he wanted to see where Pisano had gone, he didn't dare to look. After all, this is the case here. If he had the courage, he would have followed.

Pisano entered the formation, and his eyes suddenly changed, with colorful colors everywhere. Like Padoin who entered the formation before, Pisano also immediately turned around and looked back.

Behind him are the same five-color flow of colors, filled with Yin Qi everywhere, giving people a chilling feeling.

However, Pisano did not panic. He turned his palm over and a simple astrolabe appeared in his hand.

He held the astrolabe in his hand and muttered something. The red pointer on the astrolabe immediately began to rotate rapidly, and then stopped for a moment. The direction the pointer pointed was exactly the same as the direction Padoin pointed before.

Pisano walked directly forward in the direction pointed by the pointer. After walking not far, he saw a black figure on the ground, which seemed to be a person lying on the ground.

"Who!" Pisano shouted sharply.

" old...teacher..." A weak voice came from the black shadow on the ground.

Upon hearing this voice, Pisano exclaimed in surprise: "Padoin!"

With that said, he rushed to Padoin's side in two steps. Of course, even if he could be sure that it was a student's voice, Pisano was still wary.

Coming closer, Pisano could clearly see Padoin's appearance. At this moment, Padoin's face was pale, and his forehead and face were still covered with sweat.

"Teacher..." Padoin also saw Pisano and said weakly.

"What's going on..." Pisano asked eagerly.

"Just here..."

Padoin wanted to tell the teacher what happened to him, but before he could tell the whole story, he heard a loud "click" in front of him.

Pisano hurriedly turned his head and looked over, and immediately saw a big hole opening in the ground in front of him, and a green dragon rose into the air and circled from inside.

The momentum of this green dragon is extremely frightening, especially with the appearance of the green dragon, there is even louder thunder in the surrounding area, "Rumble..." "Rumble..." "Rumble..."...

"Little trick!" Seeing such a formation, Pisano didn't panic. After all, the great astrologer had never seen anything like this before.

Pisano turned his left hand, and a golden "Holy Lesson" appeared on his palm.

He kept talking plausibly, and a white light emerged from the Holy Lesson, instantly covering Pisano's whole body.

"Rumble..." "Rumble..." "Rumble..."...

Bolts of lightning fell from the air at this moment, some hit Pisano's body, and some fell next to Pisano.

But these lightning bolts just fell to the ground or touched Pisano's body. They didn't set off any sparks and just disappeared immediately.

A sneer appeared on Pisano's face. He put away the astrolabe with his right hand and took out a short golden cane from his arms. This short palm is only forty centimeters long at best. On it is a palm with five fingers spread out. In the middle of the palm, there is a blue gem inlaid.

This gem is like an eye growing on the palm of your hand, it looks so weird.

Pisano just raised his hand, and the cane in his hand emitted a blue light. To be precise, there is a blue light emitting from the sapphire.

The light shone directly at the green dragon, and the green dragon was instantly covered.

With a "pop" sound, a cloud of blood mist dispersed, and the surrounding area returned to tranquility. The previous lightning and thunder, accompanied by the blood mist, also disappeared.

Pisano was not careless. His body was still shrouded in white light. He slowly walked forward and came to the blood mist.

The blood mist gradually dissipated, and only a snake was exposed. This snake was not big, only one meter at most. It had no color on its body. At first glance, it looked like the kind of non-venomous snake you eat in restaurants.

"It's ridiculous that you are the only one who deserves to be called a dragon... You can't stop me with just this formation..." A disdainful smile appeared on Pisano's face.

"Teacher..." At this time, Padoin's voice sounded again.

Pisano turned to look at Padoin, who was still lying on the ground, looking like he couldn't live.

"How are you doing now?" Pisano asked.

"I...teacher...I...I can't get up at all seems like there are tens of thousands of pounds pressing down on my body...I feel hot and cold...from time to time, there will be tingling..." Padoin said weakly.

"Trash!" Pisano cursed in his heart.

But he couldn't talk to the students so directly, but as a teacher, his attitude couldn't be gentle. He said coldly: "You haven't recovered yet?"

As he spoke, he slowly walked towards Padoin.

"Still like that... I don't have any strength in my body... and... I want to stand up, but I can't stand up at all..." Padoin said weakly.

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