Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2988 Sit back and wait.

Pisano and Desilio were waiting downstairs. Of course, they couldn't say anything. They stood at the entrance of the building. In this case, it would be easy to attract the security guards.

The two of them pretended to be walking and walked back and forth around the building. But after wandering around for more than half an hour, the two of them returned to the door of the building again, but still did not see Padoin coming out.

"Teacher, the senior has been in for more than half an hour, why hasn't he come out yet... Could he have bumped into Zhang Yu and started a fight..." De Sciglio said pretending to be worried.

In his heart, he wished that Padoin would make a fool of himself. After all, everyone knew that even Dhruv and Inzaghi were not Zhang Yu's opponents. Once Padoin bumped into Zhang Yu, he would definitely not get any benefits.

"What on earth is this Zhang Yu doing upstairs..." Pisano's face darkened, "If Padoin met Zhang Yu upstairs, it would be inevitable to take action, but with Padoin's It is impossible to say that there is no strength to fight back. No matter what, we should make some noise..."

"Teacher, do you think Zhang Yu guessed that we would go up to check, so he deliberately lurked in a dark place, so that as soon as we went up, he would suddenly kill him... I also believe that with Senior Padoin's cultivation, It is absolutely impossible to fight head-on without any counterattack..." De Sciglio said.

"Ambush in the dark..." Pisano groaned and said, "But I can't feel the breath of my formation, and he doesn't seem to have broken it... This is really alarming. I can’t figure it out…”

"Teacher, if this is not the case, I will go upstairs and have a look... I will be careful this time and make a sound immediately if something happens..." De Sciglio said.

"Well..." Pisano hesitated and said, "No, let's go up together..."

"Come up together...Teacher...this Zhang Yu is very cunning. If there is any ambush, I'm afraid it will be detrimental to you..." De Sciglio said quickly.

"Based on his strength, even if there is an ambush, am I afraid of him?" Pisano said with disdain.

"Of course the teacher won't be afraid of him, but the students think it's better for us to be careful. After all, masters compete with each other, and one move often determines the winner. This Zhang Yu is not an ordinary person. If he suddenly plots against him, he will lose his first move. I'm afraid the machine will be damaged to some extent." De Sciglio said with concern.

His words made Pisano nodded and said, "It makes some sense."

"So this is what the student thinks. Otherwise, we go upstairs together, and the student walks in front. If Zhang Yu suddenly plots against me, it will only be against me. If the teacher follows suit, he will definitely be able to kill Zhang Yu!" De Sciglio! suggested.

"This method of yours..." Pisano looked embarrassed. Although the apprentice's method is good, it would be a bit embarrassing if he let his apprentice act as a shield.

De Sciglio naturally saw the teacher's thoughts and said quickly: "Teacher, as long as the students are careful, nothing will happen. I guess that Senior Padoin was probably careless, so he fell into Zhang Yu's trap. Son."

"That's fine, I'll do as you say." Pisano nodded.

"Yes, teacher." Desilio agreed immediately and walked directly towards the door of the building.

Arriving at the door, Desilio took out the master key from his pocket and opened the door lightly.

Pisano followed, and the two entered the building one after the other. De Sciglio walked in front, his speed was very slow, careful and careful every step. After all, he walked in front to serve as a shield for Pisano, but if the teacher had nothing to do and he was hit hard by Zhang Yu, it would not be worthwhile.

No matter how slow they walked, after a while, the two of them came to the third floor one after another.

The door on the third floor was closed at the moment. In fact, Padoin did not close the door when he entered before. The reason why this door can close by itself is purely due to the mystery of the formation.

De Sciglio held the master key, also carefully inserted the key into the keyhole, and then twisted it gently.

With a "click", the lock opened lightly, and he slowly opened the door to prevent any hidden weapons from shooting out and hurting himself.

However, after all the doors were opened, he didn't see anything unusual. Looking around, there were lights on inside and it was very quiet.

However, everyone knows that at this time, the quieter it is, the more problems there are.

"Teacher, look..." De Sciglio said in a very low voice.

Pisano said nothing, just closed his eyes.

After a while, he opened his eyes again and said slowly: "There is a formation in this room, but it was not arranged by me. It should be arranged by Zhang Yu."

"Zhang Yu has arranged a formation here..." De Sciglio was shocked and said: "Teacher, if there is a formation, it must have the aura of the formation, but I don't seem to feel the aura of the formation at all."

"This is Zhang Yu's brilliance. It can be seen that I must have underestimated him." Pisano said.

"That means that Zhang Yu rearranged a formation based on the teacher's formation, so the teacher can't even feel the aura of his own formation," De Sciglio said.

"It's impossible..." Pisano said in a positive tone: "If he wants to superimpose my formation, he will never be able to do it. If he wants to use the formation to cover up the aura of my formation, he can't do it either. .”

"Then...then what is going on...Teacher, you also believe that your formation has not been broken...This really makes me unable to figure out how to do this..." Desilio was very confused. said.

"How he did this, even I can't figure it out." Pisano couldn't help but shook his head.

At this moment, he had a new assessment of Zhang Yu. Two of his students, Dhruv and Inzaghi, were defeated by Zhang Yu one after another. Zhang Yu did not just rely on luck, but also relied on strong strength.

Although he was still certain that Zhang Yu's strength was inferior to his, this was only temporary. Given Zhang Yu's age, given time, he will definitely be on an equal footing with him.

"It seems that it is a very wise thing for me to come to Zhenhai to meet Zhang Yu in person this time." Pisano couldn't help but say.

"Teacher...what do you mean..." De Sciglio said with some confusion.

Pisano didn't answer because he couldn't say it. You can't tell students that if you don't kill Zhang Yu now, you will have no chance to kill Zhang Yu in the future.

Seeing that the teacher did not answer, De Sciglio said carefully: "Zhang Yu has set up a formation here, and he must be waiting to see what happens. I think his formation is not simple. Do you think we should go in?"

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