Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 284 Chairman of Jixiang Group

Tiantianxian Nightclub.

It's daytime now, and the hall of the nightclub is empty. There is only one person drinking at a table.

This man is fair and handsome, wearing famous brands, and he looks young and rich.

On the table, there are six or seven empty wine bottles. Drinking alone here can be considered a talent.

At this time, a charming woman came over and said, "Mr. Jiang, why are you drinking alone here? How about I ask Yingying and Yanyan to come over and accompany you."

The person drinking was none other than Jiang Yulin's third brother, Jiang Yuting.

"I'm not interested. Just go and do whatever you need to do." Jiang Yuting waved his hand lazily.

Mommy was so bored that she had no choice but to leave on her own.

As soon as she left, a young man in a suit walked up to Jiang Yuting.

Jiang Yuting heard the footsteps and thought it was the mommy from before, so he said angrily: "You said you're not interested anymore, so don't bother me."

"Mr. Jiang, our boss wants to see you." The young man came to Jiang Yuting's side at this moment.

Hearing the voice of a man, Jiang Yuting raised his head and glanced to see if he recognized him. He said lazily: "Who is your boss?"

The young man immediately took out a business card from his suit pocket and handed it to Jiang Yuting.

Jiang Yuting took it and muttered, "Chairman of Jixiang Group, Fan Shiji... I don't seem to have any friendship with your boss..."

He casually returned the business card to the young man.

"Our boss said that a chance encounter is worse than an invitation. He also said that after meeting, I guarantee that you will not regret it." The young man said politely.

"This..." Jiang Yuting hesitated for a moment, then stood up and said, "Okay, then I'll go with you..."

The young man immediately led the way and took Jiang Yuting to a private room on the second floor.

The door opened, and an elder over sixty years old was sitting inside. The elder was wearing a crisp suit, giving people a kind and loyal feeling.

"Boss, Mr. Jiang is here." The young man said and made an invitation gesture to Jiang Yuting.

Jiang Yuting walked in carelessly, and the young man immediately closed the door without saying a word.

"Mr. Jiang, we meet here by chance today. It's a real pleasure to meet you. Come and sit down quickly." Fan Shiji stood up and said enthusiastically.

"A chance encounter...Boss Fan, stop joking..." Jiang Yuting lazily walked to sit next to Fan Shiji, and said slightly drunkenly: "It's broad daylight, how can it be such a coincidence."

"Master Jiang is really a smart man. I like talking to smart people." Fan Shiji said with a smile.

"Tell me, what do you want from me? I, Jiang Yuting, have nothing. I really don't know what Boss Fan will do with me. You should talk to my eldest and second brothers." Jiang Yuting smiled bitterly.

"Hahahaha..." Fan Shiji said with a smile: "The third young master is really underestimating himself. In the Jiang family, in terms of intelligence, you are far above your eldest brother and second brother; in terms of character, let alone that. Now I am temporarily dragon If you swim in shallow water, sooner or later you will become famous.”

"Pull him down. If I hadn't been blessed by my dead mother, I might not even be able to get in through the Jiang family's front door. Ha... It would be better if my mother didn't die. At least I still have a relative..." Jiang Yuting said sadly. said.

"Heaven is going to entrust this person with a great responsibility, and he must first work hard for his mind and body..." Fan Shiji said kindly: "At this moment, there is an opportunity in front of the third young master. It depends on whether the third young master cherishes it."

"What chance?" Jiang Yuting asked disdainfully.

Fan Shiji did not answer immediately, but picked up the remote control on the table and pressed the start button.

Immediately afterwards, a picture appeared on the big screen.

Oh boy, this is a scene of unlimited passion, a man and a woman are having a shirtless fight.

"Just show me this..." Jiang Yuting frowned slightly, then showed disdain on his face.

"Look carefully." Fan Shiji said lightly.

Jiang Yuting looked carefully and saw that it didn't matter. He couldn't help but trembled, and couldn't help shouting: "My eldest brother! Yes, it's my eldest brother!"

"Hahahaha..." Fan Shiji laughed again, "You Jiang family are all romantic figures. Your father is like this, and so is your eldest brother."

"What do you mean by showing me this?" Jiang Yuting immediately looked at Fan Shiji warily.

"Do you know who the woman inside is?" Fan Shiji asked back.

"I don't know." Jiang Yuting shook his head.

"She is your half-sister." Fan Shiji said lightly.

"Huh?" Jiang Yuting was shocked and couldn't help shouting.

"What I admire most in my life is your father, who indulged in flowers and left countless romantic debts. But these children don't usually see each other, and they don't know each other. Sometimes when drying firewood and burning fire, it's really a headache. "After Fan Shiji finished speaking, he shook his head deliberately.

"Haha..." Jiang Yuting immediately sneered and said, "Boss Fan is really thoughtful..."

"Hahahaha..." Fan Shiji smiled again and said, "Don't worry, what else is there?"

After saying that, he pressed a switch button on the remote control. This time, the screen changed, and soon another passionate scene appeared on it.

When Jiang Yuting took a look, he couldn't help but be startled, because there were actually three people in this scene. Not to mention two men and one woman, but there is also a rivalry between the two men.

" second brother..." Jiang Yuting quickly recognized one of the men.

"Your second brother is even more amazing. He is a man for both men and women... I admire you, I admire you..." Fan Shiji said in an exaggerated tone on purpose.

Jiang Yuting looked at Fan Shiji, who seemed to have sobered up from the wine now, and said with a smile: "You shouldn't show this to me, you should show it to them."

"People like them are really not worth mentioning. How can I take them seriously? Third Young Master, this is an opportunity for you. As long as you seize it, I will guarantee that you will fly to the sky." Fan Shiji vowed. .

" tell me first..." Jiang Yuting said.

"As long as you use these two discs properly, they are guaranteed to be ruined and lose their status in your father's mind. In this way, you will become your father's best hope. After all, compared with those illegitimate children, You grew up beside him." Fan Shiji said seriously.

"Then what?" Jiang Yuting asked calmly.

"The Jiang Group has not been listed yet. Your father has been hesitating, but the preparations for the listing are already ready. Therefore, you can propose to your father that the Jiang Group be listed. Since your eldest brother and second brother have been relegated to the sidelines, , your words will definitely work. When Jiang's Group goes public, I can help you again and let you acquire my Jixiang Plaza at a relatively low price. At that time, your status in your father's mind will be improved again, completely covering Pass your two brothers and become the first heir of your Jiang family." Fan Shiji said confidently again.

"Then what? Are you going to help me for no reason?" Jiang Yuting was not a fool. He naturally knew that there was no such thing as a pie in the sky.

"I know that your father has 5% of the shares of Jindu Real Estate. You have to get those 5% shares, and then increase your holdings to at least 3% of the shares of Jindu Real Estate. Finally, you have to take all those shares. Just transfer it to me." Fan Shiji smiled lightly and said, "My conditions are simple."

"Ha..." Jiang Yuting shook his head and smiled, and said, "I knew it. But my father is not old enough yet, so how could he give me the 5% of the shares?"

"You can tell your father that you like Xiao Mingshan's daughter Xiao Jiejie. If you get these shares, you will be more sure of being with Xiao Jiejie. Your father has a good relationship with Xiao Mingshan, and he actually hopes that the two families will get married. Now you are his The last hope, he will definitely give full support. So, it is not difficult for you to get these shares." Fan Shiji said with a smile.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll regret it halfway?" Jiang Yuting said carelessly.

"I put the two CDs into your hands and let you deal with them. If you regret it, your father will naturally know that we are conspiring against your eldest brother and second brother. By that time, the old man will probably have something else to do. An illegitimate child comes in and inherits the family business. Which is more important or less important, I think you know best. Hahahaha..." Fan Shiji smiled confidently.

Because he knew that Jiang Yuting would definitely agree.

"You came to me because you think I'm easier to manipulate than my two brothers. But you'd better not let my father know about this, otherwise, with his temper, he will have to kill you even if he gives everything he has. Life." Jiang Yuting said, stretching his waist long.

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