Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 283 The storm is coming

There are only half of the Four Symbols Feng Shui Formation in Tianzi Square. It is not difficult at all for Zhang Yu to integrate them all. Keep the original formation eye and move the Xuanwu position to the south gate, and the formation will be completed.

It seems simple, but it requires deep knowledge.

It only took Zhang Yu less than an hour to do it. It was easy to make money. At the same time, Jiang Yulin was not idle and called in all the night shift security guards from last night.

After solving the formation problem, Zhang Yu didn't need Jiang Yulin to send him back. He wanted to take a stroll on his own.

After leaving Tianzi Square, Zhang Yu unconsciously walked towards Jixiang Square.

He is still very curious about this formation. What kind of person in the world can arrange such a mysterious formation.

In this world, there is a method called borrowing luck, which is to borrow other people's luck. But borrowing money must be repaid, otherwise why is it called "borrowing". The Feng Shui formation for borrowing luck is for people, not for such a large square.

In the office of the general manager of the North District of Tianzi Square.

Jiang Yulin sat behind the boss' desk and looked at the person in front of him coldly.

Luo Qiutian had been standing here for half a minute, and his body was shuddering. He knew that Mr. Jiang had already discovered what happened last night.

"Lao Luo, you also have some knowledge, why do you do stupid things." Jiang Yulin suddenly said lightly.

"I, I...Mr. Jiang...what do you mean..." Luo Qiutian didn't dare to admit it, so he could only pretend to be innocent.

"You know what you mean. I'll give you two options now. The first option is to submit your resignation letter yourself. In this case, I will supplement your salary for half a year. The second option is that I will fire you directly. You go to the Finance Department to get three months' salary." Jiang Yulin said calmly.

"Mr. Jiang...where do you start talking about this..." Luo Qiutian asked anxiously.

"I will change the locks of this office today. No one will be able to come in from now on! Do you understand?" Jiang Yulin's voice became colder.


"Get out! Get out of here right now! I'll give you half an hour to write a resignation report, or else you'll have to wait for the dismissal notice!" Jiang Yulin said, waving his hand.

"Yes..." Luo Qiutian also knew that there was nothing he could do. Everyone knew about this matter. Even if they told Jiang Yuting and Ma Mingxue, it would probably be useless.

In fact, there is nothing we can do about it. We can't afford to offend anyone on either side, so it seems we can only find another job.

In the intensive care unit of Zhendong Hospital.

Master Qu was lying on the hospital bed. He only had skin wounds on his face and slight burns on his hands, but nothing serious.

The two young apprentices stood aside, and Jiang Yuzhen and Ma Mingfeng sat on the sofa nearby.

"Master Qu, didn't you say that breaking the formation was easy? How could it be like this?" Ma Mingfeng said with a frown.

Qu Pan's expression was a little embarrassed and he said: "This... Feng Shui array also has backlash. I was injured just because I didn't prepare in advance. If I had prepared, it would never have been like this. But don't worry, I have already given it to you." My senior brother has called. He is rushing over from Nandu and will probably arrive soon. His strength is far superior to mine, and he will definitely be able to teach that boy a good lesson."

Neither Ma Mingfeng nor Jiang Yuzhen were fools. How could they not see that Master Qu was just trying to put money on his face and had no ability to break the formation?

But the senior brother that Master Qu found was still quite famous, and his reputation was still higher than that of Master Qu.

It is because of this that Ma Mingfeng and Jiang Yuzhen can sit here. Otherwise, they would not be in the mood to stay here.

Just as he was talking, footsteps sounded outside the ward, the door opened, and a fat old man in his sixties walked in from the outside.

Hearing the sound, everyone in the room looked around, and Master Qu immediately greeted: "Senior Brother."

The two young apprentices shouted in unison: "Uncle."

When Ma Mingfeng and Jiang Yulin saw them calling them that, they both stood up and said politely: "Master Shang." "Master Shang."

The person who came in was Master Qu's senior brother Shang Wen. Shang Wen nodded and said to Qu Pan, "Junior brother, what is going on? These two are..."

He followed and looked at Jiang Yuzhen.

"Senior brother, these two are the second young master of the Jiang family and Brother Ma that I told you." Qu Pan said.

"It turns out it's you two. It's a pleasure to meet you." Shang Wen and Jiang Yuzhen shook hands one after another.

After a few polite words, the three of them sat down together, and Master Qu told Shang Wen everything that happened yesterday in detail.

Here, he didn't add any water. He was probably worried that his senior brother would disapprove of it and suffer another disadvantage.

After listening to his story, Shang Wen frowned slightly and said: "He can break your three-talented wealth-gathering formation of heaven, earth and man, but you can't see the clues about the four-image formation he arranged, and it can have a counterattack effect. Look. It’s not easy.”

"Of course it's not simple. If it were simple, how could I lose at his hands. Senior brother, you have to avenge me." Qu Pan said with a grimace.

"What do you want me to do?" Shang Wen asked.

"Break his formation." Qu Pan said immediately.

"Not sure!" Shang Wen only said three words.

He still has self-awareness. A formation that can have backlash is not so easy to break. Even he himself may not be able to arrange it.

"Aren't you even sure?" Qu Pan was a little anxious. Just now he was boasting in front of Jiang Yuzhen and the two of them, but now his senior brother would actually say that.

"You have been doing this for many years in vain. Some formations are not so easy to break. Even if the person who set up the formation is not high in cultivation, we know where the formation eyes are, but if we don't understand the mystery of the formation, it is still difficult to break. Or maybe , that's not the formation eye at all, you think it is the formation eye. With your cultivation level, you don't know this formation. I'm afraid I'm not sure how mysterious this formation is." Shang Wen said seriously.

His words can be regarded as putting some gold on his junior brother's face.

Qu Pan nodded and said, "That's true. I've never seen this kind of formation before. It's very evil."

"That's it, so I'm not sure. I'll just go take a look at it. In addition, I heard that the person who set up the formation is not very old. I think his cultivation level is still shallow. At most, he inherited the Qimen Formation passed down from his ancestors. Only by using the law can you be opportunistic. If I teach him a lesson and let him know that the sky is high and the sky is high, it will not be difficult to predict." Shang Wen said confidently.

"Senior brother, how are you going to teach him a lesson?" Seeing Shang Wen say this, Qu Pan became interested.

Shang Wen smiled faintly and said, "You must have fallen unconscious. You have forgotten all the rules."

"Yes, yes..." Qu Pan immediately looked at Jiang Yuzhen and said, "I want to ask my senior brother to take action. The price is five times as much as mine."

"That's five million, not much." Jiang Yuzhen said with a smile: "Master Qu just said about the current situation, and I think you already understand it. My most urgent thing at the moment is to ask you to help me destroy that kid. The formation laid out.”

"Since Mr. Jiang is so happy, I'll tell you the truth. Sometimes, the person who ties the bell needs to be tied to untie the bell. I'm afraid I can't break his formation, but he can't break the formation I set up either. . Don’t worry, I will let him reveal the secret of this formation himself. However, Mr. Jiang needs to find out the details of that kid first before I can make him submit." Shang Wen said confidently.

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