Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2727: Hurting others with your own abilities

"I was watching the mountain scenery from the city tower when I heard a commotion of people and horses. The flags were fluttering and the shadows were flying, but it turned out to be soldiers sent by Sima. I also ordered people to inquire, and I found out that Sima, you are leading the troops to the west. It was Ma Su who came. He has no strategy and little talent, and secondly, if the generals don’t get along, they will lose the street pavilion..."

In the largest villa at Tianzi Racecourse, Jiang Xianzhang was sitting in the large living room, listening to Peking Opera and singing along.

It was obvious that he was in a good mood now. In fact, Mr. Jiang has been in a good mood since he returned home last night, because he knew that the vegetable basket project could never have been thought up by Yang Ying. Yang Ying did not have this ability. There must be someone here who has communicated with Wen Qiong. Whoever communicated with Wen Qiong is most likely Zhang Yu.

Although Zhang Yu never showed up, Jiang Xianzhang believed that it was impossible for Zhang Yu not to come back after such a big thing happened. The person must have come back. The reason why he didn't show up was just because he was hiding in the dark and wanted to paralyze his opponent. Of course, Jiang Xianzhang didn't know whether the paralysis could be successful.

"Ring ring ring..."

At this time, Jiang Xianzhang's mobile phone placed on the coffee table rang. He picked it up and took a look. The caller ID showed Mr. Bai's phone number.

Bai Jun is the director of the Jiang family's secret trading studio, and is currently responsible for buying into the Wudang Group's stocks.

After seeing her phone number, Jiang Xianzhang immediately answered, "Hello, Mr. Bai?"

"Mr. Jiang, it's me..." Bai Jun's voice sounded on the phone.

"What do you want from me?" Jiang Xianzhang asked.

"Just now, after Wudang Group announced the vegetable basket project, the market situation of Wudang Group changed immediately. Someone sold the shares of Wudang Group in a big way, and our 300 million buying order at the price of 70 yuan was directly sold. Smashed through. The other party had a lot of chips, and the stock price was hit to 67 yuan within a few minutes. At this time, the selling order continued to amplify, and it is estimated that a large number of retail investors followed suit and began to sell their stocks. Mr. Jiang, you see what we should do now What should I do? Should I continue to eat..." Bai Jun said.

"What? There is such a thing..." Jiang Xianzhang was stunned. Originally, in his opinion, the stock price would definitely exceed 100 yuan. Although he had a lot of buying orders, he estimated that in the past few days, the stock price would definitely exceed 100 yuan. , it is impossible to buy many stocks.

The sudden change is indeed a bit surprising. Jiang Xianzhang muttered, "Who would be selling their stocks at this time... With so many selling orders, it shouldn't be from retail investors..."

Bai Jun immediately continued: "I also think that the first person to throw out a large amount of chips cannot be a retail investor or a large investor. But right now, it's too late for us to compete with the Qi family for chips. How can we throw it out?" The bargaining chip here, isn’t this tantamount to surrender..."

"Surrender..." Mr. Jiang laughed and said, "It is impossible for the Qi family to surrender... I now understand what happened... The chips were indeed thrown by the Qi family..."

"It's really them... Then what is the intention of the Qi family to do this?" Bai Jun said in confusion.

"Wudang Group invested 20 billion to develop the vegetable basket project. The Qi family must have got the news from people like Xu Changxing yesterday. The people of the Qi family are getting anxious. If the contract had not been signed yesterday, I am afraid that Everyone in the Qi family may directly show off their cards today. The intention of the Qi family is very simple. One is to use the news of the vegetable basket project as a negative; the other is to sell the stocks in their hands to attract retail investors to panic sell; the third is the current situation. The stock price is already very high. At the current price, 1 billion can only capture 0.5% of the chips, and 10 billion can capture 5%. The Qi family is powerful and has sufficient capital flow, so they are not afraid to follow suit Let's compare money. They can be sure that our funds are limited and it is impossible to buy all the stocks he sold and the high-priced stocks that retail investors fled. When we run out of funds, the Qi family will continue to smash the market, and there will be more A lot of profit chips came out, and the price he spent was actually lower than ours." Jiang Xianzhang said solemnly.

"This..." Bai Jun suddenly understood after listening to Mr. Jiang's story. She continued: "It seems that the Qi family is not only relying on money to suppress people, but also to reduce acquisition costs... We alone cannot compete with him..."

"Now we can only spend 10 billion. Mr. Bai, if I let you take full charge of trading, how do you think we can get as many chips as possible within the fixed funds?" Jiang Xianzhang said seriously asked.

"To get more chips... we can only absorb them while waiting for the stock price to fall. Although we have more chips, we have to watch our opponents eat the chips in front of our eyes in the early stage..." Bai Jun said slowly.

At the end, she paused, and then said: "By the way, Mr. Jiang, there was a fund that was buying into Wudang Group's stocks before. I think this fund should also be operating now. This person should be You Fei The enemy is just that I don’t know whose funds it is.”

Jiang Xianzhang said calmly: "That's true... From this point of view, our situation is actually quite good. But at the moment, can you tell whether it is one family or two families that have taken the chips?"

"The trading volume is too large right now, and it's hard to tell whether there are other funds competing with the Qi family to raise funds." Bai Jun said helplessly.

"I also thought about it, forget it... I will do as you said, mobilize funds, grab funds intermittently, and maximize the chips as much as possible." Jiang Xianzhang added.

"Yes, Mr. Jiang." Bai Jun said.

Qi's Investment Company.

Qi Wuxuan was not in his general manager's office at the moment, but sitting in the trading room.

There are three computers on a large table, and the contents displayed on the computer screens are different.

Some display stock quotes, some display funds, and some display the number of stocks traded.

There were two people sitting behind the table, one was Qi Wuxuan and the other was a middle-aged man.

The current trading volume of stocks is extremely large, with thousands of hands traded almost every second. Qi Wuxuan looked at the stock market and the increase in trading volume from time to time, and looked at the chips he had taken in from time to time.

There are indeed a lot of stocks sold, but at present, I have only eaten half of it. The other half of the stocks sold have obviously been eaten by others.

Qi Wuxuan's face was as dark as water, and he was very serious. Even he knew that his method actually caused a lot of losses. It was simply hurting the enemy by one thousand and damaging himself by eight hundred. Especially in the early stage, when the opponent's funds are still sufficient, if you go against the opponent like this, the loss will be too great.

After thinking for a while, Qi Wuxuan stood up and walked towards the trading room. He took out his mobile phone and found a phone number.

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