Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2726 Qi Wuxuan’s response

"If nothing else goes wrong, when the stock market opens tomorrow morning, the share price of Wudang Group will reach 70 yuan. This price is not low. It can be said that you could buy 1% of the shares with 1 billion before, but now you can buy 1% of the shares with it. 1 billion can buy 0.5%, which is double the difference. At this time, it is already time to fight for financial resources, and I want to see how much money they can use to fight with me..." Qi Wuxuan was full of confidence He said: "With the help of this bad news, you throw out the chips at a high position and let the other party eat hard to see if they can swallow it. At this price, for you, it is already a huge profit, so there is no need to Worry. If your opponent can't swallow so many chips, then you can suppress the stock price, and I will gradually start to take in your chips at the price of 67 yuan. In the past few days, the stock price has been rising sharply, and those retail investors suddenly saw the stock price. If it fluctuates and then falls, it will definitely be considered as bad news, and the profitable chips will definitely be spit out. At this time, I can buy more chips at a relatively low price!"

"Mr. Qi is really smart. Let the opponent take my chips at the price of 70, and you take the chips of retail investors at the price of 60. The difference is 10 yuan per share. Even in the confrontation of funds, we will have the upper hand. As long as the opponent's capital chain is broken, then Mr. Qi has the final say..." Xu Changxing immediately said flatteringly.

Qi Wuxuan did not dare to feel proud at all, and said calmly this time: "Our opponents are very strong, so we must not be careless. Keep in touch at any time, and I will tell you how to do it. In addition, every time you throw the chips in your hand, 1%, please call me immediately."

"Yes, yes... Mr. Qi, don't worry..." Xu Changxing agreed hastily.

Qi Wuxuan hung up the phone. He first put out the cigarette butt in his hand, and then leaned on the back of the chair with a look of hatred on his face.

"Pan Chonghai... It must be the idea of ​​an old guy like you... It's so cruel, it's so cruel..." Qi Wuxuan couldn't help but grit his teeth, because in his opinion, the 20 billion lost by the Wudang Group was simply his money. The most important thing is that Yang Ying and the others have earned their reputation. After they take over, they will just invest in it.

The next day, a press conference was held on time at eight o'clock in the morning in the auditorium of the Zhendong District Office.

On the ceremony stage, a row of tables was set up. Sitting in the middle were two women, Wen Qiong on the left and Yang Ying on the right.

On Wen Qiong's left side, there are people sitting up and down from the district office, including the executive officer, the director of the secretary's office, the press officer, etc. On the right side of Yang Ying, Xiao Jiejie, Jiang Yulin and other people from the Wudang Group sat.

The audience was filled with reporters. There were a lot of people, but the scene was very quiet. It was obvious that when a press conference was held in the government auditorium, ordinary people would not dare to make any noise.

At the beginning of the press conference, the press officer of the district office naturally spoke. He announced on the spot that Wudang Group was willing to share the worries of the office and invest 20 billion to build a vegetable basket project in Zhendong District.

As soon as the matter was announced, the audience immediately burst into applause. Because the reporters present are not fools. This kind of vegetable basket project is basically a waste of money. Therefore, usually such projects are carried out by the PCPD itself, and it is impossible for any company to be willing to do it. But now, there are actually companies willing to invest in this kind of project, which is incredible.

After the applause fell, the press officer said that CEO Wen Qiong would speak. Wen Qiong had already prepared a speech, but she recited it on the spot. The content of her speech was very simple. Basically, she first talked about the importance of the vegetable basket project, and then thanked Wudang Group for its help.

After Wen Qiong spoke, it was naturally Yang Ying's turn to speak. Yang Ying was well prepared, and the content of her speech was even simpler. It was nothing more than getting rich first and then getting rich later. When a company makes money, it should make some contributions to the Office and society. Mainly because when he was speaking, he seemed upright and upright, acting like he was serving the country and the people.

At the end of the speech, it was time to answer questions from reporters. Some reporters asked Yang Ying and some asked Wen Qiong. Wen Qiong appeared very calm when facing reporters' questions, and could answer any questions fluently, even without leaking. Yang Ying has to be a little clumsy when answering reporters' questions. After all, she rarely attends such occasions.

The press conference ended at 9:40 am. In less than 20 minutes, the headlines of major media outlets announced that Wudang Group invested 20 billion to develop a vegetable basket project in Zhendong District.

"The real thing is to get rich first and then get rich later! Wudang Group invested 20 billion to build a vegetable basket project in Zhendong District!" "The vegetable basket project benefits the country and the people. It can solve the problem of vendors occupying roads for business operations and the difficulty of selling vegetables in the city. In one fell swoop, There will be a lot of benefits without any harm!" "Special Economic Implementation Zone under separate planning! The Zhendong Implementation Zone has already taken the lead in the competition!"...

The overwhelming news has swept the entire Internet. All major media and major forums have given this news positive reviews. In the eyes of almost everyone, Wudang Group's investment of 20 billion in the vegetable basket project is simply a feat that benefits the people. Many people even left messages saying that if other business owners could do the same as Wudang Group, the country would definitely be in a prosperous era.

Today's stock market conditions were just as Qi Wuxuan expected. As soon as the stock market opened, Wudang Group's share price rose to 70 yuan.

At 10 o'clock, after the news was completely released, Xu Changxing immediately followed Qi Wuxuan's request and vigorously sold the stock. At the moment, at the price of 70 yuan, there is a large number of buying orders. As soon as Xu Changxing's stock is sold, it will be sold instantly.

In just a few minutes, the trading volume increased infinitely. It can be said that the trading volume in these few minutes is already comparable to the trading volume in the previous few days.

The changes in the stock market immediately attracted the attention of countless investors who were concerned about Wudang Group. It can be said that in these days, the trend of Wudang Group has affected the hearts of many investors. This is not only being watched by investors who hold shares in Wudang Group, but also by many investors who have no positions.

The sudden change caught people somewhat off guard, because in the eyes of the vast majority of investors, the share price of Wudang Group was definitely going to exceed 100.

A post like this quickly appeared on the Haijiao Forum.

Host: Damn it! Today, the trading volume of Wudang Group suddenly increased. Mengxin asked the old driver for advice. What is this situation? Didn't it mean that the stock price would directly hit 100?

Second floor: It may be a technical adjustment, let’s take a look first.

Third floor: It feels like there is profit taking and the price has risen so high. Those who bought chips at a low price feel that they have made enough to ship. It is normal. Don’t worry. It'll be fine in a while.

Fourth Floor: I suspect that the news about the Wudang Group just now is to blame. Investing 20 billion in a vegetable basket project will only make a loss but not a profit, which is obviously a bad thing. I don't have Wudang Group's stocks in my hands right now, otherwise I would cash them out right away. 70 yuan is not low anymore. It feels like it is almost the highest price. If I don’t sell it now, I will definitely not be able to sell it at this price again.

Fifth floor: The person upstairs is indeed an old driver. I also think it is absolutely bad news. It is really unclear whether the Qi Group acquired the Wudang Group or not. However, at this price, it is already a good deal, and many people die because of greed.

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