Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 261 A hundred birds pay homage to the phoenix (fourth update)

"What's wrong?" Seeing Zhang Yu's surprised voice, Jiang Yulin asked quickly.

Zhang Yu was now shocked by the scene in front of him and seemed not to have heard Jiang Yulin's words at all.

Above the Tianzi Square, there is a small circle of gray color. Although the gray air flow is light, it has surrounded the stars in the sky. This is nothing. The most important thing is that a trace of true red is exuding from Tianzi Square, and the red air flow slowly floats elsewhere.

The gray air flow represents bad luck. With bad luck coming and surrounding the sky full of stars, Tianzi Square must be in bad luck. The red color represents wealth, and you have never seen local wealth drift elsewhere.

Zhang Yu subconsciously turned his head and looked at the direction in which the fortune was drifting in the air. He was extremely curious at the moment, wanting to see where the fortune would drift to.

"Do you have a car?" Zhang Yu suddenly asked.

"I'll go down and drive." Seeing Zhang Yu say this out of the blue, Jiang Yulin thought that the situation seemed serious.

"No, no, no, bicycles are best." Zhang Yu said.

"Bicycle..." Jiang Yulin has never ridden a bicycle in his entire life.

It happened that at this time, someone came riding a half-old bicycle at the intersection next to it.

Jiang Yulin's reaction was also quick. He rushed over and stopped the young man on the bicycle.

The young man was startled. Seeing Jiang Yulin wearing a brand-name suit that he couldn't name, he asked in surprise: "What are you doing?"

"Give me the bike..." Jiang Yulin said.

"This won't work... I have to go to work... Are you trying to rob him? I'm telling you, I've practiced before!" When the young man saw Jiang Yulin opening his mouth, he asked him to ask for the bicycle. It seemed that he was trying to rob him. Damn it, even bicycles are not spared these days.

He saw Zhang Yu coming from the side again and decided that he was with Jiang Yulin. He quickly got out of the car and put on a posture, which looked like a tiger-shaped fist.

Jiang Yulin didn't say anything else, but reached into his pocket. The young man was even more shocked, "It's broad daylight, you don't want to pay..."

Just to speak to him, you have to be a 2B young man.

At this time, Jiang Yulin took out his wallet from his pocket and pulled out a stack of banknotes without counting them. Anyway, they were all thousand-yuan bills, so he had thirty or forty thousand.

"Is this enough money to buy your car?" Jiang Yulin said.

"Ah?" The young man was stunned and asked quickly: "Really?"

"Of course it's true! Do you want to sell it?" Jiang Yulin said seriously.

The young man grabbed the money from Jiang Yulin's hand and ran away, as if he was afraid that Jiang Yulin would return. As he ran back, he said: "I'll give you the car. This is my favorite car. You have followed me for five or six years, so you have to treat it well..."

Jiang Yulin ignored him and immediately looked at Zhang Yu, pointing to the bicycle lane: "Is this possible?"

Zhang Yu didn't wait for him to finish, but he already got on his bicycle and said, "I'm going to do something first. You wait for me here."

After saying that, he turned around and rode away.

Jiang Yulin was confused and looked at Zhang Yu in confusion. What exactly was going on?

The direction Zhang Yu was riding his bicycle was the direction where the red air flow was drifting. The Yue'er River is very long. From where Zhang Yu stood just now, the upstream direction is to the left and the downstream direction is to the right. The red air flow is blowing towards the downstream direction.

He needs to hurry up now, and he doesn't know how far this air flow can travel. What's more important is that using the Qi Observation Technique consumes true energy. Even if his true energy is doubled, he cannot consume it casually.

There were so many pedestrians on the street, and naturally they were filled with air currents of various colors. Zhang Yu had no intention of observing them. He just pedaled quickly and followed the red air current.

Along the lower reaches of the Yue'er River, there are seven streets that Zhang Yu can follow. What appears in front of you at this moment is another business circle, with a building no less impressive than Tianzi Square.

Zhang Yu took a closer look and saw that the red air flow was slowly flowing into this large building, blending with the original red air flow on the building. He then discovered that the name of this building was Jixiang Square.

There are countless customers coming in and out at the moment, and it's a lively scene. Compared with just outside Tianzi Square, no one was seen entering inside. It's a world of difference.

Looking at the layout of Jixiang Square, the square is circular and looks like a magpie's nest. According to the Feng Shui taught by Lao Wangtou, this layout should be called the Hundred Birds Chaosing the Phoenix Bureau. In the center of the square, there will most likely be a statue of a phoenix erected.

The Birds Facing the Phoenix Bureau is different from the Sky Stars Bureau. Although they are both Feng Shui bureaus, the Hundred Birds Facing the Phoenix layout can be large or small. Unlike the Sky Stars layout, only large Feng Shui formations can be arranged.

But if they are all large-scale Feng Shui bureaus, the effect is actually about the same, and it is impossible to distinguish between strong and weak ones. It's just that Bainiaochaofeng Bureau is more flexible.

The Hundred Birds Chao Feng Bureau can attract wealth, and most Feng Shui bureaus are like this. What is puzzling is that Zhang Yu has never heard that the Hundred Birds Chao Feng Bureau can also attract other people's wealth.

More importantly, it only attracts the Tianzi Square family, and does not say that it will attract other places.

It is not difficult to see from this that this is intentional.

Zhang Yu has no time to think about the differences between Jixiang Square and Tianzi Square. He is now like a top student who has encountered a difficult math problem and is studying carefully how to solve it.

Bai Niao Chao Feng Bureau did not absorb the effect of other families' wealth. How did it do this?

Zhang Yu rode his bicycle and walked around the periphery of Jixiang Square. After half a circle, Zhang Yu finally discovered the problem. The Feng Shui bureau of Jixiang Square is said to be a layout of hundreds of birds facing the phoenix, but it is different. There seems to be a mystery hidden in it, but Zhang Yu cannot figure out this mystery.

There are so many Feng Shui bureaus in the world, with different placement methods, and the same Feng Shui bureau also has different variations. There are nine normal variations of the Hundred Birds Facing the Phoenix. The Hundred Birds Facing the Phoenix situation here is not among these nine variations.

In the words of Lao Wangtou, there are many masters in the world. His cultivation level is just a drop in the ocean, let alone Zhang Yu's.

After walking around, Zhang Yu couldn't see the specific doorway. He parked the car and simply walked into Jixiang Square, wanting to take a look inside.

After entering, people feel refreshed, and in the square, there is really everything. Eat, drink and have fun, a shopping paradise, Huike Supermarket, all large and small, everything is complete.

Tianzi Square is a street opened in the middle of the square as Zhenhai Old Street. Jixiang Square is not divided, but there is a large open space in the middle. There is a market on the open space, where people do business and sell, and there is an open-air playground, which is very lively.

Zhang Yu didn't come here to watch the excitement. What he was looking for now was the phoenix. According to the floor plan of Jixiang Square, this is the middle position, so a phoenix must be placed.

But now, Zhang Yu did not see the phoenix that should have appeared in front of him.

"Huh?" Zhang Yu scratched his head and said to himself, this should be the layout of a hundred birds facing the phoenix. Why is there no phoenix? Where have you gone? Is it impossible to say that hundreds of birds are not paying homage to the phoenix?

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