Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 260 Tianzi Square

Zhang Yu took the Guizhen Sixiang Pan downstairs, got into Jiang Yulin's car outside the community, and headed to Tianzi Square together.

Big cities are different, with blooming flowers. Zhang Yu has been in Zhenhai for a while and has been to many places, but most of the time he has been in Zhendong District.

Even in the Zhendong Execution Area, Zhang Yu didn't understand it. He hadn't been there since he was old.

The agency is located at the passenger terminal, which is relatively close to the commercial street there. There are countless commercial streets in the east part of town.

Zhang Yu no longer knows where Tianzi Square was before. Jiang Yulin drove for almost an hour and arrived at a particularly prosperous area. There was a river in front of it. The banks of the river were lush and green, and there were many people enjoying the cool air and walking around.

In such a prosperous business district, it is really satisfying to have a river for people to enjoy and relax.

There is a bridge over the river. After getting on the bridge, Jiang Yulin pointed to the three-story building on the right side under the bridge and said, "This is the Tianzi Square."

Zhang Yu looked carefully and saw that Tianzi Square occupies a large area and is oval in shape. The architectural style is European and fashionable, and it is not lacking in grandeur. The most eye-catching thing is that on the top of the oval building, there are starry lighting decorations. I thought thoughtfully, feeling that this should be the starry layout in the Feng Shui Bureau.

The arrangement of stars in the sky is a large-scale Feng Shui formation, which cannot be arranged by ordinary people. Jiang Yulin said that when building Tianzi Square, he hired a famous Feng Shui master to lay out the layout, which seems to be true at all.

While I was thinking about it, the car had already got off the bridge and entered the underground parking lot in the square.

Jiang Yulin parked the car and the two got out of the car.

Good guy, Zhang Yu took a quick look and saw that there were not many cars in the huge parking lot. It was estimated that these cars belonged to the merchants here and the people inside the square.

Jiang Yulin then said: "Brother, you said that the Feng Shui will not conflict with people's destiny. Now can you take a look at the Feng Shui here?"

Jiang Yulin and Zhang Yu had not met often. When they first met, Zhang Yu felt that this man was a mature, stable and popular person. As soon as he got out of the car, he asked Zhang Yu to help him look at the feng shui. This shows how anxious Jiang Yulin is.

Zhang Yu smiled slightly and said, "No problem, let's go out and take a look now."

Zhang Yu thinks the location of Tianzi Square is very good. You can see many people by the river on the bridge. Cars and people come and go on the street. With such a passenger flow, it is rare for anyone to come in and patronize. It is almost Unlikely. How bad does Feng Shui have to be to fall into this situation?

You know, there is also a starry sky bureau here. With such a feng shui bureau in charge, it is impossible to be reduced to such a situation.

Zhang Yu's curiosity also arose, and he followed Jiang Yulin out of the underground parking lot and outside the square. He walked some distance away, looked up at the arrangement at the top of the square, and then slowly walked toward the side, observing as he walked.

On the opposite side, each of the stars composed of colored lights was placed according to the standards of the Starry Sky Bureau. On the surface, there seemed to be no problem.

Jiang Yulin followed Zhang Yu all the time, and the two of them walked from the street of Xiaqiao to the end of the street, which is the other end of the square. That is, from South Gate 1 to South Gate 4.

Seeing that Zhang Yuguang couldn't speak, Jiang Yulin was really worried and couldn't help but said again: "How is it? Do you see anything?"

"Let's go around in a circle." Zhang Yu said calmly.

If you don’t see a problem here, then just keep looking for the problem. When you find it, you’ll figure it out.

The two of them continued walking along the periphery of the oval-shaped Tianzi Square. Jiang Yulin seemed to feel that it was not a good idea to ask questions, so he stopped asking. They walked to the west gate, which was also divided into West 1 and West 4, a total of four gates. But between the West 3rd Gate and the West 4th Gate is a wide street that divides the square into two parts.

This street is very tastefully built, like the town beach in the old days.

Zhang Yu asked curiously: "What is this street?"

"This is Zhenhai Old Street, built to imitate the street pattern of Zhenhai Beach in the old days." Jiang Yulin said.

"Oh." Zhang Yu nodded slightly and continued walking forward.

They followed them to the North Gate, which was also the four gates from North 1 to North 4. Wherever they passed, there was no problem with the layout of the stars in the sky.

Finally, we came to the East Gate. The East Gate and the West Gate are symmetrical. Between the East 2nd Gate and the East 3rd Gate, there is also the Zhenhai Old Street.

Zhang Yu stood at the intersection of Zhenhai Old Street, frowning a little now, and didn't see anything wrong with him.

At this time, Jiang Yulin said again: "Brother, over there is the Yue'er River. The Feng Shui master said there is a dragon vein there. What do you think?"

Zhang Yu turned around and looked towards Yue'er River.

This river can be a hundred meters wide. If it is a dragon's vein, it is at best a dragon's tail.

Zhang Yu strolled to the river and looked left and right. It was all so long that he couldn't see the edge at a glance.

Feng Shui recommends the "Five Geography Tips", which are "looking for dragons, observing sand, observing water, tapping acupoints, and standing in directions."

The dragon vein is similar to a big tree with root dragon, stem dragon, branch dragon and leaf dragon. There are nine types of dragon potential: Huilong, Chuangyanglong, Subduing Dragon, Shenglong, Giant Dragon, Needle Dragon, Soaring Dragon, and Leading Dragon.

The so-called dragon tail is actually a leaf dragon.

Since it is called Feng Shui, water is naturally one of the key factors in Feng Shui. Mountains and rivers go hand in hand, and water is the blood of the dragon.

Zhang Yu looked at it for a while, and it seemed that there was no dragon spirit at all.

Dragons also have luck, just like the change of dynasties. When the dragon vein Qi is counted, the luck of the dynasty will also follow.

In Zhang Yu's opinion, this dragon vein is not a dragon vein at all, considering how spectacular the black dragon vein he saw last time was.

At present, there is no flaw in the sky full of stars in Tianzi Square. Zhang Yu doesn't feel any dragon energy in the so-called dragon vein. In this case, it seems that the only way to use the Qi Observation Technique is to use it.

Zhang Yu then bit his middle finger and scratched it in front of his eyes.

Seeing Zhang Yu like this, Jiang Yulin was obviously shocked. Feng Shui masters had never seen this before. Point your fingers whenever you disagree. Are you prone to self-mutilation?

Of course, Jiang Yulin knew that Zhang Yu had real abilities, and it seemed that by doing this, he was almost showing off his true abilities.

Facing Zhang Yu is the Moon River. Whenever there is dragon energy, the aura of a king must be revealed.

But when Zhang Yu looked at Yue'er River, he didn't have any domineering air at all. Zhang Yu immediately concluded that this dragon should have reached its end.

Zhang Yu didn't know where the water of the Yue'er River flows to. He asked casually: "Brother Jiang, do you know where the water of the Yue'er River flows to? Tell me some famous places."

"The famous place is Nandu." Jiang Yulin replied directly.

When Zhang Yu heard this, he immediately understood that Nandu did have dragon energy, but the dragon energy was cut off by Qin Shihuang, but his luck did not disappear. He later became emperors for several generations, but now, the dragon energy has been exhausted. .

In other words, this is a dead dragon vein with no luck. Maybe Genlong will still have some luck, but Ye Long will definitely be defeated.

Zhang Yu immediately turned his head to look at Tianzi Square. This sight immediately shocked him. A scene that I had never seen before in my life appeared at this moment.


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