Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2603 Food Deliverer

Zhang Yu and the young man began to discuss what to say to the Great Protector after they saw him.

Their speculations must not be explained. Zhang Yu thought that it would be enough to explain exactly what happened. Of course, we can’t tell everything, there are also things that need to be concealed. The thing to hide is very simple, that is, two people were drugged with chun and what happened.

After the discussion was completed, Zhang Yu walked to the door and shouted loudly outside, "Someone is coming! Someone is coming! I want to see the Great Protector!"

Zhang Yu shouted a few times and then began to wait for someone to come.

However, he waited for a long time and saw no one coming.

He had no choice but to shout again. He raised his voice and shouted again, "Someone is coming! Someone is coming! I want to see the Great Protector! I want to see the Great Protector!".

Zhang Yu kept shouting. With such a loud voice, he could even hear the echo from the corridor. However, after shouting for five minutes, no one came to check, as if there was no one at all.

"What's going on? Why have I been shouting for so long, but there's still no movement." Zhang Yu looked at the young man and said with a frown.

The young man was also puzzled and said: "The real master is locked up here, so he must be heavily guarded. We shout like this, but no one comes to take a look."

"Could it be that the people guarding here were transferred away by the Great Protector?" Zhang Yu guessed.

"It's possible, but I guess there's another possibility," the young man said.

"What else is possible?" Zhang Yu asked immediately.

"That means no one is guarding here." The young man said.

"No one is guarding here." Zhang Yu said with some disbelief: "How is this possible? Such an important person must be strictly guarded."

"If there are really a lot of people guarding this place, do you think someone can carry out such a big project and take the real master away without being discovered? No matter how quiet the sound of the project is, if you dig to this location, you can still dig it. A master with good hearing can basically hear everything." The young man said.

"This." Zhang Yu nodded and said: "According to what you said, it is really possible. However, there is no reason for the Great Protector not to send people to guard here."

"It's not necessarily possible," the young man added, "No one would have thought that someone could dig such a passage from the top of the mountain. Under normal circumstances, the true master must have been crippled in cultivation and would not be able to escape with wings, so it is difficult for him to escape. There is no need for the protector to send experts to guard here. Moreover, I believe that I am not willing to do such an errand. Also, the fake headmaster is still practicing in the cave. It may be that he is far away, so he cannot hear it. Or maybe there were other reasons why he didn't hear it. Inside the Lingxi Cave, it seemed like there was a powerful formation. There must be a close confidant of the Great Protector guarding the entrance of the cave. With such vigilance, is there anyone guarding the cave? Outside of this iron gate, I don’t think it’s important at all, and it’s not necessarily necessary.”

"That makes sense. But if this happens, we won't be able to get out." Zhang Yu frowned.

"Look at the ground." The young man pointed to the plate on the ground and said, "I think someone should come to deliver food every day. Otherwise, people would have starved to death. We just need to wait."

"We can only wait. I hope people here will come quickly to deliver food." Zhang Yu said, took two steps back and sat on the ground.

The young man also sat down cross-legged. For them, all they can do now is wait.

Waiting is a particularly boring thing, especially in this place, where you can't tell the difference between day and night.

The candle on the candlestick had been extinguished, and the cell became dark.

After an unknown amount of time, Zhang Yu suddenly heard slight footsteps walking towards this direction.

"Someone is coming!" Zhang Yu felt happy and couldn't help shouting.

"I heard it too!" The young man also shouted, and she jumped up from the ground.

The young man came to the door in one step and shouted loudly, "Someone is coming! Someone is coming! We want to see the Great Protector!"

"Deng Deng. Deng. Deng."

The footsteps are getting closer and closer, becoming clearer and clearer. Zhang Yu stood up now, and both he and the young man could hear the footsteps clearly. The person walking over was walking very slowly, which was okay, but what was surprising was that their voices were loud enough, but the person didn't seem to hear them at all.

Zhang Yu simply took out the Fire Gathering Talisman and punched it out through the gap in the iron bar.

With a "pop" sound, a ball of flame appeared in the corridor outside the door. Zhang Yu expected that he would be shocked when he saw the flames.

But what he didn't expect was that the person who came seemed to be unaware and still walked over slowly.

No matter how slow you go, you will reach the end. Because the peephole was not big and there were iron bars on it, when the visitor came closer, the two finally saw an old man in black walking slowly over with a tray in his hand.

The old man didn't seem to see the flames outside the cell door. Look at it, he was about to walk directly into the fire.

The young man suddenly discovered that there were no eyeballs in the old man's eye sockets, but only two black holes. She quickly shouted: "He is blind! Put out the fire quickly!"

Zhang Yu also saw that there were no eyeballs in the old man's eye sockets. As soon as he heard the young man's words, he immediately reacted, hurriedly lay on the ground, followed the hole below for passing food, and slapped it with his hand.

With a "pop" sound, the fire went out.

As soon as the fire went out, the old man walked to the door. He seemed completely unaware of the danger just now. Without saying a word, he squatted down, first put the tray in his hand on the ground, and then reached in to get the tray inside.

Seeing his hand stretched out, Zhang Yu immediately grabbed his wrist and said, "I want to see the Great Protector!"

"Uh-huh." However, the old man didn't speak, he just made such a sound.

"You spoke, what are you calling for?" Zhang Yu said eagerly.

At the same time, Zhang Yu also put more strength on his hands.

The old man's body suddenly fell to the ground, and he just shouted anxiously, "Uh-huh."

But the young man suddenly said: "He seems to be mute, maybe he is deaf."

"Blind, dumb and deaf..." Zhang Yu couldn't help being surprised after hearing the young man's words.

Zhang Yu's hand pinched the old man's wrist, and he immediately pressed the old man's pulse. Then he discovered that the young man's guess was absolutely correct. The old man was really blind, dumb, and deaf. Not only that, he was also sure that the old man was just an ordinary person and not a cultivator at all.

" did you come here to deliver food? He is such a person..." Zhang Yu said with a frown.

"The Great Protector is meticulous in his work. It seems that he doesn't want anyone to discover that the real Master is hidden here. Therefore, there is no one guarding the corridor. There is only one person here to deliver food." The young man said helplessly.

"What should we do? This person is the only chance. Even if he is like this, we have to let him pass the news on." Zhang Yu said eagerly.

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