Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2602 Speculation

After listening to Zhang Yu's words, the young man couldn't help but nod his head and said, "Only in this way can everything go smoothly. When the man was digging the cave, he just wanted to dig through the Lingxi Cave, but he ended up digging through the cell. Of course, No matter how much you dig, it’s impossible to avoid deviations, that’s why it’s like this…”

Having said this, the young man turned and pointed at the hole that was only half a meter high.

Zhang Yu also turned around, looked at the hole, nodded and said, "It's just like this. When the man was digging, he must have dug at a height of one person, but when he dug here, he dug through it all at once. Below the cell. Since there is a gap, we will definitely find a way to get through it. The real master who is imprisoned here will definitely say hello to the other party, so it is like this now."

"The real headmaster was rescued, but as you said before, even if the real headmaster escapes, he does not have enough strength to shake the great protector, so he can only choose to endure it. It is best to let one person stay here and pretend to be the real headmaster. Proof." The young man said slowly: "After seeing us just now, the person obviously didn't know you and me, so he asked. My answer at the time was that we are both great protectors, and this person is After hearing this, he attacked you, which is evident from this. After you captured him, you asked him who he was, and he directly chose to commit suicide. From this, it should be obvious that this person may have mistakenly thought that he The thing about pretending to be the real headmaster was discovered, so I had no choice but to choose death."

"I think so too..." Zhang Yu nodded, and then said: "It's just that there is still some doubt here."

"What's the doubt?" the young man asked.

"It's the Great Protector!" Zhang Yu said seriously: "The Great Protector is blind, so it doesn't matter to him what a person looks like. He can completely determine who this person is through his eyes and ears. This If a person pretends to be a real leader, he may be able to hide it from others, but I believe that he will never be able to hide it from the Great Protector. But judging from the current situation, it seems that the Great Protector has not noticed."

"It is impossible for the Great Protector to come here every day. After so many years, it is estimated that all the torture methods that the Great Protector can use should have been used. The real leader has never said what the Great Protector wants, which means that he will never I won’t say. In the past few years, I may have come here often, but after that, I believe I will rarely come.” The young man said eloquently: “In addition, I also think that they are eager for the Great Protector to come over and expose this guy.”

"Why?" Zhang Yu asked smoothly.

"Think about it, there are piles of rocks down here, and there is also chun medicine hidden there. The great protector is a blind man, so he will definitely be hit by it. At that time, he is so weak that he can only wait for death." The young man said.

"If you want to be discovered, it's better not to leave the person behind. In this case, wouldn't it be discovered soon?" Zhang Yu said.

"This is different. If you want to take people away, the first people to be found will definitely be the people guarding here. The people guarding here will check on the one hand and report to the Great Protector on the other. In this way, it is estimated that the Great Protector will Before they can rush over, they will find the pile of stones below and move them. The person who died is not the Great Protector, but someone else. This is what the other party does not want to see. His deeds are exposed and they cannot kill him. Losing the Great Protector will let the Great Protector know that the real master has escaped. The Great Protector will definitely conduct a strict search, and maybe even this black market transaction will be cancelled." The young man said in an almost affirmative tone.

"It makes sense..." Zhang Yu nodded, and then said with some confusion: "Since the Great Protector knows that the real master will never hand over what he wants, why not just kill him. Although we are just acquaintances for the first time. The Great Protector, but in my eyes, the Great Protector is the kind of person who kills decisively. Although sometimes he chooses to be patient, it is the general trend and there is no way."

"The Great Protector was able to keep him. The first reason is that he was too confident and thought that no one could save the real leader from here. The second reason is that people are greedy most of the time. They are eager to appear even though they know it is impossible. That last bit of a turning point. The third thing is that the true master may have reached some agreement with the great protector." The young man said in a speculative tone.

"The agreement...what kind of agreement will they have...all the initiative lies in the hands of the Great Protector..." Zhang Yu said in confusion.

"The initiative is in the hands of the Great Protector, but what the True Master has in his hands is what the Great Protector must get. It is because of this that the True Master has the capital to negotiate with the Great Protector. The Great Protector Being able to keep the son of the real master and accept him as his disciple, if my guess is correct, the agreement should be with the son of the real master." The young man guessed again.

"I understand what you mean... If it were me, I might do the same thing... As long as the child can grow up and leave here, we can exchange it for what the Great Protector wants... Or, this It’s just a delaying tactic..." Zhang Yu said.

"It's entirely possible..." the young man said, looking at the big iron gate, and said: "Now that we are here, what do you think we should do?"

"What else can we do..." Zhang Yu smiled bitterly and said: "In this place, there is no good and evil at all, no good and evil at all. Our only goal is to leave here. There are plates on the ground, which shows that there will be people. Come here to deliver food... At this time, I believe that if you shout a few times, you will be heard... When the time comes, someone will find us and hand us over to the Great Protector..."

"But the two of us know too much... After knowing so much, I'm afraid the Great Protector won't let us leave here easily..." the young man said with a little worry.

"This..." Zhang Yu took a deep breath and felt embarrassed for a moment.

This is indeed the case. The two of them know too many secrets. After telling the Great Protector, what will the Great Protector do?

After thinking for a moment, Zhang Yu said: "Actually, no matter what, the first thing for you and me is to get out of here. The hole at the back is so high that it's impossible to go up... So, we can only go from here. , we can only alert the Great Protector..."

"That's true..." The young man also understood this truth. There was only one way, and going back was impossible.

"As for...after meeting...I think you and I should come up with a way to say it, and then show that we don't know much, so just let the Great Protector guess everything..." Zhang Yu said.

The young man nodded and said with deep understanding: "This is the only way. This is basically the only way... whether life or death, the fate is all in the hands of others..."

"From the moment the tsunami broke out, our fate was actually handed over to others..." Zhang Yu said helplessly.

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