Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2544 Laojun Palace

Zhang Yu, Zhang Yinling, a middle-aged man, a young man, an old man, a tall middle-aged man, eight people and one dog followed the man in blue robe all the way up the mountain.

In the heavy rain, they had become drowned rats, and finally reached the mountainside and came to a portal.

Zhang Yu was stunned when he saw this portal. The building here looked like a Taoist temple, with the words "Laojun Palace" written on it.

Zhang Yu couldn't help but secretly wonder what was going on. Could the owner of the black market still be a Taoist?

Inside the gate of the Taoist temple, there stood a man in white and six men in black. They didn't have umbrellas in their hands. They just stood in the rain, looking a bit prepared.

The man in blue robe took the lead in entering the door. The man in white robe and six men in black quickly bowed and saluted, "Supervisor."

Immediately afterwards, the man in white robe asked curiously: "They are..."

"The Great Protector asked me to bring them to stay temporarily." The man in blue robe said directly.

"That's it." The man in white robe immediately led others aside.

Zhang Yu followed the men in blue robes and entered. There were corridors on both sides of the wall inside the door. Under the corridors stood more than a dozen men in black and two men in white robes.

Obviously, today's events are already known here, so they are on strict alert to prevent a sneak attack.

Laojun's palace was obviously very large, and the man in blue robe led the eight of them into a small courtyard on the right side of the entrance. Along the way, you can occasionally see a few men in black patrolling, but more of them should be secret whistles, because Zhang Yu felt prying eyes one after another.

The yard is not big. There are three rooms in it. The main room is opposite and the wing rooms are on the left and right sides. The man in blue robe walked to the middle of the courtyard, turned around, looked at Zhang Yu and the other eight people, and said, "Everyone, please rest here tonight..."

He then pointed to the main room at the back, looked at Zhang Yu and said, "You four live here."

He then arranged for the old man and the tall middle-aged man to live in the wing on the left, while the two tall middle-aged people lived in the wing on the right.

Everyone had no objection and just nodded in agreement. The man in blue robe added: "You are all guests, and your clothes are all wet now. Please wait a moment, and I will ask someone to prepare clean clothes for you. If you need anything else, you can tell me now."

"No." "No." Both the old man and the tall middle-aged man said.

But the little girl Zhang Yinling said: "I'm...hungry..."

"No problem, I'll have someone come to bring you food later." The man in blue robe said politely: "Okay, everyone, please go to your room and rest first."

After saying this, he walked out of the courtyard.

The eight people watched his leaving figure together. When he left the yard, they nodded politely to each other and walked towards their rooms.

Zhang Yu and the four of them lived in the main room in the middle. After entering the door, there was a switch next to it. Turning on the lights, you could clearly see that there was a main room inside, with a room on the left and right sides. There are tables, chairs, sofas, and bathrooms in the main room, but there are no household appliances.

The four people were all wet, and even the big black dog was covered in water, with its fur completely attached to its body.

Zhang Yu made an inviting gesture to the middle-aged man and young man, and said: "We are in the same boat now, why not discuss what to do next."

"That's exactly what I meant." The middle-aged man nodded and said.

The four people sat down at the table. First, the young man said: "We are also unlucky to encounter such a thing..."

Having said this, he looked at Zhang Yu and said: "Brother, you are blessed with great fortune, but you are a blessing in disguise... I don't know if it is a disaster or a blessing after this... But I always feel that the people in the black market are probably missing. We must be allowed to leave..."

"How do you say this?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Because I think that the great protector doesn't seem to want to detoxify those people in the heart of the mountain. If this is the case, when their matter is resolved, I am afraid they will kill us all." The young man said seriously.

"This..." Zhang Yu took a breath and said, "This seems very possible... If those people can't leave, they naturally won't let a few of us leave..."

"But... we just had the chance to kill the Great Protector. Not only did we not kill him, we also gave him the antidote... He was absolutely sure that we were not the same group as those people... Moreover, we can still save their lives. Where's the grace..." Zhang Yinling said.

"For these people, that little favor is nothing... They will not blink an eye if they kill us when necessary... Our destiny is basically in the control of others..." The middle-aged man said helplessly.

"This matter cannot be completely concluded at the moment. Although the Great Protector has murderous intentions, he also has worries... So I think we can wait... Even if they want to kill us, I don't think they will do it right away. , you always need to deal with your opponent first..." Zhang Yu said.

"It's basically like this... The cultivation of this great protector is unfathomable. After I was poisoned, I felt so weak that I couldn't even stand up... But he still had the strength to kill those two people, and he was extremely ruthless. ...In addition, there is the man in purple robe, whose cultivation is probably not under the Great Protector... It is absolutely certain that any one of them can kill us all..." the middle-aged man said .

"Destiny..." Zhang Yu suddenly smiled confidently and said, "I can't say that. I believe that I am very lucky. We will definitely be able to leave here. Two hours ago, I was still a mortal man, but the result turned out to be a dark one. I accidentally saved my life..."

"Yes." Zhang Yinling nodded and said, "We will be lucky if we survive the disaster!"

As he was talking, footsteps sounded outside.

The four people immediately shut up, and soon heard a knock on the door, "Dang Dang Dang..."

"I'll open the door." Zhang Yu stood up, walked behind the door in a few steps, and opened the door.

There were two men in black standing outside the door, both holding umbrellas. One was holding a suitcase in one hand, and the other was holding a large food box.

"These are clothes and food prepared for a few of them." A man in black said.

"Thank you." Zhang Yu reached out and took the food box and suitcase.

The two men turned around and left without talking nonsense. Zhang Yu carried the suitcase and food box in, put the food box on the table, and put the box aside. Then he went over to close the door and locked it.

The little girl was obviously hungry and said impatiently: "Let's eat."

She started to open the food box, and there was a lot of food inside, including a large plate of steamed buns, a large plate of soy sauce beef, and a large plate of spicy cabbage. These things are enough for four people, but I'm afraid they won't be able to eat them all.

The four of them were a little hungry after struggling like this, so they simply picked up the steamed buns and chopsticks and started eating. The middle-aged man and the young man ate very little, even less than the little girl. However, Zhang Yu, who had recovered from the poison, was in a good mood and had a good appetite, and actually ate four steamed buns.

Then, they divided the clothes in the suitcase twice, there were eight sets in total, four sets on each side, and then went back to their rooms.

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