Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2543 Compromise

Everyone's eyes fell on the Great Protector. The Great Protector's face was cold, but it could be seen that he was thinking.

The life and death of the guests in the cave depended entirely on his thoughts.

This is a crucial decision, and if you think about it in another person's shoes, many people will be in a dilemma. Because now the black market has suffered heavy losses, and with so many people drowned by the tsunami, its strength must be greatly reduced. Before this, they had the power to control everyone on the island, but that is not the case now.

These people may not necessarily help the black market. After all, in this case, everyone has their own thoughts. Add in that hidden opponent and anything can happen.

On the contrary, if these people are allowed to die, the black market only needs to face this hidden opponent, and the trouble will be much less.

Of course, there should be some important people among those who were poisoned in the cave, just like the old man and the tall middle-aged man. If you can't go back, it will cause a lot of trouble for the black market in the future.

The current troubles and future troubles are indeed a headache.

The man in purple robe remained silent and kept looking at the Great Protector. It seemed that the Great Protector was completely in charge of this matter.

Finally, the Great Protector took action. He pointed to a man in blue robe and said, "Take these six guests up the mountain to rest and settle down."

"Yes." The man in blue robe agreed immediately. He then made an invitation gesture to the old man, the tall middle-aged man, Zhang Yu and others, and said, "Please follow me."

Although Zhang Yu and others did not know how the Great Protector made his decision, it was obvious that they did not intend to let them know this decision.

Zhang Yu and the four of them naturally had no objections, nodded, and were about to leave. But the old man hurriedly raised his hand to the Great Protector and said respectfully: "Great Protector, I have another subordinate here. I don't know if I can..."

The Great Protector nodded, took out the medicine bottle from his arms, threw it directly to the old man, and said: "You two go in and bring your people out."

"Thank you, Great Protector." "Thank you, Great Protector." The old man and the tall man immediately said gratefully.

The two of them immediately walked quickly into the cave.

Obviously, through this action of the Great Protector, it is not difficult to see that in the Great Protector's heart, he is already inclined to let all the poisoned guests in the cave die.

After a while, four people came out of the cave. It was the old man and the tall middle-aged man. Each of these two people brought out one person and each carried a box.

The four of them, plus the four people and one dog on Zhang Yu's side, followed the blue-robed man towards the mountain.

Seeing them disappear into the darkness, the red-robed man Tan Fuyang on the side took a step closer to the Great Protector and said in a very low voice: "Brother, we really want all those people to die... In this case, after the black market, There is no need to open the business... maybe there will be even bigger troubles in the future..."

"How many of the chief stewards and stewards are left on the island?" the great protector asked in return.

"I'm not sure about this." Tan Fuyang lowered his head and said.

But the man in purple robe said: "There should be four chief stewards left, and there are less than twenty stewards."

"There are only a few people left..." the Great Protector said quietly: "People's hearts are unpredictable! Your destiny must be in your own hands and must not be left to others..."

This sentence is very clear.

This is the decision made by the Great Protector after assessing his strength.

Obviously, the Great Protector has been able to determine that with their current strength on the island, they cannot control the guests in the cave. Although these guests may not really dare to take action with the black market, but as he said, "people's hearts are unpredictable."

Those who dare to commit crimes on the island must have considerable strength. If they fight head-on, the black market may win, but if they win, they may suffer heavy losses. In this case, these guests on the island become the protagonists. Similarly, the fate of the black market will also fall into the hands of these people, which is something that the Great Protector will never allow.

"Brother, do you want to think about it?" The man in purple robe also said: "If these people are dead, we will no longer need to operate in the black market."

"It will indeed be important in the future, but the present is more important." The Great Protector said very forcefully: "Everyone knows that our black market has been operating for so many years and has everything. Although the black market mall is flooded, there are still many things. Now we are being given Since our opponent has the guts to come here, he must be certain. In this case, we have no absolute chance of winning. You don't expect these people in the cave to help us, even if If they agree to help, I'm afraid they will demand a very high price. If we join forces and sit on the sidelines, we will definitely have our hands tied. Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, we can only let them die."

"Brother, can't you think of a solution that has both ends? For example, imprison them first. After the matter is resolved, release them, give them a good explanation, and give them some benefits as compensation." Tan Fuyang suggested. .

"This can be regarded as a compromise." The man in green robe who stood on the side of the Great Protector said.

"There is some truth in what he said..." The Great Protector nodded slightly, thought for a while, and said: "But you can't say that...Junior Brother Gao, go down now and see how the detoxification is going. Is it the Nine-leaf Golden Lotus and Tiankui?" The pill can completely detoxify the poison. If possible, tell Junior Brother Wei and tell these people that the Tiankui Pill is gone and it takes time to refine it. Only the Nine-leaf Golden Lotus is left. Let them take the Nine-leaf Golden Lotus. It's good to save their lives for the time being... They are missing Tian Kuidan. With their cultivation, they can barely save their lives. They might not even be able to get off the ground... After taking them to the mountain, they will look at the people and wait for the matter to be resolved. Give them Tiankuidan... In this case, it is not considered disrespectful, and they might even be grateful to us..."

"Senior brother is really smart. This move really kills two birds with one stone." Tan Fuyang said.

Junior Brother Gao, a man in green robe, named Gao Yusheng, immediately said: "Okay, I'll go down and take a look."

After saying that, he quickly ran towards the cave.

It has to be said that the Great Protector's ability is indeed remarkable. The Nine-leaf Golden Lotus and Tiankui Pill he mentioned can detoxify the poison. The people in the black market below slowly began to recover after taking it. It's just that these two drugs are not as effective as Zhang Yu's Baicao Jiedu Pills.

After Gao Yusheng went down, he was sure that the medicine could detoxify, so he pulled Wei Jianlin aside and explained what the Great Protector meant. Wei Jianlin also thinks it is feasible, and since there are indeed too many people in the belly of the mountain, this statement is indeed true.

Therefore, Wei Jianlin hid Tiankuidan and said helplessly that Tiankuidan was gone. Our black market enemy must save our own people first. Please forgive me. However, taking Nine-leaf Golden Lotus can also save your life. We will step up our efforts to refine Tiankui Dan to detoxify everyone.

For these people, especially in this situation, as long as they can save their lives, they don't dare to say anything, and everyone is still grateful.

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