Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2486 Jaw-dropping

The second floor and the first floor are both large, and there are naturally many counters, which makes people’s eyes dazzled.

Zhang Yu looked at the man next to him and said, "Brother, can you tell me what kind of medicines are sold at the counter here. As you know, I came here mainly to find medicines."

"No problem." The man nodded immediately, and then pointed forward: "The eight counters in front of us, on the left, are all filled with medicinal materials. Ginseng, deer antler, Ganoderma lucidum, bear bile and other precious medicinal materials are all available. Bag."

After hearing this, the little girl couldn't help curling her lips and said: "These medicinal materials seem to be available in China..."

"There are some in China, but real wild ginseng is never seen on the market. They are all in the hands of the powerful, or some big sects may have some, but there are absolutely none that can be sold. We have a black market There are not many of these things, and after they are bought, they are gone. Of course, in terms of price, they must be particularly high. After all... Although there are few thunder split peach trees, experts can still find ways to cultivate them, but there are too many What's the problem...Really precious medicinal materials can't be cultivated by just cultivating them. They are born from the earth and nurtured by nature. They may have been poached by others before they take shape..." the man said quite proudly. .

Zhang Yu nodded. He also understood this truth. There were no truly precious medicinal materials on the market.

Just like the last time Master Yuan from the White Eyebrow Palace gave Zhang Yu a bottle of Miaomiao Powder, Sun Zhaoyi could basically distinguish some of the medicines in it, but the most important medicine in it was the snow ginseng that was hundreds of years old. There is no such thing on the market. Only major sects can have some stocks, and it is impossible to sell it. Even if some places occasionally get this kind of thing, I am afraid that once the news gets out, it will immediately fall into the hands of the big guys. Therefore, no matter how rich you are in China, you cannot buy it.

The man continued: "The six counters on the right side in front sell finished medicines, mainly medicines from various major sects in the country. Some are for improving Qi, some for temporary life-saving, and some for detoxification."

Having said this, the man paused, and then continued: "The six counters further back mainly sell poisons and antidotes... By the way, don't you want to buy antidotes? I think you can go there and have a look. If there is, it will save trouble... We always clearly mark the prices in the black market, and we will never raise prices just because someone is in urgent need..."

"Don't worry, let's take a walk first..." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

Although he was indeed anxious, he had to act calmly.

"That's fine, I'll continue to introduce it to you..." The man continued: "Behind the poison and antidote counter, there are some messy drugs for sale... Some are some poisons, some are some lowering heads, and even some Aphrodisiacs, aphrodisiacs, etc... Of course, there are all kinds of people who come to our black market, everyone gets what they need..."

Zhang Yu nodded and said to himself, this place is really a hodgepodge. But yes, its name is black market, so naturally it cannot be an aboveboard place.

Likewise, the people who come here are not just heretics, there are definitely people from well-known and decent families among them. Maybe there are even people from Tianshi Mansion.

This is just Zhang Yu's guess, and it definitely cannot be said.

Zhang Yu said: "Is that all? Is there anything else?"

"There are four counters at the back, all of which are drug identification areas... If someone comes with medicines, they must be specially identified first to confirm the authenticity and value of the medicinal materials..." Hanzi said.

"I see, you are really well prepared here." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"Of course." The man grinned widely.

Zhang Yu immediately said: "Then let's take a look at the medicinal materials area first."

"Please." The man made a gesture of invitation towards Zhang Yu.

The counter here on the second floor is also the kind of counter that forms a circle. It is said to be one counter, but in fact, more than thirty small counters are needed to make up this circle. Inside the counter, there were cabinets and sixteen women wearing cheongsam standing among them.

Zhang Yu and others came to the counter to watch. The counter they came to was full of ginseng, and they were all wild ginseng. Usually in China, wild ginseng can no longer be seen, and the so-called wild ginseng is almost all fake. However, it is said that the effects of forest ginseng and stone pillar ginseng are similar to those of wild ginseng. But that is to say, after all, the real wild ginseng can no longer be seen.

The wild ginseng here is an absolute treasure, and the worst one is sixty years old. Further up, there are 100-year-old ginseng, 120-year-old ginseng, 150-year-old ginseng, and the best ginseng can be 360 ​​years old. Zhang Yu is absolutely knowledgeable. Seeing these 360-year-old wild ginseng, Zhang Yu couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

He asked: "How much is this 360-year-old wild ginseng tree worth?"

"One thousand yuan." The woman in cheongsam replied directly.

"One thousand yuan..." Zhang Yu was a little confused and said in surprise: "The piece of gold and copper downstairs is only worth two hundred yuan. Why is this wild ginseng so expensive..."

"The reason is very simple. Although things like gold and copper are rare, they do exist after all. After being made into a magic weapon, it can still be melted if it really doesn't work. And these three hundred and sixty-year-old wild ginseng will disappear after eating it. ...The current situation in the country is no longer enough to produce wild ginseng, let alone one that is 360 years old...So, at this price, it is not expensive at all..." said the woman in cheongsam.

Zhang Yu nodded and said to himself that this was indeed the case. After all, what you eat and what you use are two different things. The magic weapon is basically indestructible, and the ginseng will be gone after you eat it.

Zhang Yu was on the counter again and continued to wander around. Then he saw the snow ginseng again. Snow ginseng is available in all ages. The best snow ginseng is four hundred years old. Zhang Yu asked about the price and found that it cost 1,500 pieces of thunder-cracked peach wood.

Looking at the four-hundred-year-old snow ginseng, Zhang Yu felt itchy in his heart. You must know that such a snow ginseng can make many wonderful powders. It may even be possible to make more drugs. However, what is the concept of one thousand five hundred pieces of thunder-struck peach wood?

Zhang Yu looked around the counter again, which made him feel more and more itchy. In addition to snow ginseng, there is also better blood ginseng. This blood ginseng is not the domestic kind of salvia, nor is it processed red ginseng. It is blood-colored, extremely rare, and is a variant of wild ginseng.

The entire circle of counters were filled with ginseng of all kinds, which made Zhang Yu confused.

After looking at the ginseng counter, he went to look at other medicinal materials. Almost all kinds of expensive medicinal materials were on the shelves, and the prices were equally high. After looking at all the medicinal materials counter, Zhang Yu went to look at the patent medicine counter.

At the finished medicine counter, Zhang Yu was even more confused. Because here, there are actually medicines from various sects, and even the Miaomiao Powder that Master Yuan gave him before is also on the shelves. However, Quanzhen Life-Saving Pills like Quanzhen Sect’s are not on the shelves. It seems that the Quanzhen Sect's most precious medicine cannot be obtained on the black market.

Even so, it was enough to make Zhang Yu and Zhang Yinling stunned. Because many of the medicines from their Tianshi Mansion are also on the display cabinets.

At this moment, Zhang Yu suddenly heard an old voice shouting, "The antidote to the seven-star and seven-flower poison... There is actually the antidote to the seven-star and seven-flower poison here... My son... Why did I come here now?" here……"

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