"The iron and iron are here, they are just ordinary materials. I will take you to continue shopping." The man said with a smile.

But there was a hint of pride in his voice.

Zhang Yu, Zhang Yinling, and Dahei continued to walk forward with the man, and soon reached a counter.

Inside this counter, there are black iron blocks.

The cheongsam woman took out the iron block, and Zhang Yu picked it up and observed it. The iron block was the same size as a piece of iron, but it could be handled a little lighter, weighing about seven or eight pounds.

He knew that this piece of iron was called black iron. On top of the black iron, it exuded spiritual energy and a trace of evil spirit, which looked very strange.

However, Zhang Yu instantly realized that this piece of black iron was very similar to his pair of black scissors.

"It turns out that black scissors are made from this..." Zhang Yu muttered in his heart.

He then looked at the man and said, "How many pieces of thunder-cracked peach wood is this piece of black iron worth?"

At this moment, Zhang Yu already had an understanding of commodity prices, and everything was measured using thunder-struck peach wood as the base currency.

"Black iron is more valuable than the iron you see. A piece of black iron is worth thirty pieces of thunder-cracked peach wood." The man said.

Zhang Yu nodded slightly, this thing is indeed worth the price. If you use it to refine your own black scissors, since the scissors can be enlarged and shrunk, you can probably refine one. But this pair of black scissors is so valuable.

Zhang Yu continued: "It's really a good thing. Let's continue to take a look."

"Follow me." The man smiled and made an invitation gesture.

They continued walking towards the front counter. There were not many black iron stone counters. After passing this area, they came to a counter with gold nuggets.

Walking to the counter, Zhang Yu said: "This is...gold..."

"No, this is gold and copper..." the cheongsam woman standing at the counter answered.

Zhang Yu was now familiar with it and said, "Can you take it out and show it to me?"

"No problem." The cheongsam woman said and took out the gold nugget inside.

Zhang Yu picked up the gold and copper and immediately discovered that such a ten centimeter square piece weighed at least fifteen kilograms. It really doesn't look like gold.

Similarly, the gold and copper also exuded spiritual energy, and the intensity of the spiritual energy was completely higher than that of the iron and black iron we had just seen. Other lightning-cleaved wood and the like cannot be compared to it.

Zhang Yu vaguely remembered one thing, that is, he once heard Sun Zhaoyi say that in the Quanzhen Sect there is a magical weapon called Phoenix Tail Scissors, which is very similar to his own black scissors. The whole body of the phoenix tail scissors is gold, so it seems that this is the material of the phoenix tail scissors.

Zhang Yu asked: "I wonder how much this piece of gold and copper is worth?"

"Two hundred yuan." The cheongsam woman at the counter replied.

"Two hundred yuan..." After hearing this number, Zhang Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

Good guy, this gap is too big.

Zhang Yu couldn't help but said: "Although this piece of gold and copper is richer in spiritual energy than the iron, it is not that many times stronger. The price gap is too big."

The cheongsam woman smiled and said: "You are also a cultivator, so you should understand the truth. If you are a master of the same cultivation level, the winner is the magic weapon... Although the aura on gold and copper is not several times that on iron. , but if both sides are made into magic weapons and used by masters of the same level, the gold and bronze magic weapons will definitely knock down the iron magic weapons and achieve the final victory... The outcome of the victory or defeat is likely to be a life. ...So, it is naturally worth the price..."

After hearing what the woman said, Zhang Yu couldn't help but nod, it was indeed the case. In the duel between masters, in addition to their own cultivation, they also rely on magic weapons. Just think about it, if you don't have the Seven-Star Sword, you probably won't even be qualified to fight against Lord Viper.

Of course, in the face of absolute strength, just like when he faced Charles, any magic weapon would probably be useless.

The cheongsam woman added at this moment: "The value of gold and copper does not only lie in this, but because it is much rarer than iron."

"That's true." Zhang Yu nodded again, thinking to himself that it would be great if he could get such a piece of gold and copper.

The magic weapon made of gold and copper can definitely take your strength to the next level.

However, this thought passed away in a flash. None of the magical instruments I brought seemed to be better than gold and copper. Besides, the purpose of my visit this time is to change the medicine to save life, and I don't have the energy to get anything to change it again.

The man took Zhang Yu to the counter at the back. This counter contained purple gold, which was the same as the purple gold cauldron he saw at Zhenjun Viper's place.

The weight of purple gold is lighter than that of gold and copper. A ten centimeter square piece of purple gold weighs about ten kilograms. The purple gold is full of spiritual energy and evil energy, which is quite different from the purple gold cauldron of Lord Viper. The purple golden cauldron of Lord Viper was just filled with strong evil energy.

Zhang Yu also asked about the price. The price of purple gold was the same as that of gold and copper, which were two hundred pieces of lightning peach wood. Zhang Yu couldn't help but regretted that he would have brought True Lord Viper's Purple Gold Cauldron if he had known earlier. It’s just that the Purple Gold Cauldron was a bit heavy, and I couldn’t take it with me at that time. Later, when I went to Xia Yuechan’s house, I told Meng Xinger and asked her to go and move the two cauldrons belonging to True Lord Viper. return.

After the Zijin counter, there is nothing else.

Zhang Yu looked at the man and said, "That's all on the first floor, nothing else..."

"Other things need to go to the second floor..." The man said: "On the first floor, there are the most outstanding weapon refining materials. On the second floor, there are some rare medicinal materials and prepared medicines..."

"There is also medicine..." After hearing this, Zhang Yu's mind moved. His goal was to find the antidote to Nine Snake Venom. If he just left on the second floor, it would save him a lot of effort.

Zhang Yu said directly: "Then let's go to the second floor and have a look."

"No problem." The man nodded and said.

At that moment, Zhang Yu, the three of them and Dahei walked upstairs together.

They went up the stairs, and just in front of them were three people walking. Among the three people, the one walking in front was a man in black. Needless to say, he was naturally from the black market. Behind the man were two men in black clothes. When they heard the footsteps behind them, they turned their heads and looked over.

Zhang Yu raised his head and walked upwards, and saw clearly the faces of the two people who turned around. One is a middle-aged man and the other is a young man. Zhang Yu knew well that in this place, people's appearance could not be judged accurately.

The middle-aged man didn't care when he saw them, but the young man couldn't help but have a trace of doubt in his eyes when he saw Zhang Yu's big black dog. But the young man didn't say anything, and then turned back and continued walking upward.

I climbed up to the second floor twice and saw that there were also mahogany counters. Someone had already come up before them and was inquiring at the counter.

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