Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2451 Prescription

Zhang Yu waited until he could no longer see Song Feng's leaving figure, then turned around and walked towards the back door of the Taoist temple. When they were almost there, they saw that the door had opened and Ouyang Yanyan was standing at the door waiting.

Zhang Yu and Song Feng were talking outside just now, and it was impossible for people in the yard not to hear them.

As soon as Ouyang Yanyan saw Zhang Yu's figure appeared, she quickly rushed towards him and said with concern: "You are here...has something happened..."

When she came to Zhang Yu, she immediately noticed that Zhang Yu's face looked wrong and said nervously: "What's wrong with you? Could it be that you were poisoned..."

Ouyang Yanyan's vision is quite good. He was the boss behind the Ocean Entertainment City back then, and now he is studying art with Sun Zhaoyi, so his vision is naturally different.

Zhang Yu knew that he could not hide it from Ouyang Yanyan, so he said: "It is true that he was poisoned, but he should be fine. I will go find the Grand Master now..."

"I'll help you..." Ouyang Yanyan immediately held Zhang Yu's arm, and the two of them walked into the small courtyard together.

In the courtyard, Pan Sheng, Mr. Pan and Ye Linglong were standing not far from the courtyard gate and watching. Seeing Zhang Yu come in, the three of them also said with concern: "Abbott, are you okay?" "Xiao Yu, are you okay?" "Zhang, Zhang Yu, you... what's wrong with you..."

Ye Linglong also didn't know how to address Zhang Yu. After all, her sons were both Zhang Yu's uncles.

A young man's voice also rang out, "Master... are you okay... Why does your face look so dark... Could it be that you have been poisoned..."

This young man is naturally a camphor tree. This guy has been practicing for a long time, so he naturally has a certain vision.

The white rabbit and the golden-scaled turtle were squatting under the tree, and these two little guys were also staring at the courtyard door.

"Ah? Poisoned... The abbot's nephew... this, this, this..." Pan Sheng ran over quickly.

"Xiao Yu..." Mr. Pan also became anxious and rushed over.

"What kind of poison is it... Is it serious..." Ye Linglong also ran up worriedly.

Several people quickly surrounded Zhang Yu.

At this moment, a woman's kind voice rang out, "Don't make a fuss... Just do what you have to do... Ask the abbot to come to my room alone..."

This was naturally Sun Zhaoyi's voice. She was not here, but her voice seemed to be around several people.

"Yes, Master." "Yes, Master." "Yes." Several people agreed quickly, but Ouyang Yanyan still helped Zhang Yu to the door of Sun Zhaoyi's room.

Because Sun Zhaoyi only let Zhang Yu go in alone, Ouyang Yanyan did not dare to go in on her own even though she cared about Zhang Yu and wanted to follow him in to learn about Zhang Yu's specific situation.

She stopped at the door and watched Zhang Yu walk into the room alone.

Zhang Yu entered the room and Sun Zhaoyi was sitting cross-legged on the kang alone. Zhang Yu immediately greeted him, "Uncle Grand Master..."

Sun Zhaoyi nodded slightly and said respectfully: "A gift to the Sect Master... Sect Master, please give me your hand..."

"Okay." Zhang Yu hurriedly stretched his right arm in front of Sun Zhaoyi.

Sun Zhaoyi grabbed Zhang Yu's veins, and after a moment, he frowned, "It seems to be snake venom... And the toxins are different, there are nine kinds... and they are used with magic weapons, how could it be like this... Sect Master, Who is it that uses strong Qi to help you protect your heart... It's so dangerous, so dangerous..."

It has to be said that even if Sun Zhaoyi is blind, he is more reliable than ordinary people with eyes.

Sun Zhaoyi had already determined Zhang Yu's symptoms without Zhang Yu having to say it himself. That's right, if it weren't for Xi Hongzi's powerful Qi to help Zhang Yu protect his heart, it would have been impossible for Zhang Yu to come back here to see Sun Zhaoyi.

"Uncle Taishi, the situation is like this..." Zhang Yu did not hide anything from Sun Zhaoyi, and immediately told him exactly what happened when he tracked Mr. Han and had a fight to the death with Mr. Han in the basement of Yangchun Guansi Hall. He finally added: "Senior Xihongzi said that my disciple's time is running out. I wonder if Uncle Taishi can do anything..."

"These nine kinds of snake venom are really overbearing. You are extremely lucky to have survived on the spot. Even if you have the Chongyang Palace's sacred medicine Chongyang Life-Saving Pill, it is difficult to treat the patient... I don't know if it can be cured... I don't know. Be sure..." Sun Zhaoyi said slowly, but his brows were furrowed.

She was obviously thinking about a method, and Zhang Yu naturally knew that his poison was indeed difficult to cure, at least there was nothing he could do. Perhaps, this is the so-called ability to heal but not self-medication.

Sun Zhaoyi's cultivation level is very high, but Sun Zhaoyi probably won't be able to come up with any good ideas all at once.

After about five minutes, Sun Zhaoyi suddenly said: "Yanyan, go and get two liang of hydatidia, three liang of Polygonum cuspidatum, one or two and five liang of Xu Changqing, half a catty of honeysuckle, half a catty of dandelion, half a catty of wild chrysanthemum, and four liang of mung bean." Two, two, two, and five of Plantago, two liang of Nine-Headed Lion Grass, and one liang of Ghost Needle Grass.”

Ouyang Yanyan and others stood anxiously outside the door, and Sun Zhaoyi's voice still sounded in everyone's ears.

When Ouyang Yanyan saw the master writing the prescription, she quickly agreed, "Yes, master."

After saying that, she ran towards the pharmacy.

Zhang Yu in the room still understood the prescription prescribed by Sun Zhaoyi. These drugs are all used to treat snake venom, but they may not be effective.

Immediately afterwards, I heard Sun Zhaoyi say: "Ye Linglong, I want you to borrow five coins of the blood of the golden-scaled turtle. I don't know if I can."

When Ye Linglong heard that there was something about her, she hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said: "No problem... As long as Zhang Yu can be saved, everything will be easy..."

She also understood that although the golden-scaled turtle used to belong to their Ziyan Palace, without Zhang Yu, there would be no way to get this thing back. Now the golden-scaled turtle is used to save Zhang Yu's life. As long as the golden-scaled turtle does not die, everything will be easy.

Of course, Ye Linglong also knew in her heart that even if she objected, it would be ineffective. Based on Sun Zhaoyi's ability, he would probably stew the golden-scaled turtle and kill Zhang Yu, and he would have to watch.

If you discuss it with her, it will give her face.

"Rabbit, you and the golden-scaled turtle come in..." Sun Zhaoyi's voice followed.

These two little guys seemed to be able to understand Sun Zhaoyi's words. The big white rabbit lying on the ground suddenly jumped on the golden-scaled turtle, and the golden-scaled turtle walked slowly towards Sun Zhaoyi's room.

When I came to the door of the room, I didn't need anyone to help open the door. The door opened by itself. When the two little guys entered, the door closed by itself.

After a while, Ouyang Yanyan gathered all the medicinal materials Sun Zhaoyi mentioned, packed them in a medicine box, and came to Sun Zhaoyi's room.

When she came in, Sun Zhaoyi and Zhang Yu were both sitting on the kang, and the golden-scaled turtle and the white rabbit were also on the kang. They seemed to be somewhat of a formidable enemy, which made her a little nervous.

Ouyang Yanyan dragged the medicine box and said, "Master, everything is ready."

Sun Zhaoyi nodded slightly and said, "You go out and prepare water now. There is no need to boil it. Ask Pan Sheng to bring in the big wooden barrel from the pharmacy and fill it with water."

"Yes, Master."

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