Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2450 Love and justice

After listening to Zhang Yu's story, Song Feng waited for a while before saying: "It's's looks like really scared me to death..."

"Don't worry, the injuries on my body are not serious... The main reason is that I haven't had much rest in the past few days, so my face is a little ugly... I will go back to the Taoist Temple later and have a good rest..." Zhang Yu said.

"That's good..." Song Feng nodded and continued: "Mr. Han is dead now, but from what you said, it seems that the matter is not over yet... Behind this, just as Director Chu expected, it is really There is a mastermind..."

"Who exactly is this person? I'm afraid it will be difficult to find out for a while..." Zhang Yu shook his head helplessly.

"Then look, do you want to call Director Chu to inform Director Chu about the current matter..." Song Feng said.

Zhang Yu nodded and said, "Tell him..."

Song Feng turned on the Bluetooth on the car and dialed Chu Zhenhuan's phone number.

When the call was connected, he first exchanged a few polite words with Chu Zhenhuan, and then truthfully relayed what Zhang Yu told him.

After hearing this, Chu Zhenhuan couldn't help being surprised. He quickly asked about Zhang Yu's situation and even asked Zhang Yu to call him to express his condolences. Naturally, Zhang Yu would not tell his true situation, only saying that he was fine.

He is such a person. No matter how big the difficulties he encounters, he will find a way to solve them by himself and bear everything by himself. He was unwilling to tell his relatives and friends about these things, lest the people who cared about him would worry about him.

After hanging up the phone, the car continued to move forward. Zhang Yu closed his eyes. He was really too tired. As soon as his eyes closed, he fell asleep.

He didn't know how long it took before he felt someone push his shoulder and Song Feng's voice said, "Brother, we're here."

Zhang Yu slowly opened his eyes, and sure enough, he had arrived at the foot of Guangming Mountain.

"We're here..." Zhang Yu's voice was a little hoarse.

"Let's get off the car... I see that you are very tired. When you fall asleep, you are snoring loudly, and I don't want to wake you up... You see, otherwise, you can ask a few apprentices to come down, and we will carry you up together. ..." Song Feng said with concern.

"No...I'm fine..." Zhang Yu deliberately stretched and said with a smile: "It's just a minor injury, no need to bother... Let's get out of the car and go up the mountain..."

After saying that, Zhang Yu opened the car door and walked out.

Song Feng also opened the door and got out of the car, and the two of them walked towards Guangming Mountain together.

There are main and small roads going up the mountain. If you take the main road, you will definitely be seen. Zhang Yu didn't want anyone to see his injured appearance, so he simply took a side road.

The place where Wudang Taoist Temple is located is not very low to begin with. It takes some effort to go up on the right road, let alone a small path.

Zhang Yu is no longer the Zhang Yu he used to be. He is now unable to raise his Qi, let alone use the Divine Walking Vest. He is almost the same as an ordinary person, and even a little inferior to ordinary people. He was too tired after being poisoned too deeply and not getting much rest.

After not walking far, Zhang Yu could no longer walk. He held on to the tree with one hand and kept breathing heavily.

Song Feng saw something was wrong at first glance. Zhang Yu was so capable, how could he be like this after walking for such a while.

He quickly said with concern: "Brother, are you seriously injured? Are you okay..."

"I'm fine... I just didn't get a good rest..." Zhang Yu said with heavy breaths.

"Then I'll carry you..." Song Feng immediately came to Zhang Yu, turned his back towards Zhang Yu, and squatted down.

Zhang Yu really never had anyone carry him on his back, that is, his own father did it when he was a child. At this moment, he also knew his situation, he really couldn't walk.

"Thank you, Brother Song..." Zhang Yu rode directly on Song Feng's back. He was not light, weighing more than 140 kilograms. After all, he had enough food to eat.

Song Feng carried Zhang Yu on his back and continued walking towards the mountain. It would definitely not be difficult for him to walk by himself. But carrying Zhang Yu on his back was obviously a bit strenuous. After walking for a while, he started to breathe heavily due to fatigue.

"Let's take a break." Zhang Yu could feel that Song Feng was struggling.

"I'm fine, I'm in good health... Let's go up quickly. When we get to the place, you can have a good rest..." Song Feng said carelessly.

However, he was also quite puzzled and didn't understand why Zhang Yu chose to take this difficult path instead of taking the right path.

But he estimated that Zhang Yu must have a reason for doing this. He even vaguely realized that Zhang Yu's injuries might not be as minor as he said.

Finally, we came all the way to the backyard of the Taoist temple. Zhang Yu got off Song Feng's back and said, "Thank you, Brother Song. We're here."

"'s good to be here..." Song Feng gasped.

"Let's..." Zhang Yu originally wanted to say 'let's' go in and have a rest, but then he thought about it and it wasn't appropriate. This place is full of weirdos. Normally, Wang Jie, who knows the inside story, can come in, but no one else, even Zhang Yu's disciples, are allowed in.

Now it is somewhat inappropriate to bring Song Feng in without the permission of Grand Master Uncle.

Although Song Feng is a good buddy, there are some things that are better not known than known.

Zhang Yu thought for a while and said: "Brother, this is the forbidden area behind the Taoist temple. One of my elders lives inside. This elder is a weirdo. I can't just bring people in without his permission. I think it's necessary Otherwise, I'll make a call and have someone come pick you up, go to the temple to rest and have some food..."

Song Feng could already see that Zhang Yu's injuries were serious. He couldn't walk. His face was so dark, it was definitely not a minor injury. If you are really tired, your face should not look like this.

He also figured out that if Zhang Yu didn't go through the main entrance, he must be here to heal his wounds. At the same time, he also knew that Zhang Yu was really like A Luo. He took care of everything by himself. He didn't like to implicate others, and he didn't want others to worry.

Song Feng nodded and said sincerely: "Brother... I'm in good health, so I won't go in and sit down... It's getting late. I'm going down the mountain now. I'm afraid there's something else going on in the patrol room... By the way, you must Have a good rest...If anything happens, call me...Although you, my brother, don't have much ability, as long as I can do it, I will do it...Don't be afraid of troublesome people..."

Speaking of this, Song Feng shed tears unconsciously.

At this moment, he really regarded Zhang Yu as A Luo.

Zhang Yu was moved for a moment and could completely hear Song Feng's sincerity. He could also feel that Song Feng might have discovered that his injuries were serious.

Zhang Yu smiled and said cheerfully: "Brother, what are you doing with me? Why are you still bleeding like a man? I'm fine. Let's have a good drink after I get some rest..."

"Okay! When you get better, let's get drunk and stop!" Song Feng said with a grin.

In this way, Zhang Yu sent Song Feng off to the mountain road where he came from. Song Feng also knew that he couldn't walk, so he kept telling him not to send him away anymore.

Zhang Yu walked out for dozens of steps before he stopped and said goodbye to Song Feng again. Song Feng went down the mountain alone, thinking silently in his heart, "Brother, please don't let anything happen to you... You will be fine..."

His tears still flowed down uncontrollably.

Zhang Yu looked at his back and couldn't help but shed tears. The two people have not known each other for a long time, but they met each other very late. Zhang Yu said in his heart: "Brother Song, don't worry, my life is on the line... nothing will happen... Grand Master, you will definitely be able to cure me..."

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