Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2422 Getting rich

It's almost incredible that a harp snake can be so poisonous. It is not difficult to see from this that the person who raised the piano snake really put a lot of effort into this snake. Otherwise, he would not be able to use this snake as an eye.

There are snakes here, and there are snakes outside, especially that silver-haired man, Mr. Han, who also has snakes on his body. Zhang Yu was almost certain that his guess was correct and Zhuo Wei was Mr. Han.

The fire gathering talisman that was inserted before, the fire is in front, and it can illuminate the place roughly.

Zhang Yu took back the Seven-Star Sword and played two more fire-gathering talismans, making the place brighter. He looked around and saw that the surrounding area was no longer empty, but there were many things placed there. Even the ground under his feet was not an ordinary concrete floor. There is a Tai Chi Bagua diagram drawn on the ground. On the periphery of the Bagua diagram is a long snake. This snake surrounds the Bagua diagram, especially the eyes, which are lifelike, cold and sinister.

Looking at the graphics at his feet, Zhang Yu couldn't help but secretly marvel. This was definitely a brilliant formation. If he hadn't had the foresight to cooperate with the Seven-Star Sword, he would have had a hard time getting out alive.

Of course, this formation is much worse than the formation at the foot of Taihang Mountain. It is at best a pocket version of the primary formation. Even so, the person who set up the formation was definitely a first-class formation master.

On the left side of the room, there is a book shelf and a long table. On the long table, there are some magical instruments, and on the ancient shelf, there are bottles and jars, especially in the middle, there is a very eye-catching purple and gold tripod.

"Purple Golden Cauldron..."

Upon seeing this, Zhang Yu couldn't help but walked over quickly and looked carefully. There is a snake-shaped pattern on the purple gold cauldron, which seems to be the same as what was described in Aluo's diary. Zhang Yu stretched out his hand and touched it lightly, and immediately felt that there was an evil aura on the cauldron.

Zhang Yu picked up the tripod with both hands and observed carefully that the entire tripod was made of purple gold. It weighed about thirty or forty kilograms and was forty centimeters in diameter. Not to mention that this is an evil magic weapon, even with such a weight of purple gold, it is still worth a lot of money.

Zhang Yu had no interest in this thing, but he could judge from this that when the thief stole the tripod, Mr. Han would never let him go, and it was inevitable that he would murder him. A Luo investigates and happens to catch up with the case of Xi Tong and Shen Qiu. Mr. Han simply takes action and turns A Luo into a mute.

There is more than one cauldron here. There is also a large cauldron between the long table and the ancient rack.

Zhang Yu was immediately sure that this large cauldron was used for refining weapons. He raised his hand and put the purple-gold cauldron back on the ancient shelf, but was immediately attracted by a brocade box placed next to it.

He put the purple-gold cauldron back and picked up the brocade box first. Opening the brocade box, there was a stack of notepads inside. Zhang Yu was curious, did Mr. Han still have the habit of writing a diary?

Zhang Yu took out a notepad and opened it to read. There is something drawn on it that looks like a whip or a vine, and the label below says - Divine Snake Rope.

Looking back further, Zhang Yu couldn't help but be surprised and delighted by the content.

Good guy, this is not a diary, but a record and summary of refining magic weapons. The magical weapon being refined is naturally the divine snake rope drawn on the first page. The function of this divine snake rope is to tie up the opponent, or to tie up the opponent's magical weapon.

I had fought against the silver-haired man before, and the fire-shy vine used by the silver-haired man happened to be the divine snake rope.

The reason why Zhang Yu was surprised was that he would never have thought that the divine snake rope would be invented and refined by Mr. Han himself. The reason why he was happy was that Zhang Yu could immediately understand the method of refining the sacred snake rope. I have the Hunyuan Cauldron Technique, but what I lack is the experience of refining the weapon. The other party has written down the ready-made experience here, so if I want to refine the divine snake rope, it will be a piece of cake.

Of course, the cost of refining a sacred snake rope is not low, it requires an entire thunder-struck peach tree. The peach wood must be divided into nine sections, which are refined in the cauldron respectively to form vines. Finally, put the nine refined vines into the cauldron together, and refine the nine vines into one.

There are many key points in the refining process. When refining the nine vines separately, the heat must be the same and the time must be the same. Although it does not need to be accurate to seconds, it must be accurate to hours and hours, and there must be no difference. Otherwise, all previous efforts will be wasted.

From the records on the notepad, it was not difficult for Zhang Yu to determine that Mr. Han had spent several years and efforts in developing this magical snake rope. It took many experiments to refine things bit by bit.

Now that the knowledge is in Zhang Yu's hands, it's almost effortless. There were four notebooks in total, and Zhang Yu flipped through the other three notebooks, all of which contained experiences in refining magical weapons. The recorded magical artifacts are the snake-shaped cone, the underworld snake flag and the snake scale garment.

These three magic weapons were also recorded clearly, but in order to save time, Zhang Yu only took a rough look at them to let himself know the power of these three magic weapons first. For the detailed production process, just read the final summary. Record the previous experience and talk about it later.

He put these four notepads close to his body. He didn't need anything else, but he had to have this one.

Zhang Yu then checked the bottles and jars on the Bogu shelf. They contained spices and poisons. He was almost certain that these things were used to raise snakes. It seems that the dead harp snake is so poisonous and can grow so huge, it is definitely because of taking some medicine here.

Zhang Yu took a few cursory glances at the big cauldron between the ancient shelf and the long table. There was evil energy on it, and it was used to refine those magical weapons. On the long table, there are magical instruments. Looking at them now, Zhang Yu can recognize them all at a glance.

There are divine snake ropes, snake-shaped cones and snake-scale clothing, but there are no ghost snake flags. The sacred snake ropes were all cut into pieces. Zhang Yu could find the problem if he stretched out his hand and touched it. Some are refining waste, and some are semi-finished products.

The snake-shaped cones are all refining waste. According to the records on the notepad, the snake-shaped cones that are successfully refined normally must have spiritual energy and evil energy on them because the main material is peach wood. Some of the things placed here have only spiritual energy, some have only evil energy, or there is insufficient spiritual energy and evil energy.

The snake scale clothes on the long table are not ready-made clothes, they are all refined snake skins. As the name suggests, the main material of the snake scale clothing is snake skin, and the snake used is the harp snake. It can be seen from this that the harp snake that Zhang Yu just killed was fed by Mr. Han first and used to refine the snake scale clothing in the future.

After seeing the things here, Zhang Yu was not only surprised and happy, but also couldn't help but feel a little admiration and a little fear in his heart.

This Mr. Han is really awesome. Based on the formations he arranged and the magical weapons he refined, his cultivation level is probably still higher than his own. Although he ran away in the middle of the fight, it was not necessarily because he was too weak.

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