Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2421 Mist Snake

The stone door opened, and Zhang Yu subconsciously took a step back to avoid any plot. Even if there were divine talismans and amulets, Zhang Yu didn't want to get hit by them.

It was dark inside the stone gate and nothing could be seen. However, Zhang Yu could feel the breath of the formation, and even the smell and fragrance of blood.

As soon as he smelled this fragrance, Zhang Yu couldn't help but feel a little confused. He quickly took a few steps back, took out a miasma-avoiding charm from his pocket, lit it, put it in his mouth and swallowed it.

After taking the miasma-avoiding talisman, the confusion I felt just now disappeared in an instant. Zhang Yu was absolutely sure that this aroma was poisonous. He then took out the Fire Gathering Talisman and struck it into the stone door.

With a "pop" sound, the inside of the stone door lit up. Zhang Yu took a few steps forward and looked inside carefully.

This is a large stone room, almost the same as the hall outside, and can be regarded as half the area of ​​the first floor of a villa. It was empty, there was nothing there.

"It shouldn't be..." Zhang Yu muttered to himself. There was the smell of formations and poisonous gas in the stone room. How could there be nothing there?

He quickly realized that it wasn't that there was nothing, there was definitely a phantom array arranged here, making people mistakenly think that it was empty.

For Zhang Yu, not to mention that there is still the aura of the formation in it, even if there is really nothing there, he still has to go in and look for it again, and his trip cannot be in vain.

Even with the miasma-avoiding talisman, Zhang Yu held his breath and tried not to let himself smell too much fragrance. With 108 copper coins surrounding him, he walked in slowly.

When Zhang Yu stepped into the stone chamber with one foot, it was nothing. The scene in front of him was still the same. The firelight illuminated the stone chamber and it was empty. When he stepped into the stone chamber with his second foot, the scene in front of him changed instantly.

The surrounding area was no longer the empty stone chamber, but was filled with fog. With Zhang Yu's eyesight, he could not even see clearly the scene one meter away. It felt like I was in a fog. This feeling was basically the same as the time at the foot of Taihang Mountain.

Zhang Yu immediately turned around. Behind him, there was no longer an open stone door, but also a mist. Zhang Yu walked straight ahead, taking several steps in a row, but there was still endless fog in front of him. Zhang Yu realized that this was definitely a formation that combined the killing formation with the trapping formation and the illusion formation.

The formation must be very powerful, and I must be extremely careful. He simply refused to leave, simply closed his eyes and felt everything around him with his inner eye.

For a moment, Zhang Yu suddenly felt as if there was a pair of eyes staring at him from behind.

He immediately opened his eyes and turned around. There was just thick fog behind, and nothing could be seen. The feeling of being spied on just now also disappeared.

"Is there anyone else here?" Zhang Yu took a breath, but he estimated that under normal circumstances, neither Zhuo Wei nor Mr. Han would hide here in advance.

He closed his eyes again and felt it with his mind's eye.

Soon, he felt another pair of eyes staring at him from behind.


This time, Zhang Yu turned around faster and looked behind him. There was still a thick fog. He saw nothing and said nothing. The feeling of being stared at was gone again.

He gritted his teeth in hatred and pondered in his mind, what should he do next?

Zhang Yu believed that he had to kill the guy who was staring at him. No matter if the other party is a person or something. Zhang Yu's six senses are extremely strong, but strangely enough, he doesn't feel the feeling of being stared at without using his mind.

It seems that this formation limits one's six senses, and the mind's eye is the most reliable. He closed his eyes again and looked with his inner eye. Sure enough, as soon as he closed his eyes this time, he felt that kind of peeping.

This time, Zhang Yu did not turn around in a hurry. He still closed his eyes and felt with his inner eye. Gradually, he could feel that the eyes in the back seemed to be very close to him, but also seemed to be far away from him.

These eyes seemed to be full of hostility and very cold. It was obvious that the other party seemed to have regarded him as prey, seeming to be toying with him and waiting for an opportunity to hunt him.

Zhang Yu remained motionless, but the Seven-Star Sword in his cuff was ready to go. The other party is waiting for an opportunity to hunt him, and he is not hunting the other party at this moment. Zhang Yu could almost conclude that the opponent was looking for an opportunity to kill him with one strike. He had to give the opponent this opportunity and kill him at a faster speed the moment the opponent showed up to take action.

He no longer stood, but walked forward, walking around, seemingly looking for a way out, but in fact he never opened his eyes. After all, in this place, it doesn't matter whether you open your eyes or not. No matter how Zhang Yu behaves, the feeling of being spied on is always behind him.

The room will definitely not be that big. The area of ​​​​the villa is just here. It doesn't reach the end. It doesn't mean that it is really boundless. It is very likely that it is the same as the formation at the foot of Taihang Mountain. It is also based on the principle of Tai Chi Bagua. The ground is actually turning all the time. It seems that I am walking forward, but I am basically in the room. Spin in circles. The guy staring at him is hiding in it. He can see himself, but he can't see him.

This is also a killing formation. If the eye of the formation is on this guy, if you kill him, there is a 70% chance that the formation will be broken.

As he walked, Zhang Yu felt helpless. He seemed to have given up and was no longer as vigilant as he was at first. But he still didn't look at it.

Just when he seemed to be relaxed, the wind suddenly sounded behind him, "Huh..."

"Well done!"

Zhang Yu had been waiting for this moment, and his opponent finally made a move. He immediately turned around and saw a pair of big red eyes, just over a meter away from his head. Even in the thick fog, you can see clearly, it is so terrifying. Of course, this is not the only thing that is more terrifying than these eyes. This guy opened his mouth and exposed his sharp fangs. It seemed that he was going to swallow Zhang Yu and the money sword that was protecting him. .

Seven-star sword!

"call out!"

Zhang Yu flicked his left hand and the Seven-Star Sword was shot out directly. The blade flashed, and in an instant the Seven-Star Sword turned into seven. The guy was faster, and the Seven-Star Sword was even faster.


A shrill roar sounded, and the pair of red eyes disappeared, replaced by a spray of blood mist.

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding thick fog disappeared, and with a "bump", a huge object fell heavily to the ground.


To be precise, it is a giant python that can be three meters long. The body color of this snake is mainly black and brown. Zhang Yu looked at it for a few times and recognized it. This python is also called the piano snake. It is different from ordinary pythons in that it is a poisonous snake. It is called this because its snake skin can be used to make various musical instruments.

An adult harp snake is roughly one meter long. This harp snake can be three meters long, which can be said to be the best among harp snakes.

On its body, seven bloody holes were pierced by the Seven-Star Sword. In addition to its eyes, there were also mouths, necks, and other locations.

The blood flowing out smelled fishy and had a strong fragrance. Compared with the fragrance Zhang Yu smelled before, it was much heavier.

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