Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2301 Paper Man

"There's something wrong with the people in the car."

This was Zhang Yu's first feeling, and then he turned back and stopped looking at the other party.

At the same time, the feeling of being watched disappeared. Zhang Yu knew that the other party definitely stopped paying attention to him.

"This is also a Passat...could it be a car..." Zhang Yu muttered again, "The target vehicle under surveillance is the vehicle with a fake license plate. If the other party changes the license plate, there should be no problem..."

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu felt happy, "It must be like this... It's really effortless to get through the iron shoes and find nowhere..."

Immediately, Zhang Yu put his hand into his pocket and grabbed a piece of talisman paper.

There was a soft "pop" sound, and the talisman exploded in his pocket, staining Zhang Yu's hand with talisman ashes. Then, a copper coin fell out of his sleeve and fell into Zhang Yu's hand.

That's right, Zhang Yu planned to use the old tracking method, put the copper coins into the car, and then track it.

Unexpectedly, at this juncture, footsteps sounded from the oncoming intersection. The sound was not loud. People had already reached the intersection, and Zhang Yu heard the sound of "rustling". He looked up and saw that it was a woman wearing a red down jacket.

Under the moonlight, the woman's face was very white. After looking at it for a second, Zhang Yu was startled. That's right, this woman is none other than the woman Zhang Yu saw on the surveillance camera.

Zhang Yu saw the woman, and the woman also saw him. The woman walked towards him slowly. Looking at the expression on the woman's face, her eyes are quite lively.

This time, Zhang Yu was stunned again. He had told Pan Yun before that this woman was a paper doll, and the paper doll's eyes were dull. Why can this woman's eyes move?

After thinking about it, Zhang Yu suddenly remembered that he had forgotten one thing, which was to leave a mark on the Passat. He quickly looked back and his heart sank to the bottom. The Passat sedan had disappeared from his sight.

Of course, if Zhang Yu were to chase him, he might not be able to catch up with his divine walking vest. Because although he couldn't see the Passat's taillights, he could still hear the bumpy movement of the Passat.

Unfortunately, this paper man is right in front of me. If I chase him, I won't be exposed.

Zhang Yu's reaction was okay. After looking back, he immediately turned to look at the woman again.

When she looked at the woman this time, tears actually fell from the corners of her eyes. She sniffed and still walked slowly towards Zhang Yu.

As the distance between the two people got closer and closer, Zhang Yu felt that there was a yin energy in the woman's body.

Zhang Yu was now more certain that the woman was a paper figure, a ghost attached to the paper. Generally speaking, if the Yin spirit seizes the body and enters the human body, there will be no Yin energy coming out at all, and it will not be felt.

But the paper figure is still a paper figure. Ordinary people cannot feel the yin energy on her body, but it is impossible for a master like Zhang Yu not to feel it.

At this time, the woman came to Zhang Yu's side. Zhang Yu was careful not to let the other party sneak attack. Although the paper man has little fighting ability, he must not be careless when the other party appears unexpectedly. The woman walked past Zhang Yu in the direction the Passat came from just now. But after taking two steps, he suddenly stopped. She turned her head and said with a choked cry, "Do you have any tissues?"

"I...I don't have the habit of carrying tissues..." Zhang Yu said deliberately without knowing what the other person meant.

"I'm sorry... why are you wandering around here so late at night..." the woman asked choked with sobs.

This woman has a beautiful face. Although she is not very beautiful, she is quite pretty. At present, the pear blossoms are covered with rain, and they look so lovely. I feel pity for them. If Zhang Yu hadn't known the details, an ordinary man would have given him a few words of comfort.

"I..." Zhang Yu hesitated for a moment, then started to care, and said in frustration: "I made an appointment with a netizen. She said she lived here and asked me to come over and drink with her... but when I arrived, she pulled me away. It’s so dark…it’s so fucking deceptive…”

Seeing what Zhang Yu said, the woman immediately said aggrievedly: "Netizens these days are the most unreliable..."

"What's wrong with you? It seems like you have been wronged in some way?" Zhang Yu asked deliberately.

If the other party is so pretentious, if he ignores her or leaves directly, he will definitely make the other party suspicious.

"My family is from out of town, and I came to Zhenhai to work... I rented a house here... A few days ago, I met my boyfriend in a nearby town, and his family lives in front... Tonight, It was my birthday, but I didn’t tell him, thinking of giving him a surprise... I said I had to go back to my hometown today and come back in two days... Then I went to his house in the evening with a birthday cake and his favorite dishes. ...I never thought...wuwuwuwu..." At this point, the woman burst into tears.

"What didn't you think about?" Zhang Yu asked pretending to be concerned.

"I never thought... when I arrived at his house, I found... him in bed with another woman... Wuwuwuwu... this bastard..." The woman cried sadly: "When he saw me, not only did he not A little guilty... She said she was just playing with me... Now that she's been discovered, I'll do whatever I want... bastard, bastard..."

At the end of the sentence, she kept stamping her feet.

Zhang Yu quickly said with pretense of concern: "Don't be sad, it's not worth shedding tears for such a scumbag... It's a good thing to get to know him earlier... Don't cry..."

"You're so kind..." The woman looked at Zhang Yu charmingly.

"There's nothing good... Well, it's so late, you should go home quickly and don't meet bad people..." Zhang Yu said deliberately and kindly.

Even if he knew the other party's details, Zhang Yu couldn't do anything to her easily.

Seeing what Zhang Yu said, the woman nodded immediately, and then said pitifully: "Can you take me home..."

When the other party said this, it was clear that he had bad intentions. Zhang Yu wanted to refuse, but then he thought, if you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't get the tiger's cubs.

I can't catch up with the Passat now. If I leave like this, my work tonight will be in vain, and my efforts will be in vain.

After a moment's hesitation, Zhang Yu had a second thought and deliberately said: "I'm already here anyway, and I won't miss these few steps. I'll take you home first, and then I'll go home..."

"Thank you." The woman said movedly.

She pointed in the direction the Passat had just come from and said, "My home is right in front."

"Then let's go." Zhang Yu nodded and said.

At the moment, the two of them walked forward together. The houses here were relatively scattered. The houses in the countryside generally had yards, so they were relatively large. After walking for more than a hundred meters, we passed a few houses.

Finally, the woman stopped in front of a door, turned around and looked at the door and said, "This is my home."

"You're home... Then go back and rest quickly... It's not easy to get a ride here, I have to go back quickly..." After Zhang Yu said this, he turned around and left.

According to what he meant, he already knew the door, so he would pretend to leave first and come back later. But when the woman saw that he wanted to leave, she rushed towards him with a sudden step and stopped in front of him.

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