Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2300 The Sea

Zhennan District Patrol Head Office, Detective's Office of the Crime Team.

Song Feng was sitting alone in the office, holding Luo Chen's mobile phone in his hand, his face full of contemplation, as if he was thinking about something.

It's true that Song Feng's heart is now full of the "home" that Aluo mentioned in WeChat.

"He doesn't have a home anymore... Where does this home refer to..."

Song Feng shook his head and looked at Luo Chen's phone. After opening it, he clicked on WeChat and looked through the chat history between Luo Chen and A Luo again.

Song Feng has read the contents of the record five or six times over and over again. To be honest, he can basically memorize these contents.

"You talked so much to this woman, was it unintentional or intentional... If it is a clue... How do you know that this woman will be found by me... You have never seen her, why are you treating her like this? Do you understand... Is it the patrolman's intuition... When you were in patrol school, you were better than me, and when you were on patrol, you were also better than me... If the person who died was me, you should have found the clues by now, right? ..." Song Feng muttered, logged out of WeChat, and started flipping through Luo Chen's phone randomly.

After flipping through it twice, I came to the music collection box, and the first song was called The Sea.

"The sea..." Song Feng muttered subconsciously and then clicked to play.

"You slowly disappeared from the distant seaside, and your originally blurry face gradually became clear. I wanted to say something but didn't know where to start. I could only keep it in my heart... If the sea could take away my sorrow, just like Take away every river, all the hurts, all the tears, my love, please take them all away..."

The music started to play, and when it came to this point, Song Feng couldn't help but sing along, "If the sea could take away my sorrow, it would be like taking away every river, all the injuries I have suffered, and all the tears I have shed." , my love, please take it all away..."

The song continued to play, Song Feng unconsciously leaned on the back of the sofa, closed his eyes, and began to hum softly, "You slowly disappeared from that distant seaside, and your originally blurry face gradually became clear. I want to say I don’t know where to start talking about anything, so I can only keep it in my heart..."

Along with his humming, such a picture appeared in his mind unconsciously.

Zhenhai is surrounded by the sea. On the seaside of Zhendong District, there is Wangri Mountain. The highest point of Wangri Mountain is the most difficult to climb. It is very dangerous and is called Duan Tianya. Climbing is prohibited here to avoid danger.

However, Song Feng and Dong Luo would climb here once a year. They still remember that every time they came up, Dong Luo would open his arms and sing the song of the sea loudly. Dong Luo's voice was full of pride, and it had the meaning of overwhelming the world.

At this moment, what appeared in Song Feng's mind was Dong Luo standing on Duan Tianya, singing about the sea.

After Dong Luo became mute, the two of them only came once. Song Feng remembered clearly that there was only one tree on the cliff, and Dong Luo was sitting under the tree, looking very lonely. No longer as free and unrestrained as before, no longer opening his arms, he continued to sing.

Thinking of this, Song Feng stood up suddenly, "Duan Tianya..."

At nine o'clock in the evening, on Baili Township Road, an inconspicuous Jetta stopped at Section O.

The car door opened, and a young man wearing a gray leather jacket got out of the car. The Jetta drove forward, leaving the young man alone on the roadside.

This young man is none other than Zhang Yu.

He left the patrol main room at almost noon, but he did not come over immediately. Instead, he found a hotel to rest for a while, called Zhang Qingfeng, and asked Zhang Qingfeng and Li Mingyue to drive over in an inconspicuous car. He picks up a set of nondescript clothes.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, they drove slowly and leisurely towards Zhennan District. By the time we arrived at the destination, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

Zhang Yu asked Zhang Qingfeng and Li Mingyue to leave first, leaving him alone.

In the dark, he walked along the roadside and looked around. On the roads in the countryside, there are not many cars during the day and even fewer at night. On the road to the left, there is a large ditch with a guardrail next to it, and the ditch is full of crop fields. On the right side of the road are some residential buildings. Not to mention, the conditions in Zhenhai's countryside are pretty good. The few rooms on the roadside are all two-story buildings, and some are even three or four stories. Each one is more luxurious than the other. If this were in Zhenhai City, it would be worth hundreds of millions.

Not only that, most of these homes have yards, cars parked in the yards, and some even have enclosed garages in the yards.

Zhang Yu couldn't help but frown a little when he saw it. At that time, he thought that this was just an ordinary countryside, and there were not many people with cars. Now it seems that this is not the case at all. Basically every house here has a car and a garage, which leaves him to look for it alone.

Even if the patrol comes looking for him, he probably won't be able to find him all at once, and there will even be a lot of noise. It's inevitable to alert the snake. Zhang Yu's own purpose of coming here this time was not to cause any trouble. He wanted to find the car and the people in it first, and then make any fuss.

Although it is difficult to find, you have come here and you can't just go back. An idea came to Zhang Yu's mind. The other party's car was so cautious. It must not be in the yards on the outside, but maybe deep in the countryside. So, he walked inside along the passage between the two courtyards.

When we first walked in, the road was pretty good, all asphalt. Going deeper, the road gradually became rugged and bumpy. The previous asphalt road was no longer there, and it was all yellow soil.

It wasn't particularly dark at night. There was light coming from the windows of every house, and the sound of the TV could be heard.

As I walked, there was an intersection in front of me, and there was a high-beam headlight shining on the intersection on the left. Zhang Yu saw the light and took a step back, intending to let the car pass.

In the blink of an eye, a black car drove over. Zhang Yu stood on the roadside and took a quick look. The car's logo was the Volkswagen logo. Judging from the appearance of the car, it should be a Passat. The headlights of the oncoming car were particularly dazzling. Zhang Yu could see the car logo and naturally the license plate number.

The license plate number of this car is - Zhen C52XXX.

The license plate number of the target vehicle was FXXXXX, which was different from this car. Zhang Yu couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. At this time, the car came to the intersection and turned towards where Zhang Yu was standing. Just when he was disappointed, he suddenly saw the driver in the car. The driver was a man in his thirties, with short hair, thick eyebrows and big eyes, but a little thin.

Zhang Yu saw the person looking at the car clearly through the front windshield. The person also glanced at him, but at the same time, Zhang Yu felt that there was another gaze peering at him from inside the car.


In an instant, Zhang Yu's heart trembled, and he felt a little panicked. He couldn't see anyone else in the car unless he bent down, which would be an obvious sign of peeping.

In just one thought, the car turned around Zhang Yu and drove forward. This direction is also the direction from which Zhang Yu came. Zhang Yu turned his head and glanced at the car. In the dark night, the people sitting in the car could not be seen through the windshield of the rear window. But he felt that the people in the car were staring at him.

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