Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 229 Black Gloves

Silence returned to the beach again, and the only sound left was the sound of the waves.

Zhang Yu didn't bother to check the body and the things in the car, and ran quickly towards Pan Yun. Pan Yun lay motionless on the beach. Zhang Yu quickly pinched her pulse. The pulse was a little messy, but it was not life-threatening.

Zhang Yu could tell from this that the black shadow's kick on Pan Yun was really not light. Pan Yun had also practiced kung fu and was in good health. Otherwise, he might have been seriously injured or even lost his life.

Zhang Yu gently helped Pan Yun up, put one hand around her shoulders, and slowly rubbed the other hand up and down her back to comfort Pan Yun.

Normally, the effect of smoothing the air is better if the hand is in front than in the back, but Pan Yun is a woman after all. After a while, Pan Yun suddenly coughed, "Cough cough cough..."

"You're awake." Zhang Yu said with concern.

"Ahem..." Pan Yun coughed twice more and said with some difficulty: "That guy is really powerful... How is he doing now..."

"Let him run away." Zhang Yu said helplessly.

"It's good that you're safe and sound. Just run away..." Pan Yun said intermittently.

Zhang Yu continued to cheer her up and said: "That guy is really powerful. I clearly saw you hit him with one shot, but he was only a little unable to move the left side of his body, and he didn't even bleed."

He didn't know that the first shots fired by police officers were rubber bullets.

Pan Yun smiled bitterly and said: "The first bullets we fired during the patrol were not real bullets, but I didn't expect that he would still be able to fight back after being shot hard."

She was even more helpless than Zhang Yu. If this were a real bullet, the other party would be dead even if it were not dead. How could she be knocked unconscious?

Of course, even if she is knocked unconscious, with real bullets, Zhang Yu can definitely consume the black shadow to death, even bleeding the opponent to death.

Zhang Yu finally felt relieved and said, "Let's go over and see if you can move now."

"It's okay... I just feel a little tight in my chest, it's nothing serious..." Pan Yun said.

She still had pain in her chest, but it was really inconvenient for Zhang Yu to see here, and he probably wouldn't die. Let's deal with this injury later.

With Zhang Yu's support, Pan Yun stood up and walked slowly towards the truck together.

The back of the truck was open, with only one box of goods outside and the rest inside. After taking a look, there were almost twenty boxes in the car.

Zhang Yu picked up the box on the ground. It was not heavy. He then took apart the wood on it and looked inside. The box inside was tightly wrapped. It's foam, it's sponge, and there's a bunch of purple grapes in the middle.

These grapes are not grapes for eating, but a bunch of ice crystal agate grapes. There is such an object in such a large box, which shows how precious it is. Zhang Yu took out the grapes and felt a cool feeling in his hands. Not only that, he could also feel an ancient atmosphere.

This ancient aura is not particularly strong. It is not as strong as the aura on the golden seal, but it is similar to the aura on the phoenix hairpin.

Zhang Yu then took out the Feng Chai and compared it. Isn't that what happened?

"Zhang Yu, what did you find?" Pan Yun asked.

"I'm not sure, I just think it's possible that this thing came out of Grandpa Shen Qing's grave. But... if you want to be sure, it's not impossible..." Zhang Yu now thought of someone. Bao Jiayin's father is an archaeologist. Since he can tell at a glance that Feng Chai just came out of the soil, it is possible to tell whether the ice crystal agate grape came out together.

Pan Yun could naturally tell that such a bunch of ice crystal agate grapes was worth a lot of money. She continued: "In this case, I will call the team first and ask Detective Bai to come and respond. Let's see if there are any other clues."

"Okay." Zhang Yu nodded.

At the moment, the two divide the work. Pan Yun called Inspector Bai, while Zhang Yu got into the car and opened a few more boxes.

There are some rare treasures inside, including Dongzhu and Chaozhu, as well as works of art carved from jade and jade. Zhang Yu is not sure about their value, but everything has the same ancient atmosphere.

Zhang Yu gradually became certain that these things most likely came from Shen Yu's father's grave. Although it was just a guess and there was no complete evidence, he could not be wrong this time.

Coming out of the car, Zhang Yu's eyes were focused on the body on the ground.

There were two bodies next to the car, both of which were shot with flying knives. One was hit in the chest and the other was shot between the eyebrows. From this we can also see how high the black shadow's kung fu is. Combining a long sword with a flying knife, Zhang Yu was certain that if Heiying hadn't been unable to exert strength on the left side of his body at that time, he would have died seven or eight times.

The two corpses looked nothing special. They were not wearing masks and were no different from ordinary people. Zhang Yu remembered what Heiying said. The patrolman must know the identities of these people.

He was curious, how could the patrolman know?

And from what Heiying meant, it was impossible for Zhang Yu and Pan Yun to track them down and not know the details of these people.

"Where did these people come from? There seems to be nothing special about them..." Zhang Yu muttered in his heart and looked at the corpse. He suddenly discovered that the hands of the corpse were wearing gloves.

In my impression, the group of people I met in the tomb last time also seemed to be wearing black gloves.

"It seems they are almost a group of people..."

Zhang Yu murmured in his heart, then looked at Pan Yun and said, "Can you tell the origins of these people?"

Pan Yun shook his head slightly and said, "I can't tell, and it's nothing special. I feel like you know their details better than I do."

Zhang Yu immediately explained, "I don't know what's going on, I just think they are very dangerous. The person who knocked you unconscious regarded me as a patrolman, and he said that your patrolmen must know the origins of this group of people. As for the Tell me, what's so special about them...I see they are all wearing black gloves."

"Black gloves!" When Pan Yun heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up and he shouted eagerly: "Pull up the sleeve on his left arm."

"Okay." Zhang Yu agreed and followed Pan Yun's instructions, rolling up the sleeves of a corpse.

Zhang Yu followed and saw that there was a black tattoo on the man's left arm. The tattoo was a picture of a clenched fist with only a little finger extended.

"What pattern is this?" Zhang Yu looked at Pan Yun curiously.

At this moment, Pan Yun's face changed slightly, and she seemed to have a hint of fear. She stammered: "That's right, that's right... our patrol officers do know... they are people with black gloves..."

"What are black gloves?" Zhang Yu heard this name for the first time.

"Black Gloves is actually not the name of this organization, because people in this organization have to wear black gloves when acting, so we patrolmen call them Black Gloves. And we, the patrolmen, don't know what the name of this organization is. , I just know that they are very mysterious, ruthless in their actions, and everyone can be called a dead soldier. The patrol room has also caught members of the Black Gloves, but without exception, all of them committed suicide. This little finger mark is the unique mark of this organization, I only know these details, I didn’t expect them to appear here..."

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