Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 228 Everyone has their own fears

Heiying's kung fu is not comparable to that of Ge Daquan, Viper and the others. Having an extra sword is equivalent to having two or three more arms. The long sword shakes out sword flowers continuously. The sword body looks simple and unpretentious. The dazzling light is filled with murderous intent.

Zhang Yu's kung fu is not weak, but he lacks actual combat experience. When I was young, fighting in the countryside didn't count at all. When I came to Zhenhai, I had two fights in total. The one with Brother Da Biao was nothing, but the one to save Xiao Jiejie was considered my real skill.

The opponent Zhang Yu now faced not only had more experience in actual combat than Zhang Yu, but also far surpassed Zhang Yu in terms of experience in killing people.

Black Shadow simply kills without blinking an eye, as you can see from the fact that he just killed a group of masked men by himself. Based on Zhang Yu's current experience, this is simply impossible.

At this moment, the black shadow has a sword in his hand, which is even more powerful. If it weren't for the injury on his left chest, Zhang Yu would have been even more embarrassed.

Zhang Yu could only move around and fight with the black shadow. He no longer dared to think about the origin of the black shadow's sword and just concentrated on it. Although he was somewhat embarrassed and had many tricks, he also discovered his own advantages. That's because the injury on Heiying's left chest delayed his movements, and the pain was excruciating after just a few moves. Zhang Yu was not easy to deal with, he was very dexterous, dodging left and right, going around and around. He didn't have any trouble, Heiying had been tortured enough.

At this time, Zhang Yu was forced two meters away by another sword, but he was not afraid at all. He was used to this kind of situation. He would wait for the black shadow to attack before running away. If the black shadow's movements were slow, he would take a roundabout way and attack the left side of the black shadow's body.

This means that when the enemy advances, we retreat; when the enemy retreats, we advance; when the enemy is stationed, we harass; when the enemy is tired, we attack.

Zhang Yu thought he would attack again, but unexpectedly, the black shadow did not pursue him, but held his sword across his chest. His sharp wolf-like eyes were spitting out flames at this moment, and he was obviously angry with Zhang Yu.

His flying knife was hidden in his left sleeve, but his left arm couldn't use any strength at all. He held the sword in his right hand, so he couldn't use the flying knife. I completely agreed. I have great abilities, but I can’t use them now.

Zhang Yu was not in a hurry, he simply crossed his arms and looked at the other party with a smile, as if provocative, as if he said, you're welcome.

If the fight continues like this, there will only be one outcome: Zhang Yu can drag Heiying to death. If one arm cannot be used well, it will definitely affect the speed.

Zhang Yu saw this, and so did the black shadow, so he stopped attacking and started to retreat slowly.

"What's wrong? Don't come and kill me." Zhang Yu took a step forward.

"Boy, you and I on patrol had no grievances in the past and have no grievances in recent days. Why do you have to wade into this troubled water? These people are all people who deserve to be killed. If I kill them, I will be doing something good for the people." The black shadow finally spoke, he His voice was cold, and he was obviously being pushed into a panic by Zhang Yu.

The reason why he thought Zhang Yu was a patrol officer was because Zhang Yu and Pan Yun were together. Pan Yun's first shot was a rubber bullet. Only a patrol gun could do this.

"But you killed someone after all." Zhang Yu said.

"I've killed a lot of people." The shadow said, taking another step back.

Zhang Yu took a step forward and said, "Then why do you want to kill them?"

"Because they have been chasing me." Black Shadow said.

After saying that, he stepped back again.

Zhang Yu also took a step forward and said, "Who are they? Who are you?"

He was very curious about the identity of the black shadow, but he was even more curious about the identity of the masked man's group.

"You are a patrol officer. You don't even know their identities, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't have tracked them here. It's just that you are quite brave. Two people dare to track them. This makes me admire you. Your kung fu is not enough yet. You should be clear about the reason why you can hold on under my sword for so long." As the black shadow spoke, he slowly stepped back and was now more than ten steps away.

He didn't dare to turn around and run away, exposing his back to Zhang Yu. That would be very dangerous. He had already determined that Zhang Yu was on patrol, so he was worried that Zhang Yu was carrying a gun.

Zhang Yu followed slowly forward, savoring the other party's words. From what this guy meant, the patrol should be able to find out the identities of the masked group.

"Then where did you get this sword?" Zhang Yu asked again.

Now I finally have the opportunity to ask about the origin of this sword. This sword belongs to Hua Yunong. Judging from the importance Hua Yunong attaches to the sword, he probably won't lend it to others. So Zhang Yu was worried about what happened to Hua Yunong. After the two had that kind of relationship, they were no longer just friends.

However, if the masked man's group is Hua Yunong's enemies, and the black shadow kills this group of people, it does not rule out that they are in the same group as Hua Yunong. Zhang Yu had to ask clearly.

After hearing this, Heiying's eyes suddenly froze, and he asked with some surprise: "Do you know this sword?"

"It seems familiar!" Zhang Yu said.

"Where have you seen it?" The black shadow did not step back this time, staring straight at Zhang Yu.

"You didn't answer my question, why should I answer your question?" Zhang Yu smiled slightly.

"Ha..." Heiying chuckled and said, "You little patrolman is quite nosy. Well, then I won't ask, and you don't ask me either. If I want to leave now, you don't really want to." Come and risk your life with me. I don’t want to be an enemy of your patrol, but don’t force me, because then both sides will suffer, and it’s unclear who will live and who will die..."

Having said this, he turned to look at the place where Pan Yun fell. Pan Yun didn't get up yet. It seemed that he had kicked him and passed out. He then said coldly: "Although it is a little difficult for me to kill you now, if I want to kill that female patrolman, I'm afraid you won't be able to stop me. Even if I want to leave then, you won't be able to stop me so easily. "

When the two of them started fighting, Zhang Yu saw that Pan Yun was not up, so he deliberately led the black shadow in the opposite direction of Pan Yun. The purpose was to prevent the black shadow from harming Pan Yun, and he could go all out to fight with the opponent. fight.

It wasn't that Heiying didn't want to attack Pan Yun, but he was worried that Zhang Yu had a gun in his hand. Even if the first shot was a rubber bullet, he wouldn't be able to survive another hit. Therefore, he just aimed at Zhang Yu and chased him.

Both of them are afraid, and the shadow has now opened up the matter. If Zhang Yu really had a gun, he wouldn't be afraid of him at all, but not only does he not have one, he doesn't know how to use it.

Zhang Yu knew that Heiying was right. If he couldn't stop him, Pan Yun might lose his life because of it. In this case, why really fight to the death? What I want to know is nothing more than the identities of the masked men and what is in the box.

Zhang Yu nodded and said, "Okay, I promise you, you can go."

"You're smart." Black Shadow smiled proudly and said, "I have to take away the man with the mask too."

After saying that, he started to retreat again.

"This won't work!" Zhang Yu said bluntly.

Now there is only one living person left, how can he be taken away.

"It's useless to leave it to you. Do you think your patrol room can ask anything valuable from his mouth? As long as he wakes up, he will find a way to commit suicide. Only I can ask something valuable from his mouth. . I don’t want those corpses or the things in the car, it’s enough for you to take credit for.”

The masked man retreated as he spoke, and finally came to the truck. He put his sword back into its scabbard, kicked the masked man's body up, grabbed the vest with his right hand, and blocked it in front of him.

With his skill, if Zhang Yu made any move, he would have enough time to throw the person towards Zhang Yu and draw his sword.

Zhang Yu didn't know Pan Yun's condition. It would be bad if he was not dead now but the treatment time was delayed. He could only watch helplessly as the black shadow took the masked man back to the boat and escaped by boat.

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