Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2286 A bit interesting

When police officers investigate such cases, they often use the simplest and most efficient means.

Niu Sanjiang immediately called the patrol officer who was conducting surveillance and told him the exact time.

Soon, there was news over there.

"Inspector Pan, as Dr. Wang said, the last time the deceased appeared on the surveillance screen was the afternoon of the day before yesterday. On the morning of the day before yesterday, the deceased went out and came back at three o'clock in the afternoon. At that time, she came back alone. After that, He never went out. In addition, we and the property management conducted strict checks on the people who came in and out of the building after the deceased came back. They are all the owners of this building, and there are no suspicious people." Niu Sanjiang said.

"There is no suspicious person... It can't be that he committed suicide because he couldn't think of it..." Pan Yun was somewhat unconvinced, "I didn't see any signs of suicide in the deceased's home... By the way..."

Having said this, Pan Yun seemed to have thought of something and glanced around, "Where is the deceased's cell phone?"

"I didn't see it." Niu Sanjiang shook his head. He then looked at the other patrol officers, "Have you seen the deceased's cell phone?"

"I didn't see it." "I didn't see it." "It seems that there is everything in the house, except for the mobile phone used by the deceased."... Other police officers in the room said this.

"The phone is missing..." Pan Yun's face became serious, "It can't be that the deceased was thinking about committing suicide because he lost his phone during the day... I'm sure this must be a murder case, and someone hung the deceased here alive. strangled her to death and then took her cell phone!"

"This possibility is not impossible... But the problem is that after the deceased came back, no suspicious people entered the building... Even though the deceased looked thin, it would be impossible to hang her here alive by one person. It arrived, and there will definitely be injuries... The coroner's identification result is that there are no external injuries on the body... including no traces of struggle or binding..." Niu Sanjiang said.

"Is it possible that an acquaintance committed the crime and drugged her?" Pan Yun said.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Niu Sanjiang said.

"In this way, Brother Niu, you are responsible for investigating the people who appear on the surveillance screen and all the owners living in this building..." Pan Yun said.

"Okay." Niu Sanjiang nodded.

Pan Yun looked at Ma Sihai again and said, "Brother Ma, you are responsible for contacting the Internet patrol and investigating all the chat records of the deceased."

"Okay." Ma Sihai nodded.

Pan Yun finally looked at the coroner and said, "Doctor Wang, please, please take the body back and then conduct detailed practices to see if the deceased had taken any drugs before his death."

"No problem." Doctor Wang nodded.

It's easy for modern police officers to solve crimes. There are surveillance cameras everywhere, and you can’t run away, so it’s called Skynet.

As for Zhang Yu, after hanging up the phone with Pan Yun, Ye Fenghuang had already tore open the document bag and took out a few pages of paper.

She handed these to Zhang Yu, who took them and took a look and understood immediately.

That's right, Luo Chen was asking someone to help find his son. The above is all information about my son.

After seeing this, Zhang Yu couldn't help but sigh, because he understood that after Luo Chen recovered his memory, he would no longer be as happy as he had been some time ago, but would instead fall into endless pain.

"Brother Zhang Yu, why are you sighing...Sister Luo Chen, you don't know how to kill someone..." The little girl was the most innocent. Seeing Zhang Yu like this, she couldn't help but worry about Luo Chen.

"She won't kill anyone..." Zhang Yu said this, but he became suspicious in his heart.

Luo Chen asked someone to help find his son, and gave him all the information. But why did the information return to her hands? The person Luo Chen was looking for should be named A Luo. Who was this A Luo?

The patrol chief went to great lengths to arrest Luo Chen. It could not be without some reason. After all, Luo Chen was from Zhang Yu's company and lived in his home. It would be too courageous for the patrolman to dare to do this without any evidence.

"Could this A Luo... have anything to do with Luo Chen's arrest..." Soon, such a thought came to Zhang Yu's mind.

In a glance, he happened to see Luo Chen's mobile phone on the bedside table.

When he saw this, Zhang Yu's heart moved again, and he couldn't help but look at the phone number on the document bag.

"Why don't you call this person first and ask what's going on..." Zhang Yu muttered again in his heart.

On second thought, he thought there was no need to be so anxious.

Zhang Yu reached out and picked up Luo Chen's cell phone. He wanted to see what connection Luo Chen had with this A Luo.

Today's mobile phones are not meant to be browsed at once. They are all equipped with passwords. Upon seeing this, Zhang Yu frowned slightly, how could he know what Luo Chen's password was.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhang Yu wondered whether he should try the year, month and day of Luo Chen's speech first.

He knew Luo Chen's birthday, four-digit password, and the year of birth he pressed. Unexpectedly, it was so impressive that he was fooled all of a sudden.

"This is really simple." Zhang Yu was delighted and looked through Luo Chen's call records.

According to the call records, Luo Chen only called Aluo's phone number on the envelope twice yesterday, and the calls were both short, less than ten seconds.

This point made Zhang Yu a little puzzled. If Luo Chen asked this person to help find his son, then the call time would be too short.

He checked the text messages again and found that Luo Chen had not sent any text messages. Zhang Yu went to check Luo Chen's WeChat account again. Luo Chen didn't have many WeChat friends. Most of them were either from his family or from his work unit. The person at the top had a nickname - Detective A Luo.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu felt happy, and immediately clicked in, looking through the chat content between the two.

He looked from bottom to top. The content below was all Luo Chen's words, without A Luo's answer.

"I already know the whereabouts of my son." "Have you received the things?"...

Seeing this, Zhang Yu was even more surprised. Luo Chen indeed asked this guy to help find his son, but why did Luo Chen say that he already knew his son's whereabouts?

Zhang Yu continued to scroll up, and what he saw again was Luo Chen saying that he had recovered his memory. One of his sons had disappeared, and he hoped that A Luo would help find him.

Looking further up, the two people chatted normally. A Luo claimed to be a private detective and told Luo Chen a lot of stories. It seemed that the two of them had a very interesting chat.

He kept seeing the night when the two first met, which was the day before he set off for England.

Zhang Yu nodded slightly, probably understanding what was going on. It seems that Luo Chen and the famous detective A Luo met online. Luo Chen regarded A Luo as a detective, so he asked him to help find his son's whereabouts.

Judging from the content, Luo Chen should have mailed the information to A Luo. But after A Luo, there was no movement, and Luo Chen got the information back. It can be seen that the problem should arise here.

"Zhennan District, Dongbo Street, Yipeng Community, Jinyuan Convenience's interesting that the detective's address is actually this..."

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