Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2285 Investigation

"I understand this, and I don't blame you." Zhang Yu said calmly.

He glanced at the more than 20 bodyguards standing in front of him and said, "Who is responsible for guarding the door during the day these two days?"

"Me." "Me." "Me."... The bodyguards on duty during the day all stood up, but they were still cautious.

"I have already said that today's matter has nothing to do with you, so there is no need to worry. I, Zhang Yu, have always been reasonable. Even if I am here and someone comes to arrest someone, I can only let him go. ." Zhang Yu said gently: "I just want to ask you one thing now. When was Luo Chen on duty during the day, when did he go out? Did he go with others?"

"We went together the day before yesterday, right..." "It seems we went together the day before yesterday..." "It seems we went together..." "Others left first yesterday, and she left later..." "It seems she left later... …”…The security guards talked to each other, but their words were somewhat ambiguous.

Zhang Yu didn't need to say anything, Brother Biao shouted angrily: "What do you mean it seems! If it is, it is, if it is not, it is not!"

"Yes, yes... we walked together the day before yesterday... we walked together the day before yesterday... we didn't walk together yesterday..." a bodyguard said quickly.

Fang Tong also nodded and said: "The night before yesterday, Sister Luo Chen suddenly had a headache, and we accompanied her to the hospital together the day before yesterday. The day before yesterday, we walked together, and after we came back in the evening, something was wrong with her... She had eaten yesterday morning At that time, there was only my little aunt and I, and then we went to the company together..."

"I suddenly have a headache...what's wrong?" Zhang Yu looked at Fang Tong.

"I don't know either. At that time, I was watching the updates of Tie Suo's official account with Jiejie upstairs, and suddenly I heard Luo Chen yelling suddenly, and then we went downstairs to check. The senior sister also went to help Sister Luo Chen. Wake up. In the morning, we went to the hospital with her," Fang Tong said.

"How was the result of the examination at the hospital?" Zhang Yu asked.

"No problem." Fang Tong said.

"There is nothing wrong with the hospital examination..." Zhang Yu muttered, suddenly thinking of what Fang Tong said, "You said senior sister went to wake up sister Luo Chen. What did you say?"

"It's like this. When we went downstairs to see Sister Luo Chen, she had already passed out from pain." Fang Tong said.

"I fainted from the pain..." Zhang Yu's heart froze, and he suddenly remembered something, and he immediately said: "Let's go upstairs, others don't have to follow."

After saying that, he quickly ran towards the villa. Fang Tong ran to catch up, and the two of them entered the villa one after another. As soon as they arrived inside, they saw Ye Fenghuang standing in the large living room with a look of worry on his face.

"Zhang Yu, you are finally back. An official officer just took Luo Chen away, but I didn't dare to take action." Although Ye Fenghuang also knew the title of patrol officer, subconsciously, her impression of the patrol officer was that of an official officer.

"That's right, let's go upstairs..." Zhang Yu said as he ran upstairs.

When we came to the study room on the second floor, it was actually the room where Zhang Yu refrigerated his medicines. He opened the refrigerator and took a look. Sure enough, the bottle of antidote prepared for Luo Chen was missing.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu instantly understood that Luo Chen had a headache and fainted, which was caused by taking the antidote. And the fact that she wore glasses while eating also meant that she cried at that time. Why are you crying? It must be because you miss your son.

However, Luo Chen's son was already dead. To be precise, Luo Chen's son was already dead when Li San's memory of his previous life was awakened.

"Zhang Yu, what's wrong?" Fang Tong asked in a low voice when he saw Zhang Yu standing here in a daze.

"Nothing, let's go to Sister Luo Chen's room and have a look." Zhang Yu said.

Now that we know that Luo Chen recovered his memory, we need to understand what Luo Chen did after that.

Luo Chen is currently patrolling the main room, and Zhang Yu can't see him. He can only judge by the clues in the room.

Entering Luo Chen's room, the room was very tidy, with no trace of being searched. The reason is very simple. This is Zhang Yu's home. There are so many bodyguards in the house. Are they just for anyone to break into? There is no way to let the patrol take Luo Chen away, but if you want to search Zhang Yu's home, you must show a search warrant. To issue a search warrant for Zhang Yu's home, you must first remove Zhang Yu's title as a member of the Zhenhai Parliament.

Zhang Yu's bodyguards were not blind to the law, and they made it clear to the patrol officers. In addition, Zhang Yu's reputation in Zhenhai was indeed high, and the patrol officers in Zhennan District did not dare to make the matter too big. In the end, they could only Luo Chen was taken away alone. To be precise, he was invited to leave.

The three of them wandered around the room and soon saw a document bag placed under the bedside table. The document bag was tightly sealed. Zhang Yu knelt down and picked it up. He took a look and found a mailing address written on it - Zhennan District, Dongbo Street, Yipeng Community, Jinyuan Convenience Store, Aluo (collection).

The person who mailed the letter was none other than Luo Chen. It also had Luo Chen's phone number and sender's address. Luo Chen didn't think much about this address and actually wrote the address of Zhang Yu's home.

Judging from the packaging of the document bag, it must have been sent out. Why it is still in Luo Chen's hands is somewhat confusing.

Zhang Yu now didn't care about Luo Chen's personal privacy and reached out to open the envelope. At this stall, the cell phone in his pocket rang, "Ring ring ring... ring ring ring..."

Zhang Yu handed the envelope to Ye Fenghuang and asked Ye Fenghuang to help open it. He took out his mobile phone and looked at the caller ID. It was Pan Yun calling.

He answered immediately and said, "Hey, Pan Yun."

"It's me." Pan Yun's voice sounded on the phone.

"Is there any news?" Zhang Yu asked.

"I have already asked Chief Detective Lu here. Chief Detective Lu called Chief Inspector Xue from the Zhenhai Patrol Division to find out what was going on. The specific details of the case were not found out, but the person was indeed arrested by Zhennan. The district patrol chief has been arrested. At the moment, there is no other news. I am also waiting here. If there is any follow-up news, I will tell you immediately." Pan Yun said.

"Okay then." Zhang Yu said helplessly.

"Don't worry, if it's really not your sister who did it, the patrol chief will never accuse her unjustly. Besides, there are always so many pairs of eyes watching such cases, so don't worry." Pan Yun comforted her. road.

"I know. I also believe in your patrol, and I also believe in Luo Chen." Zhang Yu said.

"That's fine. If there is any news from my side, I will notify you as soon as possible." Pan Yun said again.

The two chatted for a few more words before Pan Yuncai said: "I have another case here, so I'll hang it up first."

After Zhang Yu said "Okay", she hung up the phone.

Pan Yun got out of the patrol car and walked upstairs again. Arriving in room 306, the coroner had already briefly examined the body and was taking notes.

Pan Yun walked into the bedroom, came to the coroner's side, and said, "Doctor Wang, what are the results of the examination?"

"There are no injuries on the body, and the initial judgment is that he died by hanging." The coroner who made the record said: "After judging the body spots on the body of the deceased, the time of death was probably the night before yesterday."

"The night before yesterday..." Pan Yun looked at Niu Sanjiang and said, "In Baihua Community, there are surveillance cameras outside every building... Didn't our people already go to get the surveillance cameras? Ask immediately if there is any investigation. What results...especially the night three days ago...even the scope can be expanded a little..."

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