Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2283 Song Feng

"I really didn't kill the person..." Luo Chen really didn't know how to defend himself, so he could only cry out eagerly and aggrievedly.

"That's what every murderer says when they come to me!" The male patrol pointed at Luo Chen and said sternly: "If you can't answer my question, then you are the murderer! I can tell you clearly, if you let me The case is handled with zero confession, and based on this alone, you can be convicted of murder even in the trial court!"

"I...I really didn't kill him, he and I were just netizens..." Luo Chen said aggrievedly: "I learned to pick locks from a master before, but it was just an ordinary old-fashioned lock. It was because I forgot to bring it. I thought it was fun to watch him unlock the key, so I asked him to teach me... I entered Arlo's house and saw him hanging from the ceiling... He, there was a red rope hanging around his neck... However, the rope broke in front of me... By the way, I once saw a little paper man on the tree downstairs. There was also a red rope hanging around the paper man's neck... Then a gust of wind blew by , blew the red rope and broke it, and the little paper man fell to the ground... And it happened to fall in front of me... I, I suspect that someone used evil magic to kill him..."

"Evil magic..." a young policeman next to the male policeman said disdainfully, and then said seriously: "What age are we in now? Don't talk to us about feudal superstition. Everything must be based on science!"

After he finished speaking, the male patrolman waved his hand gently towards him, as if to indicate not to talk too much.

Then, the male patrolman said: "You said you saw the paper man, where is the paper man?"

"After the paper man fell, my heart skipped a beat, but I didn't pick it up and went straight upstairs. It was only when I saw Arlo's body and the body falling to the ground that I felt something strange. When I came downstairs When I arrived, I could no longer see the paper man." Luo Chen said truthfully.

"You said you and Dong Luo were Internet friends, then tell me the whole story from when you met Dong Luo to when you finally saw his body. What did you talk about between you?" the male patrol officer said seriously. said.

"I met him that night..." Luo Chen knew that this kind of thing couldn't be concealed, so she immediately told how the two met, the content of their chat, and her voice with A Luo. Luo didn't say anything. He wanted to ask Aluo to meet, but Aluo didn't come out. As long as he could recall, he told the truth.

Especially the contents of the past two days, she remembered clearly. However, Arlo did not reply.

The male patrol listened to her story and said, "How can I prove that what you said is true?"

"On my mobile phone, there are chat records between A Luo and I." Luo Chen said.

"Where is your cell phone?" the male patrolman asked again.

"On the bedside table in my room." Luo Chen replied.

The male patrolman nodded, and then made a gesture to the two patrolmen standing behind Luo Chen, "Take her to the detention room to rest."

The two police officers immediately nodded in agreement, untied Luo Chen's handcuffs and leg cuffs, escorted her out of the cage, and took her out of the interrogation room.

After the door of the interrogation room was closed, the female patrol officer in charge of taking notes said: "Inspector Song, you won't believe her... There are many doubts in her confession, including the matter of learning to pick the lock. I don’t know, I’m obviously trying to fool us..."

Detective Song!

His name is Song Feng, and he is the detective of the Zhennan District Crime Squad.

In a normal case, the detective of the serious crime team will never be responsible for trying it personally. With so many people under his command, there is no need for him to take action. But this time, it was tried by him personally, which shows that Song Feng attaches great importance to the case.

"There's no rush..." Song Feng turned to look at the young patrolman beside him, the one who just interrupted. Song Feng said calmly: "Xiao Zhao, take a few people with you immediately and go to the Jixiang Villa area again to Luo Chen's home to get his mobile phone."

"Boss..." Xiao Zhao said with a little worry: "That is the home of Zhang Yu of the Wudang Group. When we went to arrest him, more than 20 people gathered around him with bodyguards alone... I will go there again..."

Song Feng's eyes immediately widened and he said seriously: "Don't forget your identity, you are a patrol officer! Do they still dare to attack the patrol officer?"

"Yes, yes..." Xiao Zhao nodded hurriedly and said, "I will take people there..."

After saying that, he stood up in a hurry and walked outside.

Xiao Zhao just arrived at the door. Before he could open the door, there was a knock on the door, "Dang Dang Dang..."

He opened the door casually and saw a middle-aged female patrol officer standing at the door. Xiao Zhao quickly said hello, "Sister Sun."

"I'm looking for Inspector Song," the middle-aged female patrol officer said.

Xiao Zhao didn't need to convey it, Song Feng had already heard it. He stood up and said, "Sun Mei, what's the matter?"

"The Chief Inspector is looking for you," the middle-aged female patrol officer said.

"What's the matter?" Song Feng said as he walked towards the door.

"I didn't say..." The middle-aged female patrol officer shook her head, then stepped aside to let Song Feng come out.

The two walked towards the elevator together. When the female patrol saw no one around, she whispered: "But the chief inspector's voice was very serious. I'm afraid the matter is very important."

"I understand." Song Feng nodded lightly.

The elevator door opened, and Song Feng and the female patrolman thought for a moment, then went in alone and took the elevator to the top floor where the chief inspector's office was.

The office is at the head of the corridor, so the people in the main patrol office naturally know him as the chief detective, and they all take the initiative to say hello to him after meeting him.

Song Feng walked to the door of the Chief Inspector's office and knocked lightly a few times. A man's voice in his fifties sounded from inside the door, "Please come in!"

Song Feng opened the door and saw a man wearing a senior patrol uniform sitting on the sofa. Song Feng quickly said hello, "Detective Lin, you are looking for me."

"Xiao Song, come and sit." Detective Lin patted the sofa.

"Thank you, Detective Lin." Song Feng said, coming to sit next to Detective Lin.

Capt. Lin had a calm face and said in a homely tone: "Today you went to Zhendong District to handle a case. Although you said hello to me, you only said you were going to arrest a woman named Luo Chen because she was related to a murder case. But you didn’t say whose home this Luo Chen lives in..."

"Chief Inspector, I didn't know at the time... her address is the home of Zhang Yu of the Wudang Group..." Song Feng said quickly.

"Our patrol and law enforcement has always been fair and aboveboard, and we are not afraid of the powerful. No matter who is involved in the case, as long as there is evidence, we can arrest him. Not to mention Luo Chen, even Zhang Yu is involved. In the current case, Chief Inspector Xue We already know that Zhang Yu is a member of the Zhenhai Council after all. The evidence is very important when we go to his home to handle the case..." Chief Inspector Lin's words have a very clear meaning. As Zhang Yu, go to his home to arrest people. If there is no The evidence is somewhat troublesome.

"I have done a fingerprint comparison and it is absolutely certain that Luo Chen has entered the deceased's home. Not only that, Luo Chen has also admitted it personally. However, her confession is quite contradictory. The most important point is that she saw the deceased's face. After the body was found, they didn’t even report the crime! If there was no problem, how could this be possible?" Song Feng said seriously.

Chief Inspector Lin nodded slightly and said: "This is a problem. But... I have read the autopsy report of the deceased. There were no external injuries on the deceased's body. He was hanged to death. If we say that Luo Chen is the murderer, I'm afraid she doesn't have the ability to hang a living person like the deceased on a rope."

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