Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2282 Every word is like a knife

"Zhang Yu..." After hearing Pan Yun's words, Lu Weichen hesitated for a moment, then reacted and said, "It's Zhang Yu from the Wudang Group..."

"That's him." Pan Yun replied.

"You said the police from Zhennan District went to his home to arrest people?" Lu Weichen was somewhat unconvinced.

"Exactly." Pan Yun said.

"I haven't heard of it..." Lu Weichen said slowly: "Usually, when carrying out tasks across execution areas, you have to inform the locals and cooperate. If you come directly to arrest... With someone like Zhang Yu, it is estimated that I have to say hello to the Zhenhai patrol chief...I haven’t heard anything about it..."

"Zhang Yu is also a member of Zhenhai and Zhendong District. His family was arrested inexplicably. Should we help ask..." Pan Yun said slowly.

"Okay, let me call Detective Xue. He should know about this. Make sure there is no evidence. If the evidence is solid, then there is nothing anyone can do." Lu Weichen said seriously.

This kind of thing is involved, so Lawrence Lu must be careful. According to Zhang Yu's identity, I can help you ask, that's for sure. After all, the patrol room must handle cases openly and honestly.

"Then I'll wait for news from Detective Lu." Pan Yun said.

After hanging up the phone, Pan Yun sat in the car and waited.

After about ten minutes, a vehicle patrolling the hospital arrived. The coroner and his assistants carried the stretcher out of the car. Pan Yun went down to say hello, and she continued to wait downstairs after others got up.

Soon, her cell phone rang, and it was Lawrence Lu calling.

Pan Yun answered immediately, "Hello, Chief Inspector."

Lu Weichen's voice rang on the phone, "Xiao Pan, I have already called Mr. Xue. Mr. Xue said that he had not heard about it, and there was no report from the Zhennan District... But Mr. Xue said that he would Let’s ask Zhennan District to find out what’s going on…”

"Detective Xue, do you understand?" Pan Yun asked.

"It can't be so fast. Now we can only wait for the news." Lu Weichen said.

"Well, then..." Pan Yun had no choice but to say this.

The main police room of Zhennan District, the interrogation room of the serious crime team.

Luo Chen was sitting in an iron cage. Her hands were handcuffed and her feet were shackled. She was sitting inside, unable to move.

This is the treatment given to felons, and ordinary prisoners will not wear them all, especially a woman.

It had been half an hour since she was brought in. No one asked her any questions, but her hands were fingerprinted as she entered.

Apart from this, there were only two patrolmen standing behind her, but they were motionless.

With a click, the door opened, and five police officers walked in from the outside. There were men and women among them. Five patrolmen sat down behind the table opposite. A female patrolman took out a notepad, apparently to take notes.

The male patrolman sitting in the middle was about forty years old. He had a shrewd and tough look on his face, and it was obvious at first glance that he was no ordinary person.

The patrolman looked at Luo Chen and said, "Name?"

"Luo Chen."



The male patrolman first asked some questions about Luo Chen's identity, and then he asked the real question, "What is your relationship with Dong Luo?"

"Dong Luo... I don't know this person... Actually, I really want to ask you, why did you arrest me?" Luo Chen said.

That's what she said, but she vaguely realized that this matter seemed to have something to do with A Luo. After all, the person mentioned by the other party has the word "Luo" in his name.

"You said you didn't know him, so I might as well remind you... Just yesterday, you went to Yipeng Community on Dongbo Street, right?" the male patrolman said calmly.

"Been there." Luo Chen didn't hide it.

She knew that there must be a reason why the other party was able to find her, and I'm afraid she couldn't hide it.

"That's right. Have you been to Room 802, Unit 1, Building 4?" the male patrolman asked again.

Yesterday, I followed the location instructed by the convenience store owner and indeed went to room 802. The entrance to the building says Unit 1, but there is no label on what building number it is.

Now that the other party said this, it further confirmed this point. Luo Chen hesitated and said: "I went to find one of my netizens, his name is Detective A Luo. I found out from the convenience store that he lived in room 802. But I don’t know the specific building number. Also, I didn’t go in at that time, I just knocked on the door outside, but there was no movement inside. Then, I left.”

"What you said before is the same as what we understand, but... you said you have never been in, so why are there your fingerprints on the door inside?" The male patrolman's eyes widened.

Hearing this, Luo Chen's heart trembled, and he immediately realized that when he reached out to push the door, he must have left fingerprints.

For a moment, Luo Chen didn't know how to defend himself.

The male patrolman raised his hand, picked up the two pieces of paper on the table, and said: "Luo Chen, through investigation and evidence collection and fingerprint comparison, our patrolman can completely confirm that you have entered the room of the deceased Dong Luo. Even if you don't admit it, It’s useless. Not only that, on the basis that you don’t admit it, we can even handle the case without any confession and directly identify you as the murderer of Dong Luo!”

"I..." Luo Chen's heart trembled again, and he quickly said: "The Dong Luo I told you is just a netizen. He said he was a detective, and my son happened to be missing, so I asked him to help with the investigation, and he asked I mailed the information, so I mailed it... As a result, there was no news from him after that... I had no other choice, so I went to find him at the address he asked me to mail it to. Only when I got there did I find out that he was actually mute... I asked for his address and went upstairs to look for him, but no matter how hard I knocked, he couldn't open it... I, I pried the door open and went in... I never thought I would see his body inside... Then, I Just left..."

"Ha..." the male patrolman sneered, and then said: "What you said is really simple... and then you left. When encountering such a thing, isn't the first choice to report the crime?"

"This..." Luo Chen was immediately stopped by the question. Unless he was a fool, any normal person's first choice when encountering this kind of thing would be to report it. Otherwise, there would be a problem.

But Luo Chen was a con man after all, and her reaction speed was relatively fast. She said quickly: "Because I pried open the door of his house... so... I didn't dare to report the case... I was afraid that the police would misunderstand..."

"That makes sense..." The male patrolman's voice deepened, "Then let me ask you, what kind of behavior is it to pry open someone's door casually? And, your ability is also No, if you ask me to pry, I don't have the ability to pry open the door without damaging it. Have you practiced?"

"I, I..." The other party's questions were like daggers, all piercing Luo Chen's weakness, leaving Luo Chen really unable to quibble.

"Why...I can't tell..." The male patrolman's eyes were like sharp swords at this moment. He stared at Luo Chen and said seriously: "Our crime team now suspects you of murdering Dong Luo. If you can't give me the previous Question, a reasonable answer, then the murderer is you!"

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