Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2278 Hanging


Luo Chen opened the door, and immediately after, she couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

Her mouth opened wide and her pupils dilated. The scene in front of her was really terrifying and shocking.

The bedroom is not big, with only a bed, a desk, and a bookcase. In the middle of the bedroom, a man hangs from the ceiling. There is a red noose. The person's head is stuck in the noose, the body is drooping, and the feet are not touching the ground.

What fell on it was a man with an unshaven beard, wearing a blue shirt and underpants with no socks on his feet.

This is nothing, but what's terrible is that this man's eyes are bulging out and his tongue is hanging out, just like the hanged man on TV.

However, most of the hanged ghosts on TV are women, and they look scary with their disheveled hair.

In reality, even if a man hangs himself, it still makes people's hair stand on end.

"He...he hanged..." Luo Chen's mouth was open, and it took him a long time to stutter out a sound.

Her body was trembling and her teeth were chattering.

The house smelled of alcohol and stench, and with this hanging guy, Luo Chen felt tight in his chest and wanted to vomit, even in broad daylight.

Fortunately, she is a con man, and her psychological quality is still stronger than that of ordinary women. After a moment of relief, Luo Chen finally calmed down.

She looked at the hanging body and asked again in her heart: "Who is he... maybe he is A Luo..."

"Yes... it must be him... Ever since he told me his address that night, he hasn't spoken a word the next day... But... why did he die... why did he hang himself suddenly..." Luo Chen couldn't even breathe. A bit thick, but she is still a woman after all.


Suddenly, the red rope hanging from the ceiling broke suddenly, and the body fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Luo Chen's heart skipped a beat, and she even felt that her back was soaked in cold sweat.

She subconsciously took two steps back. For a moment, her mind suddenly shook, and a scene emerged in her mind.

Just now downstairs, I saw a paper man hanging on a branch. The head of the paper man seemed to be tied with a red rope. When the wind blew, the branches swayed, the red rope broke, and the paper man fell from in front of her.

The fallen paper man and the fallen corpse looked so similar.

"Wizard...He was killed by a witchcraft...It was definitely not a suicide...Yes! It was definitely not a suicide...A witchcraft, who would do this...Is he his enemy..." Luo Chen's heart was now Jumping faster, "What kind of enemy can do sorcery... It's impossible... Also, why is it such a coincidence that before he helped me, he was fine, but after he agreed to help me, he died... Zhang Yu... ... Could it be Zhang Yu... He is in England..."

Luo Chen's heart was in chaos, and she was a little overwhelmed by what she had experienced in the past two days.

After waiting for a while, Luo Chen gathered his courage and walked inside. The corpse was lying crookedly on the ground. Luo Chen looked at it for a few times. It was because the corpse looked so scary that she really didn't dare to look at it more.

Then, she glanced around again. There is really nothing in the room. There are some books in the bookcase. When I look at the names, they are all detective books, such as "Detective Conan", "Reconciliation of Wrongs", "The Woman in White", "Blood Case", "The Zero O'Clock Bell" "etc……

Over there at the desk, there were only wine bottles, but nothing else. Luo Chen's eyes scanned everywhere, but she didn't find what she wanted to find.

cell phone!

That's right, it's this person's cell phone.

Only by getting the phone and reading the chat history can we determine whether this person is Alo.

Unfortunately, she didn't see it.

After thinking about it for a while, Luo Chen had an idea. She took out her mobile phone, clicked on the dialog box to chat with A Luo, and then sent a voice chat.

A harmonious voice sounded, but it was only her own. There was no sound from the second mobile phone in the room.

"No..." Luo Chen frowned again.

Without a mobile phone, it is impossible to determine the identity of the other party. But again, the phone was most likely taken by the murderer. What was the murderer's purpose for wanting the phone? There must be something on it that he didn't want others to see.

You know, this person died at home, although he will not be discovered for the time being. But sooner or later it will be discovered.

She mustered up the courage and looked at the body again, "Aluo! I have a feeling that you must be Aluo... You died for me, don't worry, I will definitely find the real murderer and avenge you. …”

Luo Chen turned around and walked towards the door.

After leaving the room, she closed the iron door and went downstairs.

When she went upstairs, she was out of breath and wanted to take a rest. But when she went downstairs, she didn't know where the strength came from. She walked very fast and came downstairs in one breath.

After walking out of the building, Luo Chen breathed a sigh of relief and took a few steps forward.

At this time, she suddenly realized that something seemed to be missing. The little paper man on the ground is gone.

But yes, the wind blows in winter, and only God knows where the little paper figures will be blown by a gust of wind.

Luo Chen's mood was indescribable: nervous, melancholy, scared, and painful. The death of her son was a big enough blow to her, and now the only person she trusted was also dead.

How should I face it in the days to come?

revenge? Do you have that ability?

Walking out of the community, standing on the side of the road, looking at the busy traffic on the street, she suddenly didn't know where to go?

Do you want to go back to Zhang Yu's home?

The answer is yes. If she doesn't go back, Zhang Yu will definitely become suspicious. With Zhang Yu's ability, he will definitely be able to find her. More importantly, if you leave, it means that you will never be able to take revenge.

Didi took a car and headed towards the Jixiang Villa area in Zhendong District.

The day in England is the night in China. Zhang Yu and his party took Yang Wenbin's plane back to China. When they arrived, it happened to be daytime in China again.

After getting off the plane, a car from Wudang Taoist Temple had come to pick him up. Zhang Yu got into a car alone and headed to Wudang Group, letting everyone else go to the Taoist temple to rest.

Zhang Yu changed into a suit on the plane. He brought a lot of bags with him. After attending the exchange meeting this time, he had to buy some gifts to take back. It wasn't just him, everyone bought a lot of things.

When he arrived at the company, it was already around 8:30 in the morning. Zhang Yu entered the company building carrying large and small bags.

As soon as he entered the door, a sharp-eyed security guard rushed over, "Chairman." "Chairman."...

The bag in his hand was "robbed" of everything in an instant.

Zhang Yu, surrounded by security guards, went upstairs to the chairman's office. The office door was locked, Zhang Yu didn't bring the key, and Luo Chen hadn't come outside yet, so he had to ask the office director to come and open the door.

When he entered his office, it was spotless. Even if he didn't come to work, someone would clean the office every day.

There was a Feng Shui bureau he had arranged here, but for some reason, standing in the middle of the big office, he suddenly felt depressed. I don’t know if it’s because I haven’t been here for so long.

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