Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2277 The fallen paper man

"It turns out to be a netizen..."

After hearing Luo Chen's words, the middle-aged man couldn't help but look at Luo Chen again.

Because of the cold weather, Luo Chen was wearing a white leather coat and a pair of white boots today. At first glance, he looked like a petty bourgeoisie. She hadn't slept all night and her face was pale, but it was easy to see that she was definitely a beauty.

Perhaps seeing Luo Chen's haggard expression, the middle-aged man said seriously: "That mute has a very strange personality... Of course, deaf-mute people sometimes have personalities that are somewhat different from normal people... This mute, except When he came to buy wine from me, he just bought cigarettes, and never bought anything else... But he told me that he left his home delivery address with me. After all, he couldn't talk. Someone called him, and he There's no way to communicate... I don't know how you two met, but I advise you not to associate with him..."

His words could not help but make Luo Chen frown. Luo Chen never expected that the famous detective A Luo would be such a person in other people's impressions.

In Luo Chen's heart, A Luo is a funny, restrained, mysterious man with a story.

Usually such men are very attractive, and because of A Luo's uniqueness, Luo Chen regards him as a friend. Thinking of A Luo never speaking, Luo Chen asked him to meet, but he didn't come out. It seems that only mutes can do this.

But Luo Chen still didn't want to believe that A Luo was what the middle-aged man described.

Luo Chen asked curiously: "Then are there no other people in his family?"

"He should be the only one in his family." The middle-aged man said.

"That's it...then where is his home?" Luo Chen asked.

"His family...his family actually lives in a community...but I hope you will listen to my advice and don't go looking for him..." the middle-aged man said earnestly.

"I still want to meet him...Brother, please tell me his home address..." Luo Chen said sincerely.

The middle-aged man couldn't help but shook his head and said: "That's what netizens are like. I've also met netizens... Let me tell you, when we don't meet, there is always a sense of mystery, but once we meet, that sense of mystery is gone. ...You will definitely regret it when the time comes..."

This statement makes it very clear that Alo is a typical person who dies in the light of day. It doesn't matter if we don't meet. As long as we meet, it will definitely be in vain.

Luo Chen wanted to see A Luo, not just because of A Luo's sense of mystery, but because she wanted to ask whether A Luo had lied to her. In addition, she also wanted to see if Alo was safe.

"We are netizens. Even if we meet, we won't have any regrets. Just tell me..." Luo Chen said very sincerely.

"You said this yourself, so I don't care...he lives..." The middle-aged man pointed to the building in front of him and said: "His family lives in this building, it's 802 on the 8th floor. …”

"Thank you, thank you..." Luo Chen said gratefully.

Then, she walked in the direction pointed by the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man looked at her leaving back and couldn't help but mutter, "Damn, these days, the is so good at picking up girls..."

Luo Chen took the information mailbox and went straight to A Luo's home. When he came to the building in front, there was a tree in front of the main door. Luo Chen inadvertently saw a small yellow paper man hanging on the branch of the tree.

"What is this?" Luo Chen was stunned for a moment and looked carefully.

It is indeed a small yellow paper man, and there seems to be a red rope hanging around the paper man's neck.

Coincidentally, a gust of wind blew by, the bare branches shook, and the little man hanging on them fell down. It happened to fall in front of Luo Chen, and fell to the ground from in front of Luo Chen's eyes.

This scene seemed so weird that an ordinary person would have spit on the ground and then walked around.

When Luo Chen saw this little paper man, her heart also trembled, and such a scene appeared in her mind.

Zhang Yu once stabbed a paper man on her body, and she had personally experienced the power of the paper man.

"Could it be that Zhang Yu has been here..." Luo Chen muttered in his heart, "It's impossible. He's still in England. How could he come here... This paper man here... maybe it's just a coincidence. I don't know who did it. Bar……"

Luo Chen was still a little nervous. After thinking for a moment, she simply went upstairs. Because she was too weak, she was out of breath after climbing to the fourth floor in one breath. She rested for two minutes before continuing to climb up, and finally reached the 8th floor.

The ground on the eighth floor was covered in dust. It could be seen that no one had swept the ground for a long time, and footprints could be seen.

Regardless of whether it is 801 or 802, the doors of both houses are rusty, and it doesn't look like anyone lives here at all.


Luo Chen raised his hand and knocked on the door of 802. He knocked many times but did not hear any sound.

Then, she realized that Aluo was mute and could not speak even if he heard.

But there was still a little light in the door mirror, and it didn't look like someone was looking out.

"Aluo! Aluo!" Luo Chen shouted.

She shouted several times, but there was still no sound, which made Luo Chen feel nervous.

"Alo, something has happened, right..."

Luo Chen looked at the old door. There was no handle on the door. It was the older kind. Obviously, the door was closed tightly. Luo Chen tried to press it with his fingers, but it was in vain.

The keyhole was underneath. Luo Chen thought for a moment and found a brooch from the bag. She is a con man, but she is not a general, she is just a trickster. Among them, lockpicking is one of her skills.

Of course, it depends on what kind of lock she is. She can open ordinary locks.

Luo Chen put the brooch into the keyhole and pinned it gently twice. Then he heard a "click" and the door opened.

"Fortunately, I didn't throw away this little trick..." Luo Chen's face showed a hint of pride.

She opened the door to the room, and she immediately smelled a strong smell of alcohol. The smell of alcohol can make people who are not good drinkers drunk on the spot.

There was not only the smell of alcohol, but also a faint stench. The two smells mixed together almost made Luo Chen vomit.

Such a room was no different from a pig's nest. Luo Chen frowned, how could such a place accommodate anyone? No wonder the convenience store owner wouldn't let her come. Anyone who sees this scene will probably regret it.

"Aluo! Aluo..." Luo Chen shouted a few more times in a low voice.

There was no answer in the room, as if no one was living there.

Luo Chen hesitated for a moment, and even though he was here, he had to go in and take a look.

She stepped in. The house was not big, just one bedroom and one living room. The bedroom door is an ordinary wooden door and is still closed. The so-called hall is actually a small restaurant. There were tables in the restaurant, which were littered with leftover food or wine bottles.

Luo Chen frowned again, turned and walked towards the bedroom. When she came to the bedroom door, she stretched out her hand and pushed it, and the door opened.

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