Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2265 Arriving at Zhenhai

Zhang Yu was really tired today and stayed at the racecourse for more than an hour, mainly to keep company with this affectionate big white horse.

Although he likes this horse very much, he cannot break up his love. When he left the racecourse, the big white horse was reluctant to leave. No one else could hold it, and it was Zhang Yu who had to move it back to the stable.

At this exchange meeting on Eastern and Western Astrology and Feng Shui, England did not make a large-scale report. Even so, the results of this exchange meeting have spread all over the world.

The first thing that broke the news was some foreign forums, and then it started to become an uproar.

Rome Airport, Italy.

Dhruv and Paris walked out, and there were people waiting there outside the airport, it was Jack Liu and Martial.

"Senior, senior." "Senior, senior." As soon as the two people saw Dhruv and Paris, they greeted Dhruv and Paris politely.

Dhruv and Paris just nodded slightly and waited for Jack Liu to open the door and sit in the back seat.

Originally, Paris planned to stay in England and did not want to return to Italy. However, Dhruv said that the exchange meeting was over and he needed to go back and report back to the teacher. Paris has been here all along and must know clearly, so he asked her to go back with him.

Because Dhruv revealed his name as a teacher, Paris did not dare to say anything more and could only follow him back home.

Jack Liu and Martial both got in the car, and the car started immediately.

Martial was in charge of driving and said: "Senior, we just watched on the Internet that Zhang Yu actually won the championship of the Eastern and Western Astrology and Feng Shui Exchange Conference. This is really amazing."

"It's indeed amazing!" Dhruv said lightly.

"But... I always feel something is wrong." This time, Jack Liu turned around and said.

"What's wrong?" Dhruv asked.

"I did lose to Zhang Yu last time. But the impression Zhang Yu gave me at the time was that he was definitely not that strong in just a short time. His improvement in strength is terrifying," Jack Liu said with some amazement.

"That shouldn't be the case. Maybe he deliberately hid his strength when he fought you last time." Paris said disapprovingly.

In her mind, Jack Liu's strength was far from Zhang Yu's. How could the two of them be close in strength when they fought?

"It shouldn't be like that. Because his strength at that time was really not as conspicuous as it is today. He even won me by stealing chickens." Jack Liu said slowly: "His current achievements are not proportional to his previous strength at all. .”

"This Zhang Yu feels the same every time, but he always wins. This alone shows that he is indeed unfathomable," Paris said.

"As for Paris, I also admit that Zhang Yu can always narrowly defeat his opponent. By the time of the next contest, his strength will have improved significantly. It is incredible. I think that when I see the teacher later, I should Tell me, teacher." Dhruv said.

"The teacher is not in Rome." Martial, who was driving, said immediately.

"Not in Rome? Where have you gone?" Dhruv asked doubtfully: "During the day yesterday, wasn't the teacher still there?"

"Senior, you don't know something. Just yesterday evening, an Oriental man came to see the teacher. I don't know what they talked about. Early this morning, the teacher and that person, as well as seniors Padoin and Desilio set out for Zhenhai Yes." Martial said.

After hearing this, Paris couldn't help but tremble in her heart. An ominous premonition arose in her heart, and she couldn't help shouting: "Teacher has gone to Zhenhai!"

"Yes," Martial said.

Seeing that Paris was a little nervous, Dhruv asked, "Paris, why did you react so strongly when the teacher went to Zhenhai?"

Anyone can guess that if Pisano goes to Zhenhai, he will most likely want to deal with Zhang Yu.

Paris quickly covered it up and said: "Senior, what I'm shocked about is not this, but the Padoin and Desilio that the teacher brought."

"The two of them have a good relationship with me. It shouldn't be a big deal if I take them there." Dhruv said disapprovingly.

"That said, it is reasonable for the teacher not to take Inzaghi and Montolivo with him this time. However, I should inform you at least. Even Padoin and De Sciglio did not say anything. ," Paris said deliberately worriedly.

Moreover, she did not say everything in her words, and Dhruv could naturally understand the meaning.

It didn't matter that Pisano didn't notify Dhruv. Padoin and Desilio just went to Zhenhai with the teacher without even saying a word of notification. What does this mean?

Dhruv's face darkened, and after a moment he said: "It's not a big deal, maybe he left in a hurry."

How could Paris not see the change in Dhruv's face, he was obviously interested. For her, as long as Dhruv didn't suspect her relationship with Zhang Yu, it would be fine. As for what Padoin and Desilio were thinking, it was beyond her scope of consideration.

But Paris wanted to know who the Chinese came to see the teacher. She asked casually: "Martial, do you know who came to see the teacher?"

"I didn't see this person. I only heard about it after the teacher left." Martial said.

Paris nodded slightly and said nothing more.

It is true that at this time, Pisano had brought two students to Zhenhai. The Oriental who arrived with him was naturally none other than Qi Wuxuan's father, Qin Tonghui.

They took a car from the airport and arrived at Longhu Villa. It was already past ten o'clock in the morning.

After entering the villa, the car drove to the largest villa. At the entrance of the villa, Qi Guang, his secretary, and Qi Wuxuan were waiting there.

There are definitely not many people in this world who can be greeted by Qi Guang personally, but the great astrologer Pisano is definitely qualified.

Qi Guang invited Pisano to sit in the villa. They chatted for a while in the large living room and then went to the restaurant to eat together. The dishes were prepared and they chatted while eating.

The conversation before was all about scenes. After the meal was almost done, Qi Guang said: "Great astrologer, I think before you arrived, I heard Tong Hui say that a few days ago, our Qi family was attacked by that boy Zhang Yu. It’s so painful, we lost 30 billion in one fell swoop.”

"I heard that Zhang Yu is really hateful," Pisano said calmly.

He looked indifferent, but in his heart, he already wanted to tear Zhang Yu into pieces.

"Zhang Yu is not only hateful, but also hateful and killable. I can't wait to crush him to ashes. I have ways to deal with him in the shopping mall, but he has very high Taoist skills. Apart from Mr. Great Astrologer, I really can't think of anyone else who has the strength to control this kid!" Qi Guang said very seriously.

"I don't like to talk in circles. With the friendship between you and me, there is no need to say some things in the scene. You invited me here this time because you want me to help you." Pisano looked at Qi Guang and said seriously. said.

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