Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2264 It’s difficult to have both sides of many things

Zhang Yu got into Miss Allen's car. She was driving a Bentley sports car today, and the car was speeding straight to the Royal Racecourse.

Zhang Yu, who was sitting in the passenger seat, said nothing and squinted his eyes, as if he was resting his mind.

After talking for a while, Miss Allen glanced at him and said, "You seem to be reluctant to talk to me anymore."

"The main reason is that I am too tired. This time I came to England, I was a little exhausted both physically and mentally." Zhang Yu said in a calm tone without opening his eyes.

"Charles asked me to sell that manor to you. In fact, I was helpless. I had to do it. Because that day, the ghost of Sister Ronnie was in my body. During the day, she did not control me. consciousness, but at night, my body is controlled by her. I know that this will bring you a lot of trouble, but I don’t know what kind of trouble it is specifically. Today you have gained an exchange of Eastern and Western astrology and Feng Shui The champion of the meeting, Rockenwell was hit hard, Charles almost died of anger, and he lost his former demeanor. This shows that his plan has gone bankrupt." Miss Allen said slowly while driving.

"It's almost like this," Zhang Yu said lightly again, without saying anything else.

"I can see that you are now very close to Catholicism. There is a deep conflict between the state church and Catholicism. You have always wanted to eliminate Catholicism from England, but it is difficult to do so. Charles must be very dissatisfied with your desire to preach in England. Yes, even if the Catholic Church becomes your backer, with your current strength, I am afraid it will be difficult to compete with Charles. Don’t think that it is a good thing for Catholic people to actively win over you. They just want to divert Charles’ attention and turn Charles away. If the spearhead is pointed at you, the Catholic Church can sit back and watch the fight between tigers, so why should you become someone else's pawn." Miss Allen said sincerely.

Dudek said yesterday that he would give Zhang Yu three pieces of land to help him develop Taoism in England. The other party was so kind. Firstly, Zhang Yu helped the Catholic Church, and secondly, as Miss Allen said, Zhang Yu was sent to the front to attract Charles' firepower.

After all, Catholicism has long been deeply rooted, and there are many masters in the church, so Charles does not dare to do anything blatantly. But Zhang Yu's Taoism is different. It has just emerged. Charles will definitely find a way to nip Taoism in the bud and never allow it to grow.

Zhang Yu smiled deliberately and said: "Don't you in England pay attention to freedom of belief? Now it seems that it is better to be in the east."

"The so-called freedom is often just that. As a church, it definitely hopes that everyone will believe in their family. Among them, there will be infighting and even killing. I know that once you find a way, you can easily You will never look back. But this time, I still hope you will think twice before you act. After all, many things in this world are linked to strength," Miss Allen said sincerely.

Zhang Yu knew that Miss Allen had good intentions. He knew it himself, even if he didn't mention what happened last night, but if he severely damaged Rockenwell today, Charles would not let it go.

It is absolutely impossible that Charles asked Miss Allen to convey these words to Zhang Yu. Because Charles will not lose this person.

"Thank you, I will consider it." Zhang Yu said.

"Let the past be in the past. I hope that after we talk about it, we will still be friends." Miss Allen said sincerely again.

"We are still friends." Zhang Yu opened his eyes when he spoke this time.

Miss Allen would glance at Zhang Yu from time to time. Seeing Zhang Yu open his eyes, she turned her head and raised the corners of her mouth, revealing that charming smile.

"Thank you." Miss Allen said sweetly.

The two chatted casually and finally arrived at the Royal Racecourse. The car parked in the parking lot, and the two entered in the sightseeing car until they arrived at the stables.

As soon as they arrived, two horses immediately became excited in a stable.

The two horses, one red and one white, kept neighing, raising their front legs and kicking the fence, looking like they were eager to get out.

The workers opened the fence, and the two horses rushed out together. The red horse rushed towards Miss Allen, and the white horse rushed towards Zhang Yu. Good guys, these two horses are very coquettish, and their heads keep rubbing against their chests.

Especially the big white horse, there were tears in his eyes. Zhang Yu gently stroked the horse's head and felt sad when he saw the tears flowing from the big white horse.

It's really unbelievable that one person and one horse only had a one-sided relationship last time, but this horse has already given all his emotions.

Zhang Yu was moved for a moment and said directly: "Miss Allen, I don't know if I can take this horse away. If you need money, it's not a problem, just ask for the price."

Strangely enough, before Miss Allen could answer, the two horses suddenly raised their heads as if they understood Zhang Yu's words.

"Of course there is no problem. We are friends, and you are the owner of this horse. You can take it away at any time. I remember that there is a saying in the East that a BMW deserves a hero. It is absolutely true." Miss Allen Said with a smile.

"Thank you very much." Zhang Yu nodded and said.

The big white horse seemed to really understand what Miss Allen said. It immediately became very excited and kept rubbing against Zhang Yu.

However, Miss Allen's bloody horse seemed a little unhappy. It came close to the big white horse and rubbed its head against the big white horse's body.

Feeling the friction of the sweaty horse, the big white horse quickly turned around and put its head close to the big red horse's head. They started rubbing against each other again, looking very intimate.

The last time I saw two horses, they were yelling at each other, like enemies meeting. I didn't expect that the relationship would be so good right now.

Zhang Yu said in astonishment: "What's going on? They haven't seen each other for just a few days, and they..."

Miss Allen smiled softly and said: "It's called no deal, no fight. After you left, your horse became very sad, so I raised them together. Unexpectedly, they developed feelings very quickly. , they are like glue all day long. In fact, if a man and a woman are locked together all day long, even enemies may become in-laws."

At the end of the sentence, Miss Allen looked straight at Zhang Yu with her wonderful eyes. The meaning seems to be saying that we are enemies.

Zhang Yu nodded, frowned and said, "If this is the case, if I take Dabai away, then your red horse will be sad."

"I will definitely be sad. But my horse can't leave me either. Tell me, what should I do?" Miss Allen stared at Zhang Yu and said.

"What can you do?" Zhang Yu asked.

Miss Allen spread her hands and said: "Many things are difficult to have both ways. For example, if you stay in England for a long time, you will definitely not agree."

"Yeah, it's really difficult to have both sides of many things." Zhang Yu looked at the two horses and couldn't bear to let them separate. After thinking for a moment, he sighed, looked at the big white horse and said, "If I have a chance, I will come. It’s up to you.”

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