Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2262 Detective Arlo

Thinking that Zhang Yu might have seen his son, Luo Chen unconsciously became worried again.

You know, after Fang Tong and Ye Fenghuang were rescued by Zhang Yu, the two women said nothing. What happened after the kidnapping and how he was rescued were never mentioned at all, as if nothing had happened.

Luo Chen felt guilty because of this incident. She asked Fang Tong later, but Fang Yatou hesitated and said nothing, as if it was some important secret that could not be told to others.

At that time, Luo Chen saw that Fang Tong didn't say anything, so he didn't continue to ask. But this kind of thing will never have a good outcome, and at the very least, the patrol room will be alerted.

Thinking about it further, his son, a half-year-old child, dared to come to Zhang Yu's home to kidnap him. This was not just a matter of courage, but where did he have such great energy?

Zhang Yu's home had all kinds of bodyguards, and even Zhang Yu's senior sister was taken away. Luo Chen had not seen Zhang Yu's abilities before. Ye Fenghuang was Zhang Yu's senior sister and was definitely not someone to be trifled with. If during the process of rescuing people, both parties take action, it is very likely that someone will be killed.

Luo Chen was paralyzed there, not knowing what to do.

It seemed inappropriate to ask Zhang Yu. If his son died in Zhang Yu's hands, how would he face this man in the future? If Zhang Yu lies and doesn't tell the truth, he may not be able to find a son in this life.

At this time, people are most confused.

"Beep beep beep"

At this moment, the mobile phone on the bedside table rang. It was the sound of WeChat.

Luo Chen weakly went to the bedside table, reached out and picked up his phone from it, and at a glance, it turned out to be a WeChat message. The person who sent the WeChat message is nicknamed Detective Arlo.

The content on this WeChat message is - I received a big deal the day before yesterday. I have been tracking it 24 hours a day for the past two days, and I haven't had time to chat with you. I'm finally done with my work today, and I haven't even slept yet, so I want to say hello to you first. You must be asleep now.

This "Detective A Luo" is the guy who added Luo Chen on WeChat a few days ago. The two of them got along very well, so they kept chatting.

A Luo seemed to be different. After chatting with Luo Chen for so long, he never asked Luo Chen to take photos, nor did he ask Luo Chen to meet him. This left a good impression on Luo Chen, so he chatted with her every day. .

According to Arlo's self-introduction, he is a private detective. This profession is illegal in China, so he appears to be very mysterious and his work address changes frequently. However, this profession is sometimes indispensable. When people hire private detectives, they often do four things.

The first is the investigation of marital issues. Due to the increase in extramarital affairs and other phenomena, one party in the marriage relationship has a need to obtain evidence of the other party's "infidelity"; the second is in debt disputes, the creditor needs to know the whereabouts of the debtor and allow the debtor to repay the debt in a timely manner. ; Third, in commercial activities, there is a need to understand the participants' business reputation, negotiation bottom line, and payment ability; Fourth, in criminal cases, the parties hope to obtain more evidence for defense or prosecution.

A Luo seemed to trust Luo Chen very much, or maybe because he was under great pressure at work and wanted someone to talk to, so when chatting with Luo Chen, he often talked about the cases he had taken on.

Women are all curious. The detective story A Luo told was very interesting and attracted Luo Chen deeply.

In the past two days, A Luo has not sent a message to Luo Chen. Luo Chen did send a message to A Luo, but A Luo did not reply. It was precisely because of this that Luo Chen began to think wildly, and finally decided to take drugs to restore his memory.

Seeing A Luo's message at this moment, Luo Chen felt sad and directly said in his voice: "A Luo, my son is lost."

"Your son is lost. I've never heard you mention having a child before. Don't be sad. I'm a detective. As long as I have information, there's no one I can't find. Did he get lost today? Give me his information. , I will help you find it right now." Aluo was happy and directly replied with a message.

"He has been missing for half a year." Luo Chen said sadly again.

"It's been half a year. Why has it taken so long? Have you reported the crime? Is there any news from the patrol room? Where did he get lost?" Aluo still replied in text.

"There was no report. I don't know where he got lost," Luo Chen said sadly.

"The child has been missing for half a year and you didn't report it! You don't even know where it was lost. What the hell is going on?" Aluo replied.

"It's a long story. The day my son was lost, I...I lost my memory due to a serious impact. My memory was restored today, and I remembered that I had a son. Can you help me?" Luo Chen almost begged. said in a tone of voice.

"I'm sure I can help you. But if your son is lost, then aren't your husband and your family anxious and looking for him?" Aluo texted again.

"My husband passed away a long time ago. Only my son and I depend on each other. I should still be able to find his photo, but I'm afraid I can't take out the others. However, as long as you can help me find the child, I will give it to you no matter how much it costs." ." Luo Chen's voice was very choked when he spoke now.

"You are my friend. If you want to ask me for any money, let's do this. Send me his photo and give me some information about him, such as what clothes you were wearing when you got lost, and where you were when you were hit. Where is it, and the age of the child. But to be honest, I can’t say that I’m 100% sure of finding it after it’s been missing for so long. I can only say that I will try my best.” A Luo’s text reply.

"Okay, then I will go find all the information tomorrow morning. Arlo, how about we make an appointment to meet tomorrow, and I will personally hand over all the information I can find to you." Luo Chen's voice became a little hoarse. , it can be seen that thinking of her son this time has a huge impact on her heart.

"I have a lot of things at hand, so it's not convenient to meet you tomorrow. Otherwise, you can just mail the information to Jinyuan Convenience Store in Zhennan District, Dongbo Street, Yipeng Community. Just write your name as Aluoshou, and your phone number It's 155XXXXXXXX." Aluo gave Luo Chen another text reply.

Luo Chen actually wanted to meet the detective. He was asking for help, so he had to thank him in person.

But she didn't expect that this guy didn't even meet him. The address where the information was mailed was a convenience store, which once again made Luo Chen curious.

Everyone has said so, Luo Chen can't say anything more. So the voice said: "Okay, I will mail all the information tomorrow. Arlo, please."

"Don't worry, I won't take on any other cases until I find your son!" Aluo texted back.

With A Luo's words, Luo Chen felt warm in his heart. She also knew that it was obviously unreliable to rely on a private detective to find her son. But at this time, she was already in a critical condition and sought medical treatment, and there was really no other way.

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