Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2261 Headache

Hearing the screams from downstairs, Xiao Jiejie and Fang Tong were startled. The two girls immediately looked at each other, and Fang Tong said cautiously: "What's going on?"

Xiao Jiejie was more courageous than she was. She quickly reacted and said, "It seems to be Sister Luo Chen's voice."

"No way, she's at home. What could happen?" Fang Tong said nervously, already pulling back the quilt covering himself.

"I didn't know. Let's go downstairs and have a look." Xiao Jiejie was faster, jumped out of bed and ran forward quickly.

Fang Tong followed Xiao Jiejie out of the room and forgot to notify Yang Ying who was taking a shower. There was the sound of water rushing in the bathroom, and Yang Ying couldn't hear the sound outside at all.

The two girls left the room and rushed to the second floor. In the corridor on the second floor, they saw Ye Fenghuang in a white dress standing at the door of Luo Chen's room, pushing the door open.

Seeing Ye Fenghuang arriving, the two girls couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. After all, Ye Fenghuang was Zhang Yu's "senior sister" in name only, and she also knew kung fu. The two women hurried to Luo Chen's room. After walking around the screen, they saw Luo Chen lying on the bed, seemingly unconscious.

Ye Fenghuang was listening to Luo Chen's heartbeat, and then pinched Luo Chen's man.

Fang Tong said worriedly: "Senior sister, are Sister Luo Chen okay?"

"It's okay, I just passed out. When she wakes up, ask her what happened." Ye Fenghuang said in a safe tone.

Seeing her say this, Fang Tong and Xiao Jiejie breathed a sigh of relief and went to the bed to check on Luo Chen's condition.

Luo Chen's face was slightly pale, but nothing else. His closed eyelids slowly began to loosen, and he finally opened his eyes.

Seeing that Luo Chen woke up, Fang Yatou asked eagerly: "Sister Luo Chen, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Luo Chen replied subconsciously.

"What happened just now? Why did you suddenly scream and scare us to death?" Xiao Jiejie followed.

"Nothing happened. My impression just now was that there was a sudden sharp pain in my head. Then, I didn't know anything at all," Luo Chen said slowly.

"If you have a headache and feel dizzy, it's not because you're sick. Otherwise, let's go to the hospital." Fang Tong said eagerly.

"It doesn't hurt anymore." Luo Chen sat up from the bed and said, "Thank you for your concern, but it seems nothing is wrong."

"You can't just forget about it if you have nothing to do. You suddenly have a headache, which can make you faint. Once there will be a second time, and Zhang Yu is not at home, I think it is better to go to the hospital for a thorough check-up." This time it was Xiao Jiejie who said. .

When Xiao Jiejie mentioned Zhang Yu, Luo Chen hesitated for a moment and then said: "That's true. Otherwise, go to the hospital for a checkup. But it's late at night and the hospital is off work. I don't feel any pain now. If that doesn't work, , let’s go check it out tomorrow morning.”

"That's okay, let's go to the hospital tomorrow morning." Fang Yatou nodded.

They talked for a while and saw that Luo Chen showed no signs of recurrence, so they went back to their room to rest.

Luo Chen sent them outside the door and waited for them to go upstairs before closing his door.

She slowly walked to the bed, her body softened, and she sat down on the ground.

Fortunately, the floor was carpet, so it didn't matter. But at this moment, Luo Chen seemed a little lonely, a little aggrieved, and a little painful.

Tears flowed from her eyes involuntarily, and she murmured to herself, "Son. I have another son. How is he doing now? Is he going to be fine?"

That’s right!

At this moment, Luo Chen has recovered his memory.

The reason why she made a painful sound just now, and even fainted from the pain, was precisely because she took the medicine prepared by Zhang Yu.

When Luo Chen returned home that day, she saw Fang Tong, Xiao Jiejie and others playing mahjong. She asked Zhang Yu if he was at home because she actually wanted to take medicine.

The result was good. Zhang Yu never came back. Later, he learned that Zhang Yu had gone to England.

Luo Chen waited every day and couldn't wait any longer. Yesterday during the day, she secretly took out the medicine when no one was at home. She didn't drink at that time, mainly because she was struggling internally as to whether she should drink or not. It was tonight that she finally made up her mind.

When she drank the medicine, she made preparations in advance because she was present when Zhang Yu's mother took the medicine. Zhang's mother fainted from the pain, and Luo Chen was also worried that she would pass out. She didn't want others to discover the secret, so she poured the medicine into her mouth first, then put the bottle of medicine away, and then drank the medicine.

Sure enough, she had a splitting headache, which made her scream and even fainted.

When she woke up, her memory began to slowly recover. Since Fang Tong, Xiao Jiejie, and Ye Fenghuang were all there, she couldn't recall and could only deal with the three women.

After the three people left, she recalled the past, and when she walked to the bedside, the lost memory was completely restored.

Thinking about where her son had gone, it made her, a mother, miserable.

Her tears kept flowing, and soon her face was filled with tears.

"Son, where will he go?" She kept thinking in her heart, and she felt extremely painful in her heart. Suddenly, a picture suddenly appeared in her mind, that is, the child she and Fang Tong brought home together.

This child looks exactly like his own son.

She then thought that after that, she fell into a coma. Ye Fenghuang and Fang Tong were even kidnapped, but she herself was left in the closet and was not taken away.

"It's him, it must be him. My son still knows me. He was with bad people and did bad things together, but he didn't take me away." Luo Chen couldn't help but feel a little excited. Anyway, he knew his son. my own.

But after thinking about it, she realized something was wrong, "The child is only so old, why would he do bad things with bad people? I think he was knocked unconscious by him, but how could he have such ability? There is a problem, There must be a problem. When they were giving me medicine, I fainted first. Did they give medicine to my son? After I fainted, what happened and what happened to my son?"

Luo Chen was extremely anxious. She couldn't figure out what was going on here.

For a moment, she was in immense pain, and it seemed that just as Zhang Yu said, once she took the medicine, she would fall into pain.

As a mother, now that she knows everything, she can't control so much.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Luo Chen heard another thing, that is, Zhang Yu rescued Ye Fenghuang and Fang Tong and would definitely meet his son. Will Zhang Yu know his son's current whereabouts?

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