Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2239 What a pity

The eyes of the people in the audience were moving back and forth on the screens on both sides of Zhang Yu and Rockenwell.

It was obvious that Zhang Yu and Rockenwell had already taken action. As for who would win, they really couldn't tell, and they all just talked in low voices.

"Who do you think can win?" "You can't tell. The formations of both people must be very good, and it's possible for either one to win. Now, it's just who is faster." "Yes, look at this posture , Rockenwell should also have found the main star position in Zhang Yu's formation." "But... Rockenwell has been here for a long time before. Is this really the main star position in Zhang Yu's formation?" "I think... should be……"……

The disciples of Zhang Yinling and Zhang Yu couldn't help but become anxious after seeing Rockenwell sit down and set up a formation.

The little girl clenched her fists and kept encouraging Zhang Yu, "Quick... quick... that guy has already started to take action, you must work hard... you must finish it before him..."

She was anxious when she suddenly heard a nun's voice from behind, "Senior sister, these two people must have found each other's formation, and the competition is speed... Who can win between the two of them..."

"Zhang Yu is afraid that he will lose..." Immediately afterwards, the little nun's Kongyi voice rang out.

Her voice was not loud, but Zhang Yinling, Zhang Qingfeng, Yuan Xiaoxiao and others next to her heard her clearly. They immediately turned their heads and looked at Kong Yi, especially Zhang Yingling, with their eyes widened.

Kong Yi didn't seem to be aware of it, and still said calmly: "I thought Zhang Yu's formation was very clever before, but now it seems that it is not at all..."

"No..." the nun sitting next to her asked curiously: "Senior sister, how could Taoist Zhang's formation not be so good... That foreign devil searched for a long time and couldn't find the location of the formation... He must be very powerful. right……"

"It's amazing... This can only be said for Rockenwell..." Kong Yi smiled slightly and said: "Zhang Yu's formation, if my guess is correct, should be a basic entry-level formation. Among them, there are a total of seven formation eyes. These formation eyes are not prioritized. If you want to break the formation, just break one of the formation eyes and the formation will be broken. If you want to superimpose formations, it is also very easy. It's easy, just choose a formation eye at random, and you can superimpose it. Rockenwell is a Westerner, so naturally he doesn't understand this. He arranged a formation with two formation eyes for Zhang Yu, so he thought that the formation arranged by Zhang Yu It's the same as his. Now, he has figured out that he only needs to simply arrange a formation to be superimposed with Zhang Yu's formation. The time required is naturally very short... Rockenwell's formation is very Exquisite, it is difficult to superimpose the two formations. Even if Zhang Yu thinks of a way, it will not be short of time..."

"So that's it..." The nun showed an expression of sudden realization.

Zhang Yinling, Zhang Qingfeng and others couldn't help but look shocked after hearing this. Likewise, they also felt worried.

If it is true as Kong Yi said, then it would be too easy for Rockenwell to superimpose Zhang Yu's formation.

"Look! Look! The Bible on Rockenwell's lap is floating." Suddenly, Omeiko pointed at the big screen and shouted.

The eyes of Zhang Yingling and others were immediately attracted, wasn't it? The Bible that was originally placed on Rockenwell's lap was slowly levitating. It looks so weird.

Of course, this also depends on who is right. Zhang Yingling and others had no intention of thinking about this at all, and they all began to cheer Zhang Yu in their hearts.

"Zhang Yu is going to lose, I'm afraid." Dhruv, who was sitting behind Zhang Yingling and the others, glanced at Paris and said calmly.

"The formation arranged by Rockenwell seems to be very simple... How come the Bible levitates so quickly..." Paris said with some confusion.

"It's not that the formation arranged by Rockenwell is simple, it seems that the formation arranged by Zhang Yu is too simple..." Dhruv said lightly.

"The formation arranged by Zhang Yu is simple, how is it possible?" Paris said in confusion.

"Everyone misunderstood at first. They all thought Zhang Yu's formation was very clever, including Rockenwell in the villa... But in fact, this is not the case at all. Zhang Yu's formation is very simple. If I guessed correctly, , it is very likely that it is an introductory formation, in which there are several main star positions, which makes it difficult for Rockenwell to distinguish them for a while... But once you figure it out, it is easy to find a main star position at will, whether it is to break the formation, Or the superposition of formations, they are all easy to pick up, no difficulty..." Dhruv is worthy of being the disciple of the great astrologer Pisano, his strength is by no means limited, and his vision is also quite accurate.

Although I didn't see it before, I can already see the clues through Rockenwell's performance at this moment.

"So that's it... The senior is indeed a senior, and he really has a unique vision..." Paris nodded and said with admiration.

At the same time, her heart became complicated again.

She hoped that Zhang Yu would lose, but when she saw that Zhang Yu was about to lose, she felt a little uncomfortable.

Paris could only say this in her heart: "Zhang Yu, I know you really want to win...but this time, losing is actually better than winning..."

On the big screen, the "Bible" continued to rise, rising very quickly, and now it had reached the position of Rockenwell's chin.

When Dudek saw this, he shook his head gently and said, "What a pity... It seems that Zhang Yu lost..."

"Rockenwell is so fully prepared, even if Zhang Yu loses, it doesn't matter... As for it being a pity, I don't think it can be said..." Wilmore truly regarded Zhang Yu as a friend, so in his eyes, Zhang Yu was It doesn’t matter whether you win or lose a game.

"Unfortunately that's not what I'm talking about..." Dudek said calmly.

"What is that?" Wilmore looked at Dudek.

"In my opinion, Zhang Yu has really found a way to superimpose the Gemini formation. The only difference is time... It is not easy for an Easterner to think of a way in a short period of time... It is really a pity to lose like this. ..." Dudek said with emotion.

"That's right..." Wilmore nodded, "It's really a pity..."

Sitting on the stage, Charles finally had a smile on his face.

At this moment, Rockenwell's "Bible" has risen above his forehead. It only takes a moment to rise one foot above his head, and the formation is successfully arranged.

How could Charles not be happy when he saw that his student was about to win. After planning for so long, this is the only thing that succeeded.

"Won..." Edwards looked at Charles and said in a congratulatory tone.

"It's not easy..." Charles didn't look proud, because there was really nothing to be proud of in winning this round.

If he hadn't cheated to remind Rockenwell, if Edwards hadn't seen through Zhang Yu's formation first, Rockenwell would still be at a loss.

At this moment, someone in the audience suddenly shouted loudly, "Zhang Yu's time has frozen!"

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