Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2238 Niu 13 Easterners

"The great astrologer really has a unique insight! Yes, that's the truth!" After hearing Edwards' words, Charles felt enlightened for a moment.

The two people are about the same strength, but when it comes to astrology and feng shui, Edwards is a great astrologer after all. He has a wider range of knowledge and knows more. This is also something Charles admires.

"Zhang Yu played a clever trick, but in the end Rockenwell was unable to do anything. I don't know when Rockenwell will be able to react..." Edwards said slowly.

"Damn Zhang Yu!" Charles looked at Rockenwell on the big screen and muttered, "Rockenwell... Now you just need to find a place to superimpose formations, and you will definitely win... It's very simple. of……"

To be honest, now that he has figured out the tricks in Zhang Yu's formation, Charles is even more worried about Rockenwell.

Seeing Rockenwell thinking hard and having no countermeasures at all, Charles wanted to get into the big screen and help the students stack formations.

Edwards on the side whispered again: "The authorities are obsessed, but the bystanders know clearly. We are on the outside, and it takes so long to understand everything. Rockenwell is in the formation, and it is even more difficult to see through the problems. Big.”

"That's right..." Charles nodded and said, "It seems that I need to remind Rockenwell..."

Edwards said nothing after hearing this.

Charles was facing the big screen with his back to the audience. In addition, everyone's eyes were on the big screens on both sides, so no one would notice Charles's actions at all.

Charles took out his mobile phone from the sleeve of his robe, quickly edited a text message and sent it.

On the big screen, Rockenwell was still standing in the living room thinking, and the cameraman's lens kept pointing at him. The four staff members were also looking at him.

"Didi didi..."

At this time, a staff member's cell phone rang.

There are also regulations at the exchange meeting. Guests entering the competition must not take out their phones, and the staff are only allowed to wear walkie-talkies and their mobile phones must be turned off. However, the staff member's cell phone was turned on.

Hearing the sound of the mobile phone, the other three staff members glanced at this person, and the cameraman also glanced at him.

The staff member seemed very calm and said, "Just do whatever you have to do."

After saying that, his footsteps moved. Although there were surveillance cameras everywhere, there were still blind spots after all. The staff member seemed to know the blind spots of surveillance very well, and he went directly to the location of the blind spots.

Taking out his cell phone, the staff member quickly saw that what was sent was a text message.

He didn't seem to have any intention of carrying anyone behind his back, he just didn't want to be seen by the people in front of the big screen. So, he stood here and said in a loud voice: "This astrological and feng shui formation seems to have seven main star positions. In fact, each main star position is the real main star position. Rockenwell, you only need to pick one at random. , you can stack the formations. Don’t be confused by Zhang Yu.”

Good guy, this is grand enough. The staff and cameramen were all from the Royal Resort. When they heard this, their expressions remained unchanged, as if they had not heard anything at all.

The big screen has no sound, and you can only see what the people inside are doing. The staff member was hiding in a blind spot and was not the main target of the audience's attention, so he naturally did not notice this.

When Rockenwell heard this, his heart suddenly moved.

He instantly realized that the teacher must have seen the trick in Zhang Yu's formation, so he reminded him.

Rockenwell couldn't help feeling ashamed. He took the Mandora astrolabe and worked here for a while, but he didn't understand the reason. On the contrary, it was the teacher watching in front of the big screen who discovered the problem.

And this question is so simple.

"No matter what, Zhang Yu is talking about winning first!" Ashamed, Rockenwell couldn't care less about that, because he must win this round of competition and must not lose.

At that moment, he sat cross-legged under the chandelier in the living room, put the Bible on his lap, raised his head, and pointed at the chandelier with both hands.

A hint of joy appeared on his pale face unconsciously, and his mouth began to talk plausibly.

Charles couldn't help but smile when he saw Rockenwell's actions in front of the big screen. As long as Rockenwell knows the problem, it will be easy to superimpose formations. It takes about ten minutes, which is basically enough.

At this time, Edwards next to him suddenly said: "Archbishop, look at Zhang Yu..."

"What's wrong?" Charles said casually, turning to look at the big screen where Zhang Yu was.

Zhang Yu was seen on the screen sitting cross-legged in the corridor on the third floor. Above his head, a circle of copper coins was slowly spinning. This circle of copper coins is surrounded by eight directions, with eight coins on each side, which looks like a Bagua pattern. There are eighteen copper coins in a circle in the middle, and inside the circle are two groups of nine copper coins. The copper coins are gathered together very compactly, and they look like two swimming fish. These two fishes made of copper coins rotate slowly with the Bagua copper coins.

"Zhang Yu seems to be setting up some kind of formation. I'm worried whether his formation will really overlap with the Gemini formation." Edwards said with some worry.

"How is this possible..." Charles shook his head directly and said: "It is not easy for someone who is proficient in Western astrological formations to superimpose the Gemini formations, let alone an Easterner. Even if he really has such ability, time will not be enough. It’s not allowed... Look at Rockenwell... it will be solved soon..."

Edwards nodded, "But now, I have to admire this young man..."

"It is indeed a terrible opponent..." Charles couldn't help but nodded with emotion.

Charles witnessed last night's contest with his own eyes. Although he defeated Zhang Yu in just one round, it was just a way to vent his anger and gain some ground. The real loser was still him.

The game he set was completely seen through by Zhang Yu, and his favorite student Rockenwell was completely defeated.

"How do you say this?" Edwards looked at Charles in confusion.

He didn't understand why Charles spoke so highly of Zhang Yu.

Of course, it was impossible for Charles to tell Edwards what happened last night. He quickly smiled and said: "It's nothing, I'm just feeling a little emotional. This young man is really rare... His future achievements will definitely be limitless... But this Once again, he will lose... In England, I will never allow such awesome Orientals to exist..."

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