Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2208 A narrow victory

The basement became as warm as spring, especially when the Yin Qi disappeared and the Yang Qi rose, this feeling was so comfortable.

The cameraman and four staff members slowly opened their eyes. The sudden burst of Yin Qi made them dizzy and fell to the ground. When they woke up and found themselves lying on the ground, they were all puzzled.

"What happened?" "I don't know." "I just felt confused and fainted." "Who said it wasn't? I felt my body tremble and I didn't know anything anymore." "Eh? You guys? I didn’t realize it. It’s not cold anymore and I feel so comfortable.” “Yes…” “What’s going on?”…

Several people communicated in English, and the biggest cameraman suddenly said, "Look!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and pointed forward.

The four cameramen looked in the direction of his finger and saw Zhang Yu with his back to them. He was dressed in Bagua fairy clothes and had an air of immortality. Especially when they were lying on the ground and looking up, Zhang Yu appeared to be extremely tall, as if a true god descended from heaven.

Soon, Zhang Yu turned around and looked at the five of them. Zhang Yu could clearly hear the conversation the five people just had, but he just couldn't understand the English.

"Are you okay?" Zhang Yu asked calmly.

"It's okay..." the staff member who could understand Mandarin quickly replied cautiously.

I don't know why, but in his eyes, Zhang Yu is not only approachable, but also has a self-restraint that makes people dare not disrespect him.

He got up from the ground, and the other four people also got up. These people were also very polite, nodding and bowing to Zhang Yu.

The staff member who spoke Mandarin said politely: "Daozhang Zhang, what just happened? We all fainted."

"It's not a big deal. You just need to be fine now. By the way, I've finished breaking the formation and it's time to pause time. My time is very precious." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"That's right..." The staff nodded quickly and agreed hurriedly.

At this moment, even those who don't understand the formation can realize that the formation here must be broken. The previous gloomy atmosphere completely disappeared, replaced only by comfort and warmth.

Zhang Yu uses yang to break up yin, and any room with sufficient yang energy will make people feel at ease. So, it goes without saying that they were sure of that.

The cameraman picked up the camera that fell to the ground, pointed it at Zhang Yu, and filmed again. The staff did not freeze the time immediately, but made a gesture of invitation and said: "Director Zhang, according to the rules, you need to go up and see the condition of the dog before you can pause the time."

"I know, please." Zhang Yu was not polite. After saying this, he collected the copper coins on the ground, held his chest and head high, and walked forward without hesitation.

The staff moved out of the way to let Zhang Yu go first, and then followed respectfully.

When we got to the first floor, the dog at the top of the stairs was sitting on the ground, looking towards the basement. When it saw Zhang Yu coming up, it immediately raised its head and made a "woo woo" sound in its mouth to please him.

Zhang Yu nodded toward it and said, "I'm fine, and so are you."

The dog was in good condition, and the staff did not neglect it, and immediately fixed the time.

People in the small square were all staring at Zhang Yu. Seeing Zhang Yu walking from below to above, the time had not yet been fixed, and they couldn't help but worry for him, thinking that something had happened.

Now that the time had finally stopped, Zhang Yingling couldn't help but raise his arms and shouted excitedly: "Win! Win! Zhang Yu wins!"

"I just said, master can definitely win!" Zhang Qingfeng also shouted excitedly.

Wang Jie smiled faintly and said: "My uncle can defeat the little devil. What's there to be excited about? Everyone knows that he will definitely win."

"That's not necessarily true. Che Xinyumi set up the formation earlier than Master. If the formation was broken immediately, she would probably win." Wang Chunlan reminded.

This sentence suddenly reminded Zhang Yingling and others that it took Zhang Yu 34 minutes and 18 seconds to set up the formation, while Che Xinyumi only took 29 minutes and 35 seconds.

There is almost a five-minute time gap between the two sides. In other words, as long as Che Xinyumi can break Zhang Yu's formation within five minutes, Zhang Yu will still lose.

Their eyes suddenly focused on Che Xinyumi's screen. Many people present were actually aware of this problem, and their eyes came to Che Xinyumi's screen.

Yumi Che on the screen is still standing in the bathroom, with her hands holding up the pair of white fish suspended above the toilet. It's just that her face is different now. It has turned from red to white, and her eyes are gradually turning a little blue.

In the eyes of many people, Che Xinyumi found the center of Zhang Yu's formation and should have broken the formation long ago. However, up to now, the formation has not been broken yet, which is really surprising. And the change in Che Xinyumi's expression is even more puzzling.

"What's going on? Do you still remember? Her face was normal before, then it turned red, then white, and now it's blue again...Did something happen..." "I really can't say for sure. But now I can be sure that although these two people set up the formation for a short time before, the formation is definitely not simple." "Needless to say, just watching Zhang Yu break the formation, you can see that Che Xinyumi's formation The magic is very powerful. Now it seems that Zhang Yu’s formation is even better than Che Xinyumi’s. It’s hard to say who will win.”…

Everyone was talking about it. For outsiders, even some guests who had been eliminated could not tell who was strong and who was weak. As bystanders, they saw with their own eyes that Zhang Yu placed a large number of talismans and fireballs here. There must be a secret hidden in it, maybe it is the location of the formation's eye. In the West, it is also called the star position. As long as it is broken here, the formation will be broken.

Previously, they thought that this must be a formation eye, but Che Xinyumi struggled for a long time and still couldn't break it. At this moment, they unconsciously changed their thinking. Perhaps this was not a formation at all, but a deception.

Even Archbishop Charles, who was sitting on the stage, now looked at Edwards in confusion and asked: "Great astrologer, this should be the star position in Zhang Yu's formation, why has Che Xinyumi not been broken for so long? Could it be that there are any powerful magic weapons among the stars... But I haven't seen them before, just some talismans..."

"I have only slightly dabbled in Eastern formations. At the moment, we have only seen Zhang Yu's layout on the screen, and have not felt the breath of the formation on the spot. But generally speaking, the formation is the first to be laid out. Eighty-nine are all star positions, so I think there should be a star position here without a doubt." Edwards said with a semi-certain tone.

It can be seen that he cannot be sure that this must be the formation eye.

"Che Xinyumi's cultivation is not weak. If he were to fight Zhang Yu face to face, I'm afraid he wouldn't be a match. But if it's a battle to break the formation, why can't he break it now that he has found the formation's eye?" Charles asked.

"There must be some mystery in this. Zhang Yu laid out his plans in five places in total. The position where Che Xinyumi is standing now should be the formation. However, it would be more difficult to break it directly from here. If we break the other four first It might be a lot easier to break this position in the end,” Edwards said.

"Oh..." Charles nodded and said: "I understand what the great astrologer means, that is, those four bathrooms are for auxiliary formations. If you don't break them, even if you find the formation and want to break them by force, it will be difficult. It will take some effort. If you break them one by one and break the four auxiliaries first, then it will be much easier to break the formation."

"If my guess is right, it should be like this... Che Xinyumi thought that she was preconceived. After finding the formation, she just wanted to break the formation with all her strength and ignored other problems... In this way, not only was time wasted, but also It brought trouble to myself..." Edwards said more confidently.

"The art of astrology and Feng Shui, and the insights of great astrologers are indeed far superior to mine..." Charles complimented.

"There's no need to be polite, Archbishop. We all have our own strengths... In fact, even if we simply compete in formations, the Archbishop may not lose to me..." Edwards said humbly.

It's absolutely true, a great astrologer is a great astrologer, and Edwards's vision is absolutely correct. Zhang Yu's formation is actually not particularly difficult to break. You only need to break the Four Elephants Ju Yin blessed on the Eight-Nine Evil Gathering Formation first, and then attack the final formation. Breaking the formation is very difficult for people like Che Xinyumi. For experts, it's very easy.

But Che Shinyumi obviously ignored this after entering the villa. She quickly found the formation eye and launched a desperate attack on it. I want to break the formation in one fell swoop.

The evil spirit in the formation all pours out from here, and when combined with the Yin energy, it becomes the Yin evil spirit.

Because Che Xinyumi acted too hastily, she just used two white Yang fish to attack the opponent's eye. Unexpectedly, the opponent's eye resisted extremely strongly, and the evil energy poured out from the opponent's eye, which soon made Che Xinyumi unable to bear it. .

But this made her even more convinced that this was where the formation's eye was, so she went all out to attack.

Suddenly, her heart trembled, and Che Xinyumi suddenly felt that her formation beside her was broken.

Che Xinyumi can naturally detect the state of the formation she has arranged. As soon as the formation was broken, she was shocked. She never thought that the formation she had set up with the black fan would really be broken by Zhang Yu.

She studied this formation all night last night and finally figured it out. If the opponent can't find the formation eye, that's fine. Once he finds the formation eye, he will definitely suffer hardship and even lose his life.

It's good now. He hasn't broken Zhang Yu's formation yet, but his own has been broken. Isn't this a way to lose?

Che Xinyoumei was very anxious and couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said: "What a Zhang Yu, really powerful... If I had known this, I should have struck hard as soon as I came up, but now, you actually let you break the formation... bastard …”

After saying this, she couldn't help but bite the tip of her tongue, took a mouthful of blood, and sprayed it towards the two white fish in front of her.


The blood mist sprayed directly onto the white fish. She crossed her hands, stretched out two fingers on each hand, and kept chanting in the island Mandarin, "###\u0026amp;\u0026amp;\u0026amp;\u0026amp;###\u0026amp; \u0026amp;\u0026amp;\u0026amp;\u0026amp;……”

As she muttered, the white double fish suspended above the toilet began to rotate faster. Even on Pisces, there was a white brilliance. However, this brilliance can only be seen from a close distance, but it cannot be seen at all on the camera screen.

The audience there could only see Che Xinyumi spurting out blood and the two white fish turning faster and faster.

They knew that Cha Xinyumi was obviously serious about this. His eyes were fixed on the screen, and no one made a sound. At best, their eyes glanced at the time from time to time, leaving little time for Cha Xinyumi.

Others couldn't see the clues, but in Che Xinyumi's eyes, he could indeed see a faint black air flowing out of the toilet. This is the evil spirit, which is no longer very strong.

"It seems that I made a mistake before. I shouldn't attack here directly. Fortunately, it doesn't matter..." Che Xinyumi muttered in her heart.

She can now see that her plan to break the formation was wrong, and she should not have broken the formation right away. It's too late to regret, there is only this way, otherwise, there will not be enough time.

"Let me give you a ride again!" Che Xinyumi gritted her teeth, bit the tip of her tongue again, and "pop" shot a blood arrow onto the two white fish.

She crossed her hands, pointed at the two white fish, and shouted, "Broken!"


In an instant, the black air flow from the toilet disappeared.

Zhang Yu was standing outside Che Xinyumi's villa waiting. According to the rules, he was not allowed to leave after breaking the formation. He had to wait for the time to end or all the guests to break the formation before leaving.

Zhang Yu looked at the watch on his wrist while waiting. He also understood that he had not completely won. Zhang Yu would only win if Che Xinyumi could not break the formation within five minutes.

Three minutes have passed, and Zhang Yu's heart is gradually becoming more at ease. Although he didn't know how Che Xinyumi broke the formation, he thought that the longer Che Xinyumi used it, the harder it would be to break his formation.

"Well!" Suddenly, Zhang Yu's heart trembled, "What's going on?"

It turned out that at this moment, Zhang Yu felt that the formation beside him was broken.

"It's broken..." Zhang Yu was dumbfounded. He really didn't expect that his formation was broken as soon as he said it was broken.

I originally thought I was about to win, but the surprise happened too quickly.

In front of the big screen, everyone was looking at Cha Xinyumi.

At the moment, she saw that Che Xinyumi had turned around and looked at the staff outside the bathroom, as if she was saying something.

"Is it broken?" "It seems so." "Look at the time, there should be two minutes left." "So, Cha Xin Yumi won." "I guess he won." "I can't believe that Cha Xin Yumi was like this powerful!"……

Everyone was talking, and Zhang Yingling, who was clenching her fists, became nervous when she saw this, "It can't be really's impossible...she can't be..."

Zhang Yu's disciples also couldn't believe that Zhang Yu's formation would be broken so quickly. But judging from the situation, it really seems to be broken.

Because on the big screen, Cha Xinyumi had a proud smile on her face, and she also turned around and walked out of the bathroom.

"A narrow victory... This should be a narrow victory..." Charles on the stage smiled and looked at Edwards.

"She is severely injured now. I am afraid that no matter who she meets, she will lose in the next game..." Edwards said with a faint smile: "It seems that Leonardo got a big advantage and let him and Luo The Kenwell finals couldn't be better..."

The two were chatting and laughing, but at this moment, a surprised shout suddenly sounded from the stage, "What's going on?"

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