Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2207 Five Thunder Talisman

Zhang Yu came to the basement again with the house-holding talisman painted with black dog blood and cinnabar. There were gusty winds below, and there was not enough sunlight, which gave people a sense of gloom.

The four staff members and the cameraman had just come down. They were shivering and hairy for a moment, and they didn't recover until they went up to the first floor. Now they are following down again, inevitably a little reluctantly, but there is nothing they can do about it, this is their job.

When he arrived at the basement, Zhang Yu walked directly towards the opposite wall. The further he walked, the stronger the yin energy became. Zhang Yu walked step by step, not walking very fast, but the five brothers walked even slower.

But no matter how slowly Zhang Yu walked, the basement was only that big. Not long after, Zhang Yu came to the wall, and his Bagua Fairy Clothes were blown violently by the Yin Qi.

"Let's see if this is where the formation's eye is!" Zhang Yu took the house-destroying talisman and slammed it against the wall.

This location is where the fan and two black fish were destroyed.


The talisman paper led directly to the wall. As soon as Zhang Yu retracted his hand, he saw the talisman paper stuck on the wall and began to tremble non-stop and make a "wash" sound. Immediately afterwards, the runes on the talisman slowly faded, and with a "pop" sound, the talisman ignited on its own and turned into ashes.

"That's right, it's right here!" Zhang Yu had a smile on his face.

Now that the formation eye has been found, it is not difficult to break the formation. It's just that Zhang Yu doesn't understand how this formation is laid out. The magic weapon hanging here has obviously been destroyed. In theory, it is absolutely impossible for this place to be the location of the formation eye, but it happens to be the formation eye.

Facts have proved that setting up and breaking formations is also a great skill. It not only requires a certain amount of strength, but also a battle of wits and courage in the process. Zhang Yu turned around and ran to the bar next to him, took out six bright yellow blank talisman papers, bit his finger open, and dripped blood into the cinnabar.

After a little stirring, he started painting. The runes are still house-killing charms, but they contain Zhang Yu's blood and black dog's blood, so the effects are naturally different.

Soon, Zhang Yu had drawn six house-destroying talismans. He came to the wall again, waved his palm, and the six talisman papers were printed three times on the wall.

Liuyang Household Talisman!

As soon as the six talisman papers hit the wall, they immediately began to tremble again, and even the wall also made a "buzzing" sound. It was obvious that the array eyes were strongly stimulated and resisted.

The cameraman and four staff looked confused, but felt extremely nervous. As long as the cameraman's lens is pointed at Zhang Yu, anyone can see that this must be the most critical moment. As for what the result will be after waiting, it is really exciting and worrying.

"This is serious!" "It all looks so exciting!" "Six talisman papers are trembling on it, and there is something like this!" "I guess the winner will be determined soon!" " If he can't break the formation, I wonder what will happen?" "I don't know about that!" "If he can't break the formation, he will be counterattacked!" "That would be interesting! Exciting! Exciting!" …

The audience in front of the big screen also saw that Zhang Yu was breaking the formation, and the situation seemed extremely serious.

Zhang Yinling, Zhang Qingfeng and others also had serious faces and did not dare to breathe.

Paris over there was also a little nervous. She kept cheering Zhang Yu up in her mind, "It will be fine, Zhang Yu will definitely win..."

Duke Goodson, who was watching the excitement on the stage, also saw the problem. He couldn't help but start gearing up, as if he wished he was the one to break the formation now.

Charles looked at Edwards and whispered: "This Zhang Yu is really powerful. It seems that Che Xinyumi's formation will be broken by him soon..."

Not wanting to, Edwards shook his head slightly and said, "I don't think it will be so easy."

"Does the great astrologer have other high opinions..." Charles asked in a low voice.

"As an astrologer, my intuition tells me that Cha Xinyumi's formation is definitely more than that simple." Edwards said confidently.

"It's not just that simple...then what else..." Charles became curious.

As the Archbishop of the State Church, there is no doubt about Charles's strength, but he has to specialize in the arts, and Charles's strength is not in this. In comparison, Edwards, the great astrologer sitting next to him, is obviously slightly better.

"I can't tell what else is there, but there must be a back-up plan!" Edwards said.

"So, from your perspective, who wins and who loses between them?" Charles asked.

"It's hard to tell now. The contest between them may end at any time. In my opinion, even if Che Xinyumi was prepared, Zhang Yu still surpassed her in terms of strength. The balance of victory and defeat has been Lean towards Zhang Yu." Edwards said calmly.

"Zhang Yu..." Charles smiled coldly and said nothing.

Everyone's eyes are still focused on the big screen. At this time, someone suddenly shouted, "What's going on!"

"What's going on?" "What's going on?" "What's going on?" "Why did the camera end up on the floor!" "What kind of plane is this!" "Look at the surveillance screen!" "It's a little unclear! "What happened!"...

What happened? It turned out that in the screen, the main lens, that is, the lens of the camera, actually ran to the ground, so that everyone at the scene could not see what Zhang Yu was doing.

And in the basement, at this moment, an amazing scene was happening. The Liuyang Household Talisman attached to the wall suddenly made a "pop" sound, and almost at the same time, six groups of brilliant sparks were set off. A black mist actually gushes out from the wall, and within the black mist is a black fan. Infinite Yin Qi emanated from the fan, even Zhang Yu couldn't help but take a few steps back. The Bagua Immortal Clothes on his body even swayed under the strong wind, and Zhang Yu felt pain like a knife on his face.

If Zhang Yu is like this, let alone the four staff members and cameramen standing behind Zhang Yu.

The five people fell to the ground and fainted, and the camera carried by the cameraman also fell to the ground. That's why the shots on the big screen turned out like this.

Facing the black mist that suddenly swept out, Zhang Yu was secretly surprised. He could fully realize that the fan in the black mist was the formation eye.

This fan is definitely an extremely powerful magical weapon. This is the real Formation Eye, far beyond what the previous fan can match. Zhang Yu didn't hesitate. The money sword appeared directly in his palm. With a thought, the money sword turned into 108 copper coins and spread out, wrapping the black mist directly.

"The four images generate yang! Use yang to defeat yin!"

Zhang Yu held the finger seal with his right hand, held the wrist of his right hand with his left hand, pointed at the copper coins surrounding the black mist, and spoke plausibly.

The black paper fan obviously felt a powerful attack. It kept rotating, driving the surrounding black mist to rotate with it, as if it was trying to break free from the shackles of 108 copper coins.

Similarly, Zhang Yu's 108 copper coins were constantly consuming the yin energy emitted by the paper fan. They are constantly fighting each other to see who can kill whom.

As time passed little by little, Zhang Yu gradually felt that his 108 copper coins seemed to be a little out of his control.

"Oops!" Zhang Yu secretly screamed. He really didn't expect that his Four Symbols Yang Formation was no match for the fan at the center of the formation.

Usually when I come here, many people set up formations and like to use a magic weapon as the formation eye in order to increase the power of the formation. Even if an expert finds the formation eye, it will not be broken so easily.

The fan used by Cha Xinyumi as a formation eye is clearly an evil and very lethal magic weapon. But she had never shown the true power of the formation before. When Zhang Yu found the eye of the formation, the formation showed its power as a way of self-protection.

For a moment, Zhang Yu was a little curious as to why Che Xinyumi did this. Because before this, when Zhang Yu had just destroyed the black paper fan and the two black fish, the formation showed such power that Zhang Yu might have already lost. Because the dog on the first floor was unprotected, it was certain to die on the spot. Even if Zhang Yu had extraordinary abilities, he probably wouldn't be able to do it in time.

Fortunately, Zhang Yu was already prepared and would not be completely defeated on the spot. But at this moment, he felt that the Four Symbols Yang Formation was getting weaker and weaker, and he was afraid that it would be broken open by this formation in the blink of an eye.

"What should I do?" Zhang Yu shouted anxiously in his heart.


At this moment, the 108 copper coins wrapped in the black mist were blown away and collapsed everywhere. Immediately, Zhang Yu felt a fierce attack of Yin Qi. This yin energy was obviously the result of the black folding fan gathering momentum. It was many times more powerful than the previous one.

Under the impact of Yin Qi, Zhang Yu staggered and fell to the ground unconsciously.


Violent black mist surged toward Zhang Yu. For Zhang Yu, this black mist is not a bad thing. He is protected by the Eight Trigrams Immortal Clothes. No matter how strong the Yin Qi is, it cannot kill him. At best, it can be resolved quickly if the Yin Qi is entangled. However, the five men lying unconscious on the ground probably won't survive.

There must be no casualties in this contest. Otherwise, it would be impossible to use a dog as a test subject. As soon as the dog dies, everyone in the villa will evacuate.

The dogs upstairs are still safe now, but the staff and cameramen can't afford to follow Zhang Yu to dangerous places. I'm afraid that if five people die, he will be asked to leave the scene directly, and he will even be judged to have lost.

The people in front of the big screen were all staring at the situation on Zhang Yu's side. Although the main screen is no longer visible, you can still see what's going on with Zhang Yu through the monitoring screen. The only difference was that they couldn't see the fan in the black mist, all they could see was a mass of black mist.

Seeing Zhang Yu's 108 copper coins wrapped in black mist, many people thought that Zhang Yu would definitely win this time. Unexpectedly, the black mist knocked the coins away, and Zhang Yu fell to the ground.

"Second brother!" "Zhang Yu!" "Master!" "Master!"... When Zhu Jiuzhen, Zhang Yingling and others saw this, they couldn't help but jump up from their chairs.

Not only them, but Paris and even some people who were watching subconsciously stood up.

You know, this has not happened in every previous battle. This turn of events was truly unexpected.

"Great astrologer, I'm afraid he made a mistake this time. The balance of victory and defeat did not tilt to Zhang Yu's side. He lost..." Charles said calmly.

"It's really unbelievable that the magic weapon used by this island country woman is so powerful..." Edwards shook his head slightly.

At the same time, the time on the big screen in Rockenwell was frozen - 23 minutes and 42 seconds!

However, no one at the scene seemed to notice this. Their eyes were all on Zhang Yu's screen.

I saw that Zhang Yu had already taken out five pieces of talisman paper from his arms, bit his fingers, and started drawing quickly on them. The black mist then filled his body, making it difficult for anyone to see Zhang Yu's existence.

Zhang Yingling and others became even more worried. Their palms were covered with sweat and their hearts were in their throats.

"If it doesn't work, just run away, don't hold on!" Zhang Yinling couldn't help shouting.

"Master, run!" "Master, run!"...Zhang Qingfeng and others suddenly reacted and kept shouting.

Of course, Zhang Yu couldn't hear their shouts.

Paris frowned because she knew Zhang Yu's temper. According to Zhang Yu's character, it would be absolutely impossible for him to leave without breaking the formation. "Zhang Yu, you can do it! You can do it!" Paris kept shouting in her heart.

Charles on the stage had a smile on his face, "This time, Zhang Yu will definitely be seriously injured... just by him... he's still far from it..."

"However, this young man is terrifying enough...I am afraid his future achievements will not be inferior to ours..." Edwards said with emotion.

"In the future...he must first have..." Charles smiled proudly.

But just as he said these words, he who was still sitting there, as steady as a rock, suddenly stood up, "This..."

Immediately afterwards, Edwards and Duke Goodson also stood up, and many people at the scene also stood up.

Zhang Yinling's excited voice sounded at the same time, "The black fog is gone! The black fog is gone! Zhang Yu wins!"

That's right, right on the screen, the black mist that had surrounded Zhang Yu disappeared in an instant.

No one knows how Zhang Yu did it, or how the black mist disappeared.

Maybe they only saw one thing, and that was Zhang Yu who just took out some talisman papers, and they didn't know what they drew on them.

Tiangang Five Thunder Talisman!

Zhang Yu saw the black mist approaching, and in desperation, he finally came up with a way, which was his own Five Thunder Method. The Five Thunders Zhengfa is a Taoist Zhiyang spell. Now that his money sword has been broken, Zhang Yu has no other choice but to use the Five Thunders Talisman, which he is not yet familiar with.

The Five Thunder Talisman is a skill in the Five Thunder Zhengfa. Zhang Yu only knew a small skill before, and he could not control the Five Thunder Talisman, let alone the highest level of the Five Thunder Talisman.

Now he could only give it a try, but he really didn't expect that he would succeed.

He raised the Five Thunder Talisman and struck it at the black mist. In an instant, not only did the black mist disappear, but the black fan was also wiped out.

The strong yang energy permeated the basement, and the presence of any yin energy could no longer be felt.

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