Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2185 Wonderful Formation

"Then the situation you mentioned seems to have nothing to do with the church's statement." Zhang Yu said.

"The patrol room believes that since Cameron and Wilmore are good friends, he should not have seen Wilmore since he went to the church at such a critical time. But the church said that Cameron just went to pray. , even though there were many people praying, they had no impression of him. Therefore, the patrol planned to ask Wilmore himself." Miss Allen said.

"If you put it this way, even if you really see Wilmore, I'm afraid you won't be able to ask anything." Zhang Yu said.

"This is true, forget it... Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with us... We just happened to encounter this case..." Miss Allen said, turned to look at Zhang Yu, and said : "How are you preparing for the feng shui exchange during the day? I'm really sorry for disturbing you tonight."

"Winning or losing doesn't matter. What's important is communication and learning." Zhang Yu said politely.

Miss Allen was responsible for driving, and the two of them chatted casually in the car. At four o'clock in the middle of the night, they returned to Zhang Yu's manor. Because Miss Allen is the host of the exchange meeting, she needs to rush back to the Royal Garden as soon as possible, so she will not stay. Zhang Yu entered the manor villa alone. There was no need to go upstairs at this point. He simply sat in the large living room downstairs and closed his eyes to relax.

Although he knew that Inzaghi had some Seven Luck Beads, in such a short time, even if Zhang Yu was asked to prepare in advance, he couldn't come up with any decent method and could only rely on on-the-spot performance.

In Zhang Yu's mind, he was thinking more about vampires. Now I know a lot of things, but there always seems to be a link missing. Perhaps the answer to this link can only be found in Wilmore or Gill.

As he was thinking, time passed little by little, and footsteps sounded upstairs.

It was his disciples who came downstairs. They took turns making breakfast in the morning. When the disciples saw Zhang Yu downstairs, they quickly greeted him and then made breakfast. Simple porridge and side dishes, the meal is ready, and other people are invited to come down and eat.

When everything is ready, we set off to the royal estate.

They went smoothly this morning, with green lights all the way, almost no traffic jams, and arrived at the Royal Manor almost twenty minutes early. After getting off the car and entering the gate of the manor, a hostess immediately came up and led them to the courtyard.

The place we went to was not a closed venue, but the open-air venue in the small square yesterday.

There were more than a hundred people here at the venue. Zhang Yu and his party walked forward and soon saw two people sitting at a table. Aren't these two people exactly Dhruv and Paris?

Zhang Yu really didn't expect that Dhruv would come here today. Dhruv and Paris also saw Zhang Yu and his party, but they did not say hello to each other, as if no one knew each other.

Further ahead were the nuns from Putuo Temple. Zhang Yu and others were polite to them and sat down at the table in front.

Then more guests arrived one after another. No matter who came, they would look at Dhruv curiously and seemed surprised. Unexpectedly, Dhruv, who left in a panic yesterday, would still have the nerve to come today.

"Senior, why did you come so early and didn't notify me when you were leaving? I thought you weren't coming."

"You are still participating today, how could I not come to watch the battle for you." Then Dhruv's voice rang.

He spoke in Italian. Zhang Yu couldn't understand it, but he could only recognize his voice.

Zhang Yu turned around and looked, and it turned out that Inzaghi had arrived. Next to Inzaghi, there were Montolivo and others.

"Thank you, senior, for coming to help me. Please rest assured, senior, that I will definitely win this time and will never embarrass the teacher." After Inzaghi finished speaking, he sat on the chair.

The other people also sat down around the table.

Inzaghi's words were so harsh in Dhruv's ears. But Dhruv still said: "You are trusted by the teacher, I believe you will win."

"Senior is right, Inzaghi will definitely win..." Montolivo also said.

He glanced at Paris again and said deliberately: "When we win against Zhang Yu during the day, let's have a good celebration at night. Paris, you must be there."

"No problem, I also believe that senior Inzaghi is sure of victory." Paris said with a smile.

On the surface, they had a good chat, but if you didn't know, they thought they were very united, but in fact they all had their own thoughts.

Before long, all the guests arrived. Compared to yesterday, there were no fewer people at all. Even if thirty-two entered sixteen, half of the guests were eliminated. However, this kind of gathering is rare, and you have to watch it until the end.

This is almost a live performance. A layman can watch the excitement, and an expert can watch the secrets. Everyone can gain some insights from it.

At this time, a group of people walked onto the stage. It was Archbishop Charles, the great astrologer Edwards and others. Miss Allen walked at the end. After everyone else sat down, she walked to the front of the stage, held a microphone and said: "Yesterday we conducted a group lottery. The two guests in the first group of the first round are Mr. Zhang Yu and Mr. Inzaghi; the two guests in the second group of the first round are Mr. Joseph and Mr. Bilala. Now we invite four guests to the stage."

When the four people saw their names called, they immediately stood up and walked towards the stage.

After taking the stage, the four people nodded to each other and exchanged ideas. Later, Miss Allen said: "Four guests, you have visited the model house yesterday. What the model house looked like yesterday and what it looks like today will not have any deviation. This point of custody is fair and just. However, after visiting yesterday At the time, you didn’t see the necessary props, that is, the fish tank and the fish. I think last night, you should have studied how the layout should be. Here we have ornamental fish, Feng Shui fish from all over the world, and even fish from all over the world. All kinds of designs and colors are available. The types of fish tanks will definitely meet your needs. Now, please push the fish tanks and fish to the front of the stage and let the four guests choose!"

After the sound settled, staff soon pushed the fish tank and fish over in a car.

Not to mention, the Royal Manor is indeed a Royal Manor. There are rows of aquariums filled with various types of fish, and there are so many varieties that it is almost impossible to count. The same is true for fish tanks, round, square, large, small, Chinese and Western, all available.

For the guests present, it doesn’t matter what kind of fish is used. As long as everyone uses the same type, it’s fair and no one can say anything.

There are many options now, and of course you can choose according to your own preferences. Zhang Yu is No. 1, and he has to choose first. Miss Allen made a gesture and said: "Mr. Zhang Yu, please."

Zhang Yu glanced at the fish in a large row of aquariums. He did not move immediately, but asked: "Miss Allen, I wonder if there are any regulations on the number of fish?"

"There are no rules. Everything is up to you to choose. Just come up with your strongest wealth-making formation." Miss Allen said with a smile.

"In this case..." Zhang Yu was overjoyed and said, "Then choose a black koi and a white koi. In the East, we generally like to use porcelain fish tanks to raise fish, so I will choose the big clear flower. A porcelain fish tank.”

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yu pointed to a circular porcelain fish tank with a diameter of one meter below.

"Okay, please prepare the fish tank and fish chosen by Mr. Zhang Yu." Miss Allen ordered.

The staff in the audience quickly took action and put the two fish selected by Zhang Yu into the porcelain fish tank.

Next, Miss Allen asked Dhruv to choose again.

Zhang Yu had just asked clearly about the rules, and Dhruv said directly: "Mr. Zhang chose the oriental koi, then I will choose the most famous feng shui fish in the west, the colorful angel fish. For the fish tank, I will choose the golden aquarium, colorful The number of angel fish is seven.”

When Dhruv spoke, he pointed to an aquarium. This aquarium was really not small, with a length of 1.3 meters, a height of 1.6 meters, and a thickness of 50 centimeters.

Deacon Joseph and Bilala also chose fish and fish tanks one after another. Miss Allen said immediately: "All four guests have made their selections. Please invite the etiquette lady to take the four guests to the communication area.

There were four hostesses standing under the stage, waiting for these words. They walked towards the four people on the stage, and then led the four people towards the single-family villa area at the back.

As they move forward, cameras follow them.

The big screen behind the stage has been lit up, showing the scenes inside and outside the four villas. There are also four big screens showing the movements of four people.

The villas for four people are not far apart, almost separated by two. Zhang Yu is closest to Inzaghi, and Deacon Joseph is very close to Bilala.

Everyone in the audience watched the four people walk to the door of the villa, and they also started talking.

In their eyes, after yesterday's draw, the answer to promotion was almost given. In the group between Zhang Yu and Inzaghi, because Zhang Yu defeated Dhruv, it was determined that today’s winner must be Zhang Yu. On the side of Deacon Joseph and Bilala, everyone is also optimistic that Deacon Joseph can win.

Needless to say, Zhang Yu's disciples were all focused on the screen where Zhang Yu was, and they didn't feel nervous at all.

After all, they didn't know that Inzaghi came today with a backup plan, and only a few people knew about it.

Zhang Yu looked around after entering the villa. The environment was exactly the same as yesterday.

There was a camera filming in front of Zhang Yu, and there were staff behind him pushing the fish tank. One of the staff who spoke Mandarin asked: "Mr. Zhang, where can I put the fish tank?"

"Put it in the middle of the living room." Zhang Yu pointed to the center of the large living room.

The living room of the villa is also large. A dozen staff members worked together to move the large blue and white porcelain fish tank filled with water from the car and put it where Zhang Yu said.

The staff member added: "Mr. Zhang, is there anything else we need to do?"

"No more, please help yourself." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

With these words, the staff immediately signaled for the redundant staff to exit. As usual, there were still four people left in the villa, as well as the cameraman.

Zhang Yu walked to the fish tank and looked at the two koi carp in the fish tank. Two fish, one black and one white, were swimming freely inside, which was completely different from the yin and yang fish at home.

Although Zhang Yu also wanted to turn these two fish into yin and yang fish at home, it was not easy. It required the right time, place and people.

The fish tank at home has a white light inside due to the repair of the formation. The water in the fish tank is black. The two fish are now white with black spots on them, and the black one with white spots on them.

The appearance of these two fish was purely coincidental, making it impossible for Zhang Yu to create the Yin-Yang fish by setting up his own formation.

But Zhang Yu believed that with his current strength, even without the use of Yin-Yang fish, he could still arrange an extremely powerful wealth-gathering Feng Shui formation.

Zhang Yu turned his palm and revealed the money sword. The staff nearby, including the cameraman, were stunned for a moment. Good guy, he is wearing a Taoist robe. This sword came out of nowhere.

For those guests outside who are looking at the screen, it’s okay to say that they can come here to participate in the Eastern and Western Astrology and Feng Shui Exchange Conference, and there is no one without two brushes. But many of the sponsors and friends they brought were also stupid.

"Look, is he doing a magic trick?" "Where did this sword come from?" "Look carefully, his sword is covered with copper coins. It should be a magic weapon." "It is a magic weapon. , I have been to the East, and the Taoist priests there all use this kind of sword, called the money sword. But the swords of those Taoist priests are either carried on their backs or held in their hands. What is going on with him, and where to put them, is just like watching a fantasy. It’s like a movie.” “What you said is definitely true. Just watch it carefully.”…

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the screen, and they saw Zhang Yu on the screen. The money sword in his hand instantly spread out and spilled into the fish tank.

The cameraman was only responsible for taking pictures of Zhang Yu, and the fish tank was made of porcelain, so he couldn't see what was going on inside at all. However, the four staff members, who were originally responsible for keeping time, could not help but move closer to the fish tank and look inside.

The mouths of these four gradually grew bigger, as if they had seen some incredible sight.

The cameraman in charge of taking pictures actually came closer, but didn't push the camera. Everyone can see that this guy is staring at the fish tank with his eyes wide open.

At this point, many people quit and shouted: "What does this mean? The cameraman is not taking pictures, so why is he standing by the fish tank in a daze?" "Isn't that right? We are watching Mr. Zhang set up the formation. , it’s not for them. With these people standing around, what are we looking at? We’re just looking at them being silly here.” “Can you let them do something serious?”…

As soon as they shouted, Miss Allen, who was standing on the stage watching, immediately picked up the intercom and shouted: "Villa No. 1, what are you looking at inside? It's not official yet. The cameraman, hurry up and use the camera to film!"

In fact, Miss Allen also wanted to see what was going on here and why the five people, including the cameraman, were like this.

"Yes Yes Yes."……

Several people around Zhang Yu heard Miss Allen's dissatisfied shouts and agreed repeatedly. The four staff members retreated, and the cameraman went back to push the camera up, and then began to take pictures of the scene in the fish tank.

Just one look will amaze most people on the screen. I saw golden copper coins spinning continuously in the water. As the coins rotated, two fish, one black and one white, were also swimming with the coins. This scene looked so incredible, and it looked so... The wonderful.

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