Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2184 New clues

"If you say that, then I understand. It seems that there is also intrigue among you." Zhang Yu said.

"It was quite peaceful at first, mainly because Senior Dhruv lost to you in Zhenhai, which gave Inzaghi an opportunity to take advantage of. Anyway, now, Dhruv hates you to the core." Paris looked up. Face said.

"Haha..." Zhang Yu couldn't help but smile and said: "In comparison, I am just his opponent, and Inzaghi has a direct competitive relationship with him. Otherwise, how could he let you inform me. By the way, what exactly are you informing me about?"

"Let's put it this way, when the teacher heard about this East-West astrology and Feng Shui exchange meeting, he was determined to win. Because Dhruv lost to you, the teacher named Inzaghi to participate and gave Inzaghi a Seven Luck Star. Beads. The Seven Luck Beads can gather luck, communicate with astrology and feng shui, and compare with luck. Senior Inzaghi’s strength is not weak in the first place. With this, it is even more powerful. Tomorrow’s contest is almost certain to win.”

"So that's it...Dhruv asked you to inform me. Obviously this thing is extraordinary. He didn't just ask you to inform me, but didn't say what countermeasures he had." Zhang Yu nodded and said.

"Inzaghi has seven luck beads, and even Dhruv is helpless. But he said that you have many ways. As long as you prepare in advance, you should have a chance to surprise and win Inzaghi." Paris said.

"You're really good, senior..." Zhang Yu couldn't help but complain.

"Actually, you should think this way. If he doesn't notify you in advance, you will still have to face Inzaghi. If you know yourself and your enemy now, you will definitely be more calm than when you face it tomorrow." After Paris finished speaking, she pouted. .

"Alas..." Zhang Yu sighed deliberately, stretched and said, "If you didn't tell me, I originally planned to go to bed directly. Now it's better. I probably won't have to sleep all night..."

Then, Zhang Yu looked at Paris and said, "Is there anything else?"

Seeing Zhang Yu looking at her, Paris smiled proudly. After hearing this, she couldn't help but said dissatisfiedly: "What do you mean, issuing an order to expel guests?"

"I didn't tell you to leave. If you want to rest, just rest... I'll go to another room to study the formation for tomorrow..." Zhang Yu said with a shrug.

Seeing that, he turned around and left.

"You think it's rare for me to stay here with you..." Paris curled her lips and said, "Find me another pair of your big pants..."

Zhang Yu took out a new pair of large pants from the cabinet and threw them on the bed. Paris changed into the quilt, then lifted the quilt and got out of the bed.

Good guy, Zhang Yu almost laughed out loud when he saw how she looked now.

Paris wore black stockings on her legs and Zhang Yu's white boxers around her waist. Paired with the black clothes on her body, she looked nondescript.

This woman didn't care. She picked up her leather shorts on the ground and put them on, put on her coat, picked up her bag and left.

The thin black panties she had taken off were still on the ground, but they were actually lying next to her leather pants. It was impossible not to see them. Zhang Yu quickly said: "Don't forget yours."

"No more." Paris said, walked to the door, and opened the door.

"If you don't want it anymore, it's useless for me to keep it..." Zhang Yu frowned.

"Then throw it wherever you like..." Paris said as she walked out of the room.

Zhang Yu couldn't tell her to pick it up, so he had no choice but to follow her out of the room.

The two of them went downstairs together, left the villa, and sent her out of the formation.

There were no more rocks in front of him, and Zhang Yu said gently: "It's out now. I'll send it here. If it relapses tomorrow, come find me."

"I will come to you..." Paris turned to look at Zhang Yu, biting her lip with her upper and lower teeth, as if something was wrong.

"What's wrong? Is there anything else?" Zhang Yu asked.

"I have something to say to you..." Paris took a step aside and came to Zhang Yu's side.

Zhang Yu didn't know what she was going to say, so he just waited.

Unexpectedly, Paris's body suddenly twisted, her face caught Zhang Yu's face, and a pair of cherry lips directly "popped" Zhang Yu's cheek.

Zhang Yu never expected that she would come here suddenly. He was startled and quickly moved away. He said in a panic: "What are you doing?"

"I didn't do anything. I'm giving you an advantage." After saying that, Paris ran away.

"This is an advantage for me..." Zhang Yu reached out and touched his face. There was still a lipstick mark on it.

He couldn't help but said in his heart that when he went back, he shouldn't let his disciples see him.

Fortunately, at this time, all the apprentices were asleep. Zhang Yu returned to his room and saw Paris's panties at a glance. Seeing this, Zhang Yu couldn't help but frown again. For a woman to leave such a thing in a man's house, it was simply a provocation.

Zhang Yu couldn't keep this thing, so he picked it up with his feet, grabbed it in his hand, and went to the bathroom to burn it.

"Ring ring ring..."

Just after entering the bathroom, the cell phone in Zhang Yu's arms rang.

He took out his cell phone and found Miss Allen's phone number. This made Zhang Yu a little confused as to what Miss Allen wanted to do with him this late at night. He put his panties on the sink and answered the phone.


"Zhang Yu, where are you now?" Miss Allen's voice sounded on the phone.

"It's just the newly bought villa. What's wrong?" Zhang Yu asked.

"That's just right. I've arrived at the entrance of the hospital. I have something to tell you." Miss Allen said.

"Okay, I'll go out right now." Zhang Yu was confused. After hanging up the phone, he walked outside.

After leaving the villa, he came directly to the entrance of the manor, where there was a Wrangler parked, which was the car he took last time.

There are currently five disciples guarding the gatehouse, so the security factor is very high. Zhang Yu went out and came to Miss Allen's car.

Only Miss Allen was sitting in the driver's seat. Zhang Yu sat in the passenger seat and said, "Why did you come to me so late? What happened?"

"Do you still remember the body we saw on the way back when we went to the Royal Manor to register that day?" Miss Allen said.

"Of course I remember." Zhang Yu nodded and said.

Immediately afterwards, his heart suddenly moved, and the guy who died of ulcers appeared in his mind. He still remembered that the guy's name was Cameron. The result of the police investigation was that Cameron had ulcers all over his body and the hospital could not treat him. He went to church to pray that day, but died in a remote place.

"The man's name was Cameron. The patrol room didn't pay much attention to his death before. He just treated it as a normal death from a serious illness. But soon, the patrol discovered a problem, that is, there were three cases of systemic illness here in London. Cases of death from ulcers. Coincidentally, these three deceased people knew Cameron and were good friends with each other. Therefore, the patrol room felt that something was fishy, ​​so they launched an investigation. The results of the investigation found that the three previous cases of ulcers The face of the dead person was also completely ulcerated, but the body had been cremated. Although Cameron's symptoms were similar, his face was not ulcerated. The patrol room conducted an in-depth autopsy on Cameron's body again, and finally made a breakthrough." Paris said solemnly.

"What breakthrough?" Zhang Yu asked immediately.

Cameron's death condition was very similar to that of the four priests, but there was no ulceration on his face. Zhang Yu had seen with his own eyes what Paris looked like when she was attacked, and knew that this kind of ulceration would eventually reach the face, and people would die when the facial ulceration occurred.

If nothing happened later, Zhang Yu wouldn't have paid much attention to Cameron's death. It's different now. Zhang Yingling has a problem, and Paris has a problem. This is to force Zhang Yu to find a way. investigation.

"After the autopsy, the patrol found that there was a pinhole as thin as a cow's hair on Cameron's heart. In other words, Cameron was killed. Due to the severe ulceration of his body, it was impossible to remove the hole where the heart was. Traces of trauma were found on the skin," Miss Allen said.

"There is such a thing..." Zhang Yu couldn't help but ponder.

He had always suspected that there was something wrong with Cameron's death. Now after hearing Miss Allen's statement, he was even more convinced of this. He then remembered that the previous patrol investigation showed that Cameron went to church during the day, and his family did not know why he died in such a remote place.

More importantly, that night, Wilmore sent someone to the villa. There won't be any connection here.

Another thought came to Zhang Yu's mind. He heard Paris say that if his body was so rotten, there were only two possibilities if it was related to vampires. One is like Zhang Yinling and Paris, who were tricked invisibly; the other is a woman who violated the Nicholas family and was cursed as a result. Zhang Yu couldn't say which of these two possibilities it would be.

"By the way..." While thinking deeply, Zhang Yu suddenly had another question and said: "How did you know the investigation results of the patrol room?"

"Because the patrol is looking for me. I am the first witness at the scene, including you. I just came out of the patrol room, and the patrol room is also looking for you. If it is convenient for you, please come with me." Miss Allen said.

"Okay." Zhang Yu nodded directly.

He also wanted to see what the body looked like. It's just not necessarily whether he can see it. After all, the patrol room in Yingjili is not run by his family.

Miss Allen started the car and the two of them went to the patrol room together. Zhang Yu asked Miss Allen to help and let him see the body. Miss Allen was also embarrassed and said that what she saw were just photos. In this kind of case, the patrol was not allowed. They will let people see the only evidence.

Zhang Yu can also understand this. After arriving at the patrol room, Zhang Yu was accompanied by Miss Allen and was treated very well. The person who received them was a detective, either in the interrogation room or in the office. The sofa and coffee were all for free.

The patrol officer only asked if he had seen anyone suspicious at the scene. As for wanting to see the body, it was all in vain.

Fortunately, Miss Allen was there, and the patrolman reluctantly took out the photo and let Zhang Yu take a look. Just as Miss Allen said, there is a very inconspicuous pinhole in the heart. If you don't magnify it, you can't see it clearly with the naked eye.

After talking for a while, there was a knock on the door outside. The detective shouted "Puris", the door opened, and two patrol officers came from outside.

"Detective, we are back." A patrolman said politely.

"So, what did Archbishop Wilmore say?" the detective asked.

Both policemen looked embarrassed. After a while, an older policeman said, "We haven't seen the Archbishop at all. The nun said that the Archbishop has already taken a rest. If you want to see him, you have to make an appointment in advance. Let's make an appointment." It was ten o'clock in the morning. We also asked Sister Linna, and the answer was the same as last time. Cameron just prayed and then left. I don't know where he went. I guess that when I see the Archbishop tomorrow, I will get The answer is the same..."

"It's so disrespectful!" the detective said angrily, then waved his hand, "Go back and rest, and go see Wilmore tomorrow morning."

After sending the two patrolmen away, the detective stood up and said to Miss Allen: "I feel sorry for disturbing you two so late. There is nothing else to do now. I will see you two out."

"No need to bother, Detective Smith, you go about your business." Miss Allen said politely.

The two of them were talking in English, and Zhang Yu could hardly understand them. The detective sent the two men out of the office, and they went downstairs and left the patrol room.

After coming out and getting into Miss Allen's car, Zhang Yucai said: "Miss Allen, my English is really not very good. I couldn't understand what the detective and the two police officers who came in later said. But I seem to hear that Wilmore is mentioned in it. Is it the Catholic Archbishop Wilmore?"

"That's him. His magnificence is greater than our royal family. Just like Elugao's mother, the policeman invited her to the patrol room even though she was driving too fast. But as for Wilmore, the policeman went to the church to find him in person, as if to ask for the record. , but the church said that he had taken a rest and would not receive him at all, and that he still had to make an appointment. Patrol officers asked for transcripts and asked for an appointment. Do you think he is arrogant enough?" Miss Allen said.

"He is an archbishop. From the look on Detective Smith's face, it seems that he doesn't dare to do anything to him. But then again, didn't Cameron just go to the church? It can't be the person Wilmore killed." Zhang Yu said.

"I had already heard about it when I came here. The patrolman certainly didn't suspect him of murder. He just felt that something was wrong with what the church said." Miss Allen said.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Yu asked curiously.

"Cameron was good friends with the other three deceased people. All four of them suffered from body ulcers and eventually died. The patrol must look for related people from them. As a result, the patrol found that the four of them also had two common friends. , one is Gill, the original owner of the manor, and the other is Wilmore. They were good friends when they were young. According to the patrol, the police learned from the family of the deceased that Gill had borrowed money from Cameron and three other people. In fact, he borrowed money to gamble in our casino. The most important thing is that the patrolman couldn't contact Jill yesterday, and even I couldn't find him." At this point, Miss Allen couldn't help but shake her head.


Lao Tie went to Shanghai for a meeting today. He didn't get off the plane until after seven o'clock. He started coding as soon as he arrived at his place of residence. There was really no hurry. I can only update once tonight, I hope my brothers and sisters can understand.

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