Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 217 Suspicion of Tomb Robbery (Eighth Update)

"No, I was just sitting in front of the grave with grandpa. How could you ask such a question?" Shen Qing asked curiously.

"That's right. Come over here. Your great-grandfather's grave has been dug." Zhang Yu said with certainty.

"Did you dig it?" Shen Qing was shocked and rushed over quickly, saying eagerly: "How is this possible? Who would do such an immoral thing..."

Niu Sanjiang and Ma Sihai also came over. Instead of doing what Shen Qing did, they squatted down and began to observe carefully.

Not to mention, the two of them were indeed patrol officers of the crime squad, and they discovered the problem in no time.

"There's something wrong with these bricks." "The edges are old and the middle is new." The two people said.

"That's right, the middle is where the grave entrance is. As long as you open the middle and dig deeper, you can see where the coffin is." Zhang Yu said with certainty.

Most of the grave entrances are not located at the end of the tombstone, but in the opposite direction of the tombstone.

However, Ma Sihai looked puzzled and said: "Brother, you said someone dug up this grave. What was it for? If it was a tomb robbery, there is no need to dig it out and then dig it out. Rebuild it."

"Yes, and it's not popular to be buried with people for a long time. What valuable things can be inside? It's unreasonable to spend so much time digging and filling it up. If it weren't for tomb robbers, who would have nothing to do." After hearing this, Niu Sanjiang also felt Very puzzled.

"That's the truth..." Shen Qing also nodded. She really couldn't figure out who could fill the role of a tomb robber. It's not tomb robbing, so why dig it up?

The three of them looked at Zhang Yu with doubtful eyes, hoping that Zhang Yu could give a reasonable answer. Perhaps only Zhang Yu can give the answer.

"Actually, I don't know why those people did that." Zhang Yu gave such an answer.

"Ah?" "You don't know either."... The three of them were all dumbfounded. No one expected that Zhang Yu would say this.

But Zhang Yu smiled again and said: "I'm not sure whether it was a tomb robbery, or what he did in the tomb for nothing, I'm not sure. But one thing, I'm sure!"

"What are you sure about?" the three asked in unison.

"I'm sure those people may know that we are coming, so they built this place." Zhang Yu said.

"Are you sure we are coming? Who would have known we were coming? Also, was this stone slab laid before we swept the tomb, or after?" Shen Qing asked questions in rapid succession.

Zhang Yu said unhurriedly: "Who knew we were coming, I don't know. The new stone slabs should have been laid within these few days, maybe a day or two before you sweep the tomb, maybe during the sweep of the tomb." After that. But none of that matters.”

"What's important?" Shen Qing was confused.

"The important thing is that no matter what the purpose of the person who dug the grave was, since they filled it up, they didn't want us to discover it. In other words, there are some ulterior secrets hidden underneath. We just need to dig the grave again, Just go down and take a look and you will know." Zhang Yu said.

"Dig it up..." Shen Qing looked embarrassed, "This is my great-grandfather's grave... I don't dare to make the decision... without my grandfather's consent, what if he gets angry after knowing..."

"Grandpa Shen has disappeared now, and your great-grandfather's grave has been tampered with. The two things seem to have no connection, but there is a coincidence. So I think that after digging, we may be able to find the key. "The person who dug the grave didn't want us to see it, which means the secret inside is very important!" Zhang Yu said seriously.

"That's right. What Brother Zhang said makes sense." Niu Sanjiang nodded and said.

Ma Sihai followed up and said: "Based on my forty years of experience in handling cases, Brother Zhang's reasoning is very reliable."

"Are you forty years old?" Niu Sanjiang glanced sideways at Niu Sihai.

"I'm just making a metaphor." Ma Sihai said without a smile.

Shen Qing also knew that what Zhang Yu said made sense. Her grandfather's disappearance really made her dizzy and unable to make up her mind.

Now everyone is saying this, Shen Qing nodded and said: "Okay! Then dig! You must see what the purpose of those people digging graves is!"

They decided to dig the grave, but with just the four of them and no tools, it would definitely be a waste of time. It's paved with terrazzo and has to be smashed with a hammer.

The four of them went back down the mountain and drove back to Jishang. As expected, Duanjiaji is now very lively, with traders blocking the entire street.

After finally squeezing into the local police station, Niu Sanjiang showed his ID and hoped that the police station would help find some migrant workers to help dig the grave. Because Shen Qing was the boss, everything was easy to handle. After a short while, the patrol office found ten migrant workers, brought all their tools, and followed Niu Sanjiang and the others up the mountain again.

Back at the cemetery, Niu Sanjiang gave an order, and the migrant workers immediately started to smash the terrazzo slabs into fine pieces, and then started digging.

Just dig around and you'll see the problem right away. Grandpa Shen Qing’s grave is twenty or thirty years old. If it hadn’t been dug up, the soil would have been quite heavy. As soon as we started digging, after a few digs, a migrant worker said, "Why is the soil so loose? It looks like it has just been filled in."

"It seems that it was filled in not long ago." "What's going on?" "Who knows?"... The migrant workers followed up and started talking.

Listening to what they said, there was no need for Zhang Yu to say anything more. His words were verified.

Loose soil is easy to dig, and it didn't take long to dig out the horse trail going down. The so-called horse path is actually steps. When delivering the coffin to the grave, there must be steps. This is a double tomb with two stone arches. The door of the stone arch is made of bricks.

Normally, bricks were used in the early years, but the arches had to be sealed. But this arch was obviously not sealed tightly, and it looked like it was just sealed. The tomb is so well built, but the arch is just makeshift, which is evident from this.

Burials were carried out with men on the left and women on the right. Zhang Yu observed that the two stone arches were made of stone, and it was obvious that both tombs had been opened.

He asked people to take out the bricks from the left arch first, and then saw a coffin parked inside.

Zhang Yu walked along the horse path. The stone arch was about one and a half meters high. He was hunched over, and it was awkward to stand inside. In addition, the light inside was too dim to see anything, so I called a few people for help and carried the coffin up together.

As soon as the coffin was put down, Zhang Yu knew it was a pine coffin just by looking at it. Pine wood is relatively popular for longevity, and half of Lao Wangtou's coffin shop is filled with pine coffins.

It was just past noon, and the sun was shining brightly. He looked carefully and saw that the coffin had been pried open and the nails had been re-nailed, which was also a trick. Zhang Yu knew how to do this kind of work, and he easily pulled out all the nails with tools.

There was no movement in the coffin, but Zhang Yu thought that something must have been manipulated inside, so he did not dare to be careless and ask everyone to step back.

To be honest, no one wanted to get close to this kind of thing. The migrant workers retreated more than ten steps, and Shen Qing, Niu Sanjiang, and Ma Sihai also retreated six or seven steps.

Seeing them all pushing away, Zhang Yu slowly moved the coffin lid away. He remained vigilant to avoid any accidents.

While moving the coffin lid, he stared inside. Just when he moved the coffin lid by more than ten centimeters, he suddenly saw a pair of eyes staring at him from inside the coffin.


Today’s eight updates are all completed. Thank you everyone for your support. If you enjoy watching it, then use all kinds of tickets and various rewards to kill me! ! !

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