Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 216 The haunted house is restless (seventh update)

As soon as they arrived downstairs, the four of them saw a fat woman talking to two people at the counter.

Niu Sanjiang said directly and carelessly: "You call this a standard room? It's so small, how can you live in it?"

When the fat woman heard this, she immediately shouted angrily: "In our place, this is a standard room! It costs forty yuan a night, and you still want to sleep in a five-star hotel? I couldn't help but pull you in, and there happened to be two of them. There’s no room to stay here!”

Hearing this, Niu Sanjiang was speechless. Isn't that right? When he just paid, the standard room cost 40 yuan a night, which he thought was quite cheap. It was probably the price for a small place. Facts have proven that you get what you pay for.

Although the attitude of fat women is not good, they have the capital to be arrogant. If you don't live there, there will be people.

The four people looked at each other, and Zhang Yu said, "Otherwise, I'll sleep in the car and Shen Qing will have a room by herself. I think there's an electric fan, but it won't get too hot. It's just for one night."

"Why are you sleeping in a car? My neck hurts from sleeping there. Forget it, let's sleep in the same room. You can squeeze my neck." Shen Qing also knew that the bed couldn't accommodate three people. With Zhang Yu's size, I really can't sleep in the car due to my size.

We are not considered outsiders, so what’s the big deal?

After saying that, she walked upstairs.

Zhang Yu, Niu Sanjiang, and Ma Sihai could only go upstairs. Zhang Yu entered Shen Qing's room, and the two slept in the same room.

It was stuffy in the room, and the electric fan blew out hot air. Fortunately, Zhang Yu and Shen Qing fell asleep quickly thanks to Zhang Yu's massage skills.

When they woke up the next day, the two patrolmen were all listless. Zhang Yu looked as usual, while Shen Qing had another good sleep and looked a little better. This can't help but make Niu Sanjiang regret a little. He should have asked Zhang Yu to help with the massage last night, why did he fall asleep at two or three in the middle of the night.

After breakfast, the four of us went up the mountain together.

Although cremation has long been stipulated, the original grave cannot be dug up. In addition, this is a rural area with high mountains and far away from the emperor, so the previous customs can be maintained.

Along the mountain road up the mountain, there are densely packed tombs. Some people's tombs are very grand, and some people's tombs are just dirtbags. This is the gap between rich and poor.

After passing many tombs, Zhang Yu quickly discovered a problem. That is, on the tombstones here, most of them are named Duan, and occasionally you can see a few with foreign surnames.

This place is called Duanjiaji, and it is normal for there to be many people named Duan. But the problem is that Shen Yu and his family are in the Zhenhai Administrative District, and Duanjiaji already belongs to the Nandu Administrative District. Why did Shen Yu bury his father here?

If their surname is Duan, then it would be normal for Luo Ye to return to his roots. The key point is that his surname is not Duan either.

Zhang Yu still knows a lot about funeral matters.

After walking up the mountain for a while, a huge tomb appeared in front of us. The tomb is really impressive, with a circle of granite surrounding the tomb. There is a large stone tablet in front of the tomb, which is engraved with "The Tomb of Loving Father Shen Keyang and Loving Mother Lu Xuefang".

It is obvious that this is a double tomb. In front of the tombstone, the ground is paved with terrazzo slabs. There are several green pines and cypresses around the tomb, which looks like the tomb of a wealthy family.

Looking at the name, Zhang Yu knew that this should be the place where Shen Yu's parents were buried.

Zhang Yu looked at Shen Qing and said, "This is the grave of your great-grandfather and great-grandmother."

"Yeah." Shen Qing nodded.

Seeing that she was sure, Zhang Yu looked at the tomb carefully.

Judging from the feng shui here, it's pretty good. Someone should have given guidance on the construction of the tomb.

"Huh..." "Huh..."...

A breeze blew by. It wasn't strong, but it made people feel a little cool. There was wind on the mountain, which was normal, but Zhang Yu soon discovered that there was a trace of resentment in the wind.

"Huh?" Zhang Yu quickly looked around, and soon saw several cypress trees nearby, the leaves of which were motionless.

"The wind on the tomb!" Zhang Yu blurted out.

"What is the wind on the tomb?" "What do you mean?"... Shen Qing and the other three asked in surprise.

"The wind at the tomb is usually caused by the deceased being restless and resentful," Zhang Yu explained.

"The house is restless? You mean that my great-grandfather is troubled in the house..." Shen Qing confirmed to Zhang Yu.

"That's right!" Zhang Yu nodded solemnly.

"Why is the house so restless?" Shen Qing didn't understand.

"There are many reasons why the ghost house is restless. Most of them are people who accidentally destroyed the feng shui, or were buried in a place with bad feng shui. There are also possibilities that the descendants are unfilial and have no one to worship them all year round." Zhang Yu said.

"My grandpa comes here every year... about Feng Shui, see if there is any problem..." Shen Qing said with a flat mouth.

"There is nothing wrong with Feng Shui. Grandpa Shen comes here every year, so there should be no unfilial descendants. In this case, there may be only one." Zhang Yu said slowly.

"What is it?" Shen Qing asked quickly.

"That's man-made. Someone has done something here!" Zhang Yu said accurately.

"It's not like you're doing tricks here..." Shen Qing said in disbelief.

"Whether it is or not, I will know after I see it." After Zhang Yu finished speaking, he stepped forward and observed every inch of the tomb more carefully.

The countryside where Zhang Yu lived still emphasized burial. He and Lao Wangtou had gone to the tombs more than once to observe the feng shui of the ghost house. Zhang Yu is still very clear about the various ways of the Yin House.

From the diagonal side of the front, there is no trace of anyone's manipulation. If someone is playing some trick, it will basically be hidden from his eyes. If it is a more powerful method, you only need to use the Qi Watching Technique to get a rough idea.

But now, Zhang Yu is not in a hurry to use the Qi Watching Technique, and will go around it first. When I walked to the back, there was a sudden "bang" under my feet.

The sound was not loud, but it did attract Zhang Yu's attention. The feet are also terrazzo, no difference. He stepped on it again, and there was another muffled sound, "Bang."

"Huh?" Zhang Yu squatted down in surprise and knocked a few times with his hand, "Bang bang bang..."

The sound is exceptionally clear.

Shen Qing, Niu Sanjiang, and Ma Sihai all followed Zhang Yu, keeping some distance. Seeing Zhang Yu like this, Shen Qing said curiously: "What's wrong?"

"It's a little strange here. Don't come over here yet. I'll check it out." Zhang Yu said.

It makes sense why he said that. The stone slabs made a muffled sound because they were hollow underneath, the ground was uneven, and the construction was uneven. The grave of Grandpa Shen Qing is an old grave. It has experienced many years of wind, frost, rain and snow. Even if the construction was uneven at first, it has seeped down over the years and cannot make a hollow sound anymore.

In this way, there seems to be only one explanation, and that is that the stone slabs were built later.

In order to confirm this, Zhang Yu did not check with Shen Qing immediately. Instead, he slowly tapped along the stone slab and swept away the dust on it for comparison.

Soon, Zhang Yu discovered that there were cement marks in the gaps between the several stone slabs in the middle. Although the mark is narrow, it can already confirm Zhang Yu's judgment that the stone slab was indeed laid back. It is impossible to see cement marks on old slates.

He finally looked at the stone slabs on both sides, and they were absolutely right. The specifications of the slate are the same, but there are still slight differences in color and old and new. This difference, if you are not careful, if you don't sweep away the dust, you really can't see it.

"Shen Qing, you came to visit your great-grandfather's grave this time. Have you repaired the grave yet?" Zhang Yu asked the final question.

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