Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2154 The sound of digging into the wall in the middle of the night

When Zhang Yu came to the manor during the day, he felt a little depressed, which was also the reason why the place was so depressed.

In the evening, with the popularity, it was obviously much better.

The room he lived in was the largest. It had furniture and everything, but there was nothing in the furniture. In Gill's words, everything valuable in the house was taken away.

Zhang Yu was lying on the bed, feeling that Miss Allen's reaction today was a bit abnormal.

First when she saw the dead body, and later when she saw Zhang Yinling and others throwing away some oil paintings, this was not the reaction Miss Allen should have.

"What kind of paintings are these?" Zhang Yu became a little curious.

He simply picked up his phone and sent Zhang Qingfeng a text message, "Are you asleep?"

Soon, I received a reply, "Master, I didn't sleep. What's the matter?"

Seeing that his apprentice was not sleeping, Zhang Yu simply dialed Zhang Qingfeng's phone number. After the call was connected, Zhang Yu asked: "Qingfeng, where did the oil paintings you moved tonight come from?"

"They were from Zhang Yinling's room on the fourth floor. They were all hung on the wall. She thought they were ugly, so she asked us to help them pick them off." Zhang Qingfeng replied.

"So that's it" Zhang Yu muttered.


Just at the stall, Zhang Yu suddenly heard a soft sound in the corridor, as if the door of a house had opened.

If it were someone else, he probably wouldn't be able to hear it, let alone which room it was from. But Zhang Yu was able to determine at once that the location of the sound should be on the side of Miss Allen's room.

Immediately afterwards, there were slight footsteps walking past, but it was not from his room, but from passing by. Then, footsteps walked downstairs.

This voice made Zhang Yu very curious, and he immediately said: "Okay, I understand, let's rest early."

"Yes, Master."

Zhang Yu hung up the phone, jumped up from the bed, grabbed the Taoist robe, put it on, and walked quickly outside.

He almost walked out the door while putting on his robe.

Even so, Zhang Yu's movements were very light, and ordinary people could not hear his voice at all.

Zhang Yu walked quickly downstairs, listening to the footsteps below as he walked.

The footsteps kept going down, and Zhang Yu followed them all the way, quickly chasing them to the second floor, and the sound had already reached the first floor.

Zhang Yu could clearly hear the direction of the footsteps. He chased them all the way to the first floor, but the footsteps disappeared. But Zhang Yu knew where the person had gone.

The large chandelier was not completely turned off, leaving an unclear light. He slowly walked in that direction. Next to the servant's room on the first floor, there was a downward staircase. Zhang Yu had seen the drawings and knew completely that this was where the basement was. Before that, Zhang Yinling and others took the oil paintings to the basement.

"This person should be Allen. What is she doing down here? Is it to look at those oil paintings?" Zhang Yu muttered to himself, feeling quite puzzled.

You know, Casino Royale has acquired this building a long time ago. Most of the valuable things in it that could be sold were probably sold by the prodigal Gil. The paintings here are definitely not worth much. Even if there is something special, Miss Allen should have seen it a long time ago. What does this mean now?

Zhang Yu wanted to follow him and take a look, but he was worried about being discovered. He hesitated for a moment. He opened his palms, and a bright light flashed in his palms, and then a picture like this appeared.

In the dim light, Miss Allen squatted on the ground. In front of her was a stack of oil paintings. Miss Allen placed her hand on the oil painting and stroked it gently, as if she was very sympathetic.

"What does this mean?" Zhang Yu became even more confused.

The round light technique cannot last long. In the picture, Miss Allen has been stroking the oil painting in front of her and has done nothing else.

This is still the case until the light mirror disappears.

Zhang Yu stood there and waited for a while, and finally the sound of footsteps sounded again below.

Zhang Yu quickly moved to a hidden place, hiding his figure, and then saw a beautiful figure walking up. That's right, who else could it be if she wasn't Miss Allen.

After Miss Allen came up, she seemed to have no intention of going upstairs, but walked towards the entrance.

Seeing her like this made Zhang Yu more and more confused. Zhang Yu could hear the door of the villa opening. Miss Allen walked out, but she didn't close the door completely, just closed it.

"Where is she going?" Zhang Yu was full of doubts and couldn't figure out what Miss Allen meant.

Zhang Yu hesitated for a moment, then followed. When he arrived at the entrance, there was no difference at all from what he heard.

The door was ajar, Zhang Yu gently pushed it open and looked outside. Miss Allen walked to the right, not knowing where she was going.

Zhang Yu waited for a while, and when Miss Allen was farther away, he came out and also closed the door ajar.

He followed quietly and watched Miss Allen arrive at the villa on the right.

Zhang Yu had not entered this villa yet, and the door to the villa was closed. Zhang Yu is at least twenty steps away from Allen. Zhang Yu is confident that even if the other person turns around, he can quickly escape from the other person's sight.

Miss Allen came to the door of the villa. Zhang Yu saw clearly that Miss Allen took out the key from her pocket and opened the door.

Zhang Yu was not surprised that she had the key. What was surprising was just why she came here again at night.

The door to the villa opened, Miss Allen walked in, and closed the door behind her back. When Zhang Yu went over and took a look, he found that the door was not ajar this time, but locked.

Zhang Yu put his ear to the door and listened to the sounds inside. The slight sound of footsteps was walking to the right, but along with the footsteps, Zhang Yu heard an unexpected sound, "Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong."

The sound was not loud, but Zhang Yu could hear it clearly. It seemed like the sound of digging into the wall.

"Why is it so late at night? It's impossible for someone to cut the wall." Zhang Yu was confused again, "Who is this person? What is he doing at night? This is my territory now."

Zhang Yu continued to listen, and the footsteps on the ground disappeared. Zhang Yu took out a pin from his cuff, hooked it in the keyhole, and the door opened lightly.

Opening the door, you enter the entrance hall. There are no lights inside, so you can only vaguely see some scenery through the lights in the courtyard.

Zhang Yu stepped in, closed the door, and walked around the entrance hall, which was the living room. Miss Allen's footsteps just now were to the right, and on the opposite side was the stairs, which was obviously not the same place.

Zhang Yu also saw the map of the attached villa, and the basement was also located on the right side.

"Ding Dong. Ding Dong"

The sound of digging into the wall became clearer, and Zhang Yu was even sure that the sound came from underground.

Zhang Yu simply walked to the right, until he reached the steps leading to the basement.

He could still hear the sound of digging into the wall, but Allen's footsteps could no longer be heard.

It was pitch dark below and nothing could be seen. Zhang Yu showed his money sword and held it across his chest before slowly walking down.

This basement is quite deep. When walking down, there is a staircase turning. It is not difficult to determine that the basement is four meters high. When he stepped down to the ground, he saw that it was a corridor. There were no lights on in the corridor, and it was so dark that Zhang Yu could not see anything further away with his eyesight.

This made Zhang Yu extremely puzzled. Normal people couldn't figure out how to go now. If Miss Allen was unfamiliar with this place, she would definitely be confused without turning on the lights. It can even be said that ordinary women dare not come down.

There was still no other sound except the "ding-dong" sound. Zhang Yu was also a very brave man. Since Miss Allen didn't turn on the light, she didn't use the fire talisman to illuminate herself. He wanted to see what the mystery was.

In my memory, there seem to be two large rooms in the basement on the drawing, the one on the right is larger and the one on the left is smaller. It was very close to the right. Zhang Yu walked directly to the right. After a while, he found a door on the wall.

Zhang Yu first listened carefully, but there was no other sound inside. He slowly pushed the door open, very gently.

Immediately afterwards, he ducked in, holding the money sword in front of his chest to prevent anything from happening.

There was still no movement inside, it was completely dark. In a place like this, if there is no light, it is really impossible to observe.


A fireball was shot out, and this time he was finally able to see clearly.

This place is indeed very large and decorated very luxuriously. Zhang Yu saw the light on the wall and turned it on. This time he could see everything clearly.

This hall is like a large dance square, and the lights on the ceiling are ever-changing. There are sofas, bars, wine cabinets, and large and small dance floors around.

But here, not a single person can be seen. Zhang Yu continued walking forward and walked around, but found nothing. It seems that Miss Allen is not here.

Zhang Yu went out from here, turned off the light, and walked towards the other side of the corridor.

Walking all the way to the end, there was indeed another room. The door of this room was closed. Zhang Yu gently pushed open the gap and found that there was dim light inside.

With the help of the light, Zhang Yu pushed the gap wider, and suddenly he saw a ferocious human head in front of him.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu couldn't help but take a step back, and almost knocked out the money sword. But he still didn't take action because the ferocious head looking towards him didn't move.

Zhang Yu observed carefully and immediately discovered that this was not a human head, it was just a mask.

"Scared me!" Zhang Yu muttered in his heart.

He didn't hear any other sounds inside, all he could hear was the sound of "ding-dong".

Zhang Yu simply pushed the door open completely, and relying on the light, he was able to see everything inside clearly this time.

This should be a dressing room, with several dressing tables, wardrobes, and masks hanging everywhere.

Zhang Yu heard someone say that foreign devils have some kind of festival, which seems to be about pretending to be gods and ghosts.

But what surprised Zhang Yu was that Miss Allen was not seen here.

"Where did the person go?" Zhang Yu was even more puzzled.

He saw Miss Allen coming down with his own eyes. There were only two places here. He had just visited one and saw no one. There was no one here. How could he still get underground?

But he immediately realized that the "ding-dong" sound was obviously coming from below.

Zhang Yu stepped in, looking around as he walked. When he walked to the closet, Zhang Yu saw that the doors of the other closets were all closed, except for the one at the back of the one on the left. On.

He gently opened the door, and when he looked again, he saw that the clothes hanging inside were separated to the left and right, and a portal that could accommodate one person was revealed directly opposite.

Without waiting for this, Zhang Yu could still tell that there should be a secret door here because the colors were contrasting. The secret door opens inwards.

"There is a portal here. How could Allen know this place?" Zhang Yu was surprised again. The sound of digging into the wall below sounded even clearer. Zhang Yu was absolutely sure that the sound came from below.

"What's going on?" Zhang Yu raised his steps and stepped in.

As soon as you pass the secret door, you can find that the downward width is not narrow, and it can accommodate at least three people. There is a gentle platform inside the portal, and then there are steps.

Zhang Yu went down the steps. This place was not marked on the drawing. But looking at the stairs, they also have handrails, just like the stairs we just came down.

There is a corner in the middle. Standing here and looking down, Zhang Yu can see a figure standing below.

This person is standing at the bottom of the steps. If you go further in, there is still room. In this space, there is a dim light. The figure stood there, as if watching what was going on, and the "ding-dong" sound was clearly coming from the front.

Zhang Yu looked at the figure, and then dim light came from the front, and he was vaguely sure that this person was Miss Allen.

Zhang Yu slowly moved down. He really wanted to see what the sound of digging into the wall was about. With Zhang Yu's strength, of course his footsteps would not make any sound when he went downstairs.

Soon, Zhang Yu came behind Miss Allen. Zhang Yu was also afraid that Miss Allen would make a sound. In a place like this, once someone was found behind him, the first reaction would definitely be to call out.

Zhang Yu suddenly took a step forward, covered Miss Allen's mouth, and whispered: "Don't make any sound, yes"

He wanted to say, "Don't say anything, it's me," but before the word "I" could be uttered, he suddenly felt a pain in his third leg and couldn't help shouting, "Ah. "

"who?" "who?" "who?".

In the space in front, a series of shouting sounds immediately sounded, followed by rapid footsteps rushing over.

Zhang Yu heard the sound and hurriedly let go of Miss Allen's mouth. Miss Allen's face was already pale. She turned around and saw Zhang Yu, and couldn't help but said, "I'm sorry."

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!".

How could Zhang Yu care about her, because he had already seen four people rushing over from the opposite side.

These four people were all wearing black robes, and four silver rays were hitting him at the same time.

Zhang Yu pulled Allen back and faced him forward. He raised his hand and the money sword burst out, turning into countless copper coins and hitting him forward.

"咻咻咻" "咻咻咻".

"Dang-dang-dang." "Ah!" "Ah!".

Some copper coins collided with the silver awns, knocking them down. After all, there were too few silver awns, only four, and Zhang Yu had 108 copper coins.

The extra copper coins then hit the four men in black robes. They were hit on their heads and faces, and fell to the ground one after another, screaming in agony.

Zhang Yu turned his hand to take back the money sword, looked at it carefully, and immediately discovered that the four silver rays he had knocked down turned out to be four crosses. Just by looking at the attire of the people lying on the ground and the Bible that fell on the ground, Zhang Yu could confirm that these four guys were Catholic priests.

He was definitely a Catholic. Zhang Yu was immediately startled and surprised that these people came to his door so quickly.

But he soon realized something was wrong. If the other party was here to cause trouble for him, then why did he come here to dig?

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