Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2153 Miss Allen is a bit abnormal

"Hendry, Bick, Murphy, you and I are all like this." A look of horror appeared on Wilmore's face.

"Yes. It was really scary when they died. I don't want to be like them. Archbishop, you must help me find a way." Cameron said with a sad face again.

At this point, Cameron suddenly froze and looked at Wilmore in surprise, "Archbishop, what did you just say about you and me?"

"Shut up!" Wilmore's eyes exuded a captivating gaze.

Seeing his ferocious look, Cameron was startled and quickly shut his mouth, not daring to make any more noise.

Wilmore's face gradually became solemn, and after a while, he said slowly: "Back then, you and I, and the three of them, including Jill, the six of us were the best friends. How could it be such a coincidence? They all have these symptoms.”

"I, I don't know either." Cameron was still frightened because of the sudden change in Wilmore's expression just now, and his voice was trembling when he spoke.

"When I was a deacon in the church, we were often together, but after I became a priest, we were rarely together. Such a coincidence, I think it should not happen to me." Wilmore Said coldly.

"I don't know why it's like this. We really haven't interacted with each other for several years. Especially you, the Archbishop." Cameron said this and seemed to be afraid to continue.

"What does it look like?" Wilmore asked coldly.

"It seems like we haven't seen each other since Halloween fifteen years ago," Cameron stammered.

"Halloween, Halloween." Wilmore's originally pale face suddenly became even paler, as if he remembered something.

Cameron looked at Wilmore carefully, not daring to make a sound at all. After another moment, Wilmore said in a deep voice: "Is there any connection between these?"

"I don't know." Cameron finally couldn't help crying. "I just don't want to die. Archbishop, you must save me."

"Useless thing!" Wilmore cursed, and he raised his head as if in deep thought.

After a while, Wilmore said: "This matter is not only related to you, but also to me. I will find a way. In this way, you go back first and I will contact you tomorrow."

"No Archbishop. In my current state, I don't look like a human or a ghost. Can the church take me in first and then go back when I get better?" Cameron said quickly in a pleading tone.

"It's really not convenient for the church to take you in like you are now. Listen to me. Go back first. I will think of a way tonight and I will cure you then." Wilmore's tone softened for the first time.

"Then, good Archbishop, I'll leave it to you." Cameron said pitifully.

"Don't worry." Wilmore nodded affirmatively.

He then raised his left arm and pointed in the direction of the door, indicating that Cameron could leave.

Cameron had no choice but to put on his clothes and walk outside.

As he dressed, Wilmore pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number.

The call was quickly connected, and Wilmore only said one sentence, "Sister Lena, come to the reception room."

Sister Linna came very quickly, and when she came to the door, she happened to meet Cameron going out. After saying hello to each other, Cameron walked towards the stairs. Sister Lena entered the room and came to Wilmore's sofa.

"What's the Archbishop's order?" Sister Linna said respectfully.

"Remember that person who just went out?" Wilmore said lightly.

"Remember." Sister Lina nodded.

"Inform Reiner that after this person leaves the church, find a secluded place to kill him. Remember, don't leave any traces." Wilmore said indifferently.

"Yes, Archbishop." Sister Linna agreed directly.

Wilmore stood up, turned and walked towards the door, and said lightly: "After solving the problem, ask Reina to meet me in the temple behind."

Royal resort estate.

Zhang Yu and Miss Allen came here together. The manor was very large, completely larger than the Qi family's Longhu Villa in Zhenhai.

In a place like London, where every inch of land is at a premium, it is estimated that only the British royal family can be so generous.

The European-style construction here is elegant and elegant, making you feel lingering when you are in it.

Miss Allen took Zhang Yu to the registration office to register. He was required to provide his passport information and personal resume. It seemed very formal and much stricter than the two previous exchange meetings on Eastern and Western astrology and feng shui that Zhang Yu had attended.

Zhang Yu wanted to know which masters from the East would come to attend the conference, but Miss Allen said that it would be kept secret for the time being and would not be officially announced until the registration deadline the day after tomorrow.

Seeing what she said, Zhang Yu didn't ask any more questions. In fact, Zhang Yu could vaguely understand that in this confrontation between east and west, astrology, and feng shui, Miss Allen might not necessarily be on his side. After all, this is their home court, and the British royal family also wants to represent the West. You don't necessarily have to win a big victory, as long as you achieve a certain victory, it will be considered a big step.

After leaving the Royal Resort Manor, Zhang Yu sat in Miss Allen's car and walked back.

The manor was in the suburbs, and the car drove very fast. When they were approaching the city, it was already evening, and Zhang Yu suddenly saw a person lying on the roadside.

"Stop the car, there seems to be someone lying there!" Zhang Yu said, pointing.

After hearing this, Miss Allen immediately drove over and heard the sound on the side of the road.

Sure enough, there was a man lying on the curb.

Zhang Yu opened the car door, got out of the car first, and came to the man's side. This man must be in his forties and wearing a down jacket.

He first checked his breathing, and found that he was no longer breathing. Then he took the man's wrist and immediately discovered that something was wrong. The skin on the man's wrist was a little sticky. When he looked closely, it turned out to be ulcerated.

Miss Allen had also gotten out of the car and came to the body, and immediately she couldn't help but say "Huh".

Zhang Yu looked up at Miss Allen. He found that Miss Allen's eyes were wide open at this moment, and there was a touch of excitement on her face. Zhang Yu asked curiously: "What's wrong? Do you know him?"

"I don't know." Miss Allen said quickly.

The expression on her face returned to normal instantly, and then she took out her mobile phone from her pocket and said, "I'll report the crime. By the way, if anyone else is okay, I'll call an ambulance."

"Already dead." Zhang Yu shook his head and reached out to gently pull up the deceased's sleeves.

The exposed skin of the deceased was all bloody and bloody, making people sick to see it.

"What's going on?" Zhang Yu muttered in his heart, but still pinched the deceased's pulse gate to feel the pulse.

A person without a pulse is absolutely dead. Zhang Yu checked again with his inner eye and found that the three souls and seven souls were gone. He could probably determine that the man had been dead for about an hour.

Zhang Yu wanted to take off this man's clothes and take a closer look, but he was not a patrol officer after all.

He stood up and looked at Miss Allen. Miss Allen was saying something to the person on the phone in English, which Zhang Yu couldn't understand.

Soon, Miss Allen put down the phone and said, "I have already reported the crime. Let's wait here for a while."

"No problem." Zhang Yu nodded.

The efficiency of the English patrol room is really high. In just three minutes, two patrol cars drove over.

Several police officers got out of the car, some looked at the body, and some asked Zhang Yu and Miss Allen. Zhang Yu couldn't understand what they said, so they were all returned by Miss Allen.

Zhang Yu's attention was mainly on the corpse. The patrolman also seemed to have discovered that there was a festering problem on the corpse. He took off the clothes of the corpse. Good guy, it makes people want to vomit when they see it.

There was an identification document and a phone number on the deceased's body, and the patrol quickly determined the identity of the deceased, whose name was Cameron. The patrol room contacted the family and learned that Cameron had recently suffered from a strange illness and his body was ulcerated. It was useless to go to the hospital for treatment. Today he went to church to pray. It is not clear why he died here, but there were no external injuries on the body. The patrol initially determined that he died of illness.

Zhang Yu and Miss Allen had to go to the patrol room to make notes. Not to mention, the treatment in the patrol room was pretty good, because when it was dinner time, dinner was specially prepared for them.

By the time the two of them left the patrol house and arrived at the newly purchased manor, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

Along the way, Zhang Yu would steal glances at Miss Allen who was driving from time to time. He always felt that something was wrong. Why did Miss Allen show excitement the moment she saw Cameron's body?

The car arrived outside the manor. The large iron gate of the manor was closed tightly. Only the lights in the courtyard could be seen from the fence of the iron gate.

I have to say, the night view here is beautiful.

"I'm here, thank you." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"You're welcome. By the way, why don't you invite me to sit in for a while?" Miss Allen also smiled.

"Welcome." Zhang Yu nodded and said.

Miss Allen honked the car horn directly. There was a concierge inside the gate, but she didn't know if anyone was there.

Fortunately, soon, a face appeared on the fence, "Who is it?"

This man was still speaking Mandarin. Zhang Yu immediately stuck his head out and said, "Zhong Fei, it's me."

"Master is back. I'll open the door right now." The person inside was Zhang Yu's apprentice Zhong Fei.

He opened the door and let Zhang Yu's car in. Zhang Yu nodded secretly. Even though he was not here, the place was really in order.

There are three disciples on duty in the concierge inside the door. Miss Allen seemed to be familiar with this place. Only pedestrians could walk in front and cars could walk on both sides. She drove along the right side until she came to the parking lot next to the villa in the middle.

After the car was parked, the two got out of the car together and walked to the door of the villa. Miss Allen rang the doorbell without Zhang Yu having to do anything.


Soon, someone came to open the door. It was a disciple of Zhang Yu. As soon as he saw Zhang Yu coming back, he immediately bowed and said, "Master, you are back."

"We're back. How are you settling in?" Zhang Yu asked gently.

"It's being tidied up." The disciple said with a smile: "This place is really big. Each person has a room, which is more than enough. Everyone has arranged their rooms and bought all the necessary daily necessities."

"That's good." Zhang Yu nodded and walked inside.

Miss Allen followed him through the entrance hall, which was the large living room.

This large European-style living room is really grand. It is two floors high and can be used for a dance party. The upper circle is the second floor, which has all the facilities. It seems that the casino didn't ask for anything at the beginning. It also left some things like sofas.

"Hurry up, hurry up, move all these junk to the basement." Suddenly, Zhang Yinling's voice sounded from the stairs.

Zhang Yu turned around and saw Zhang Yinling, Zhang Qingfeng, and several disciples carrying some paintings down. These paintings are all framed, and some can be seen at a glance.

This is an oil painting. It looks messy and I have no idea what it is painting.

Not wanting to, Miss Allen, who was standing next to Zhang Yu, rushed towards the stairs and shouted loudly: "What are you doing?"

I don't know why she was so anxious. What she shouted was all in English. Zhang Yinling couldn't understand it, so she was stunned for a moment.

The English is also simple enough. Even if this girl can't understand it, Zhang Qingfeng can still understand it. He translated: "What did she ask us for?"

"What are you doing? Move these broken paintings to the basement!" Zhang Yinling said directly.

"Why move it away? These pictures are very good!" cried Miss Allen.

"I don't even know what to draw. It's so messy and hanging in the bedroom, it makes people dizzy just looking at it. If you think it's good, I'll give it to you!" Zhang Yinling said confidently.

"What's going on?" Zhang Yu was puzzled and walked to Miss Allen and asked.

"No, it's nothing." When Miss Allen saw Zhang Yu coming over, the eager expression on her face returned to normal, and she said, "I just think it's a pity to throw away this painting. But since this house is already yours, the things inside are yours." You can deal with it however you want, I can't control it."

After saying that, she spread her hands and showed an indifferent look.

"You also know that the house belongs to us!" Zhang Yinling curled her lips and said, "Come on, this picture frame is quite heavy, throw it into the basement quickly."

She, Zhang Qingfeng and others moved the picture frame and quickly went downstairs to the basement.

Wang Jie followed behind. He didn't hold anything in his hand, so he just waved the shopkeeper's hand.

He walked up to Zhang Yu in a few steps and said with a smile: "Uncle, we have packed up your room. It is the largest room on the left side of the fifth floor. There is water and food in it. There will be some tonight. I'm busy, you guys go up and chat first, it's gray here, I guess it will take more than an hour anyway."

"Why didn't Hui Da see the dust on your body or even the sweat on your face?" Zhang Yu asked deliberately.

"I, I am a supervisor. A qualified supervisor is worth four workers," Wang Jie said, licking his face.

"Okay, continue to monitor." Zhang Yu smiled and made an invitation gesture to Miss Allen.

"Please, Mr. Zhang." Miss Allen also made a gesture of invitation.

Zhang Yu originally thought that Miss Allen had to come here because she wanted to tell him something.

But after going upstairs, he didn't say anything special, just chatting casually.

The conversation lasted until about 11 o'clock in the evening. Miss Allen said that she was sleepy and wanted to stay one night. Of course Zhang Yu has no objections. The rooms have been allocated and all the people living on the fifth floor are men. In addition to Zhang Yu, there are also Zhu Jiuzhen, Zhang Qingfeng and Wang Jie. The people on the fourth floor were all female disciples, including Zhang Yinling.

Miss Allen didn't plan to sleep on the fourth floor, so Zhang Yu found her a room on the fifth floor and arranged a new set of luggage.

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