Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2132: Repay the other person with the same method.

Faced with Zhang Yu's question, the little nun Kong Yi did not answer immediately, but waved to the ground. The black cassock wrapped around the fifty-year-old man returned directly to her hand, and she followed it with a wave on her body, neatly Cover the ground well.

"Amitabha, Mr. Zhang, we will meet again later." After Kong Yi finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the stairs.

"See you later." Seeing Kong Yi leave like that, Zhang Yu couldn't help but muttered.

"Zhang Yu! Hurry up and untie that head-down thing on us." Pan Yun had been unable to move, and now he was a little anxious.

"Immediately, immediately." Zhang Yu promised repeatedly. He came to Pan Yun's side and put his hand on Pan Yun's pulse gate. He immediately discovered that Pan Yun's bloodline was somewhat blocked.

Then, Zhang Yu closed his eyes and felt the situation inside Pan Yun's body with his inner eye.

In Pan Yun's body, the three souls and seven souls are all present, but above the strength and soul, it seems that there are pieces of glass hanging there.

The force is located on the heart chakra, connecting the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet, and reaching the limbs. The entire chain of strength is covered with glass. As long as a person moves, it will naturally cause excruciating pain, as if being cut by a knife.

At this moment, Zhang Yu was secretly surprised. The head-lowering technique was so weird that it could actually do this.

"How is it?" Seeing that Zhang Yu remained silent for a long time, Pan Yun couldn't help but ask.

"Don't worry, it will be fine soon."

After Zhang Yu finished speaking, he stood up and walked forward quickly. When he came to Huang Tao's side, he glanced at Huang Tao who was still kneeling on the ground, raised his leg and kicked him, shouting: "This is a kick for Brother Ma!"

It wasn't that Huang Tao didn't want to get up, but the two copper coins he had just received were so hard that he couldn't even get up.

Zhang Yu's current kick was also not light. Huang Tao couldn't bear it, so he was kicked out and fell heavily to the ground in front of him.

Zhang Yu would not have any sympathy for this kind of person. If the police were not present, he would not mind sending Huang Tao back to the west.

Zhang Yu quickly came to the man in his fifties. This guy was wearing a black robe and was lying on the ground, motionless. Zhang Yu estimated that he must have fainted.

Zhang Yu didn't even squat down to check. He looked at the fifty-year-old man's head and recited the headache curse.

"Ah" in the blink of an eye, the man in his fifties screamed in pain, then held his head in his hands and began to keep shouting: "Uh, it hurts... ah..."

Along with the pain, the fifty-year-old man turned around and saw Zhang Yu standing in front of him.

"You" He wanted to get the cane on the ground, but because of the pain in his head, he had no strength at all.

"I advise you to be honest, otherwise, the consequences will be very serious," Zhang Yu said coldly.

"Uh, I know, I know. What do you want?" the man in his fifties said painfully.

"You just gave us a lower head, but we haven't solved it yet. I just heard you say it's called a glass drop. Tell me how to solve it." Zhang Yu asked carelessly.

"Hahaha." Upon hearing this, the fifty-year-old man suddenly laughed, "So you want me to help you resolve the glass drop. If you still dare to be so rude to me, beg me quickly. otherwise."

"Bang!" Zhang Yu was not polite, he raised his leg and kicked the opponent in the abdomen.

"Ah" The man in his fifties already had a terrible headache, but after receiving this kick, the pain made him roll around on the spot several times, and he almost died.

"You still dare to kick me. In this world, no one except me can resolve their glass fall. Do you want them all to die?" The man in his fifties said through gritted teeth.

"I really can't resolve your glass drop, but Huang Xin's drop made me understand one thing. That is, the drop does not necessarily have to be resolved directly on the victim, as long as it is Killing the person who lowered his head can still solve the problem. I asked you to tell me how to solve the problem. That is to give you face. You must not be shameless." Zhang Yu said disapprovingly.

"Uh." The man in his fifties was immediately dumbfounded, and then said honestly: "If you want to dissolve the glass, I'll do it. You can relieve my headache first, and I'll do it right away."

"Don't do this with me. If you let me take action, I might as well kill you directly. Don't you understand what I'm saying? What is the method to resolve glass drop?" Zhang Yu asked in a deep voice.

He was to untie Pan Yun and others' glass drop, but he was also a little curious about the head-drop technique, so he wanted to see what this method of resolving was like.

Spells are all universal, but I just don't know the secret. Zhang Yu had already seen the strength of a man in his fifties. He just knew how to do some evil tricks, but his real ability was not that great.

"Mix the blood of three warm-blooded animals together, drink half of it, and apply the other half on your body. It will resolve it in half an hour," the man in his fifties said painfully.

"Why?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"Because..." The man in his fifties looked at Zhang Yu with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"I'll count to three. If you don't tell me within three, I will make you suffer a hundred times more." Zhang Yu said, holding out three fingers, "Three two."

"I said, I said." A man in his fifties also knew that his life was in this kid's hands. If he didn't tell him, he would be looking for bad luck.

He then said hurriedly: "Because the glass drop is made from the cold air condensed from the blood of three cold-blooded animals. I used snakes, lizards, and spiders. All things are mutually reinforcing, and cold-blooded animals such as snakes and insects are afraid of each other. Birds are warm-blooded animals. So you only need to use the blood of warm-blooded animals to break the glass."

Zhang Yu nodded, thinking that what the other party said was quite reasonable. He then asked: "After the cold air is gathered, how does it form glass and penetrate into the human body?"

"Glass drop in head-dropping is a profound method. It is different from other head-drops in that it needs to go through a medium or touch the person's body. Glass drop can actively hit the person's body. Once hit, Then you will be like them, as long as the body moves, you will feel pain. In addition, the glass is colorless and cannot be seen by ordinary people. It can be said that it is impossible to prevent it. The method is to inhale the cold air into the palm, and then slowly incorporate it into the Dantian. "Man in his fifties Now, I honestly explained how to make a glass drop, how to use it, and how to recover it.

At the end of the sentence, the man in his fifties added: "It's very dangerous to practice glass falling. If the cold poison enters the body, if you are not careful, you will be poisoned and die."

"Really?" Zhang Yu smiled faintly, then you can feel it.

As he spoke, he suddenly took a picture and hit the man in his fifties.

The man in his fifties now had a splitting headache and was holding his head with both hands. But just after Zhang Yu took a picture, he suddenly let out a cry like a slaughtered pig, "Ahhh."

His hands seemed to dare not hold his head anymore and he quickly put them down. But the severe headache made him want to kill him immediately.

Zhang Yu looked at his look and knew that he couldn't bear it any longer. If he continued to attack on both sides, he might die of pain. So he chanted the mantra to relieve headaches.

After reciting this, the fifty-year-old man's headache disappeared. As if he had received an amnesty, he couldn't help but take a few deep breaths, and then said in surprise: "You, how did you fall out of the glass?"

"I learned from you, what you just taught me," Zhang Yu said, shrugging his shoulders.

"How is it possible that I only said it once, and you didn't absorb the cold poison made from three cold-blooded animals? How could you make glass to drop on you? Who are you?" The man in his fifties looked at Zhang Yu at this moment and his eyes changed. , as if seeing a ghost.

Zhang Yu sneered disdainfully and said: "It's just a trick, it's just a trick, do I need to use the cold poison of some cold-blooded animal?"

The man in his fifties just said that the most difficult and dangerous step in practicing glass drop is to inhale the cold air made from cold-blooded animals into the Dantian.

This kind of difficulty is indeed very difficult and dangerous for him, but for him, it is simply child's play. You know, there are five groups of true energy in Zhang Yu's body now, which are the Five Thunder True Energy. The five thunders divide the sky, wood, and water volcanoes. The water mines in them are not only water, but also ice, which can condense into cold air.

To put it bluntly, Zhang Yu's Dantian contains this kind of cold air, and there is no need to absorb the cold air made by cold-blooded animals. Therefore, he only needs to know how to make the cold air into a glass drop, how to hit people, and how to suck it out again.

And in terms of practice, it is easier than the opponent. This is hard power. I didn't know how to do this technique before, but now that I have mastered it, glass drop is just a child's play, and it's not as difficult as the Five Thunder Technique used by Zhang Yu. These two skills are even similar but the Five Thunder Technique is even more evil. Just hit the person's shadow directly.

The man in his fifties was completely shocked by Zhang Yu, with a look of fear on his face. In addition, he was hit by a glass drop and did not dare to move.

Zhang Yu knelt down and held his wrist. Just by feeling for his pulse, he was able to confirm that his blood was blocked just like Pan Yun's. Looking at it with the eyes of the mind, the strength and soul are covered with glass.

"Ha" he chuckled and said, "This thing is quite fun."

As he said that, he waved his hand towards Huang Tao. Huang Tao, who was curled up on the ground, immediately shouted, "Uh-huh."

Fortunately, he didn't move, and the pain only came up for a moment.

Zhang Yu didn't even look at him, turned around and walked towards Pan Yun and the others.

When he came to the policemen, he used his newly learned method of absorbing the cold air, and with a single pull of his hand, all the glass curtains on their bodies were removed.

"Try to see if you can get up." Zhang Yu said carelessly.

Ma Sihai raised his arm and then said: "Hey, it doesn't hurt anymore."

As he spoke, the man jumped up.

The other patrol officers also jumped up one after another. Ma Sihai strode directly towards Huang Tao and shouted: "His grandma! You still dare to attack the patrol officer, let's see how I deal with you!"

The six patrolmen also rushed forward with great enthusiasm, and all of them were gnashing their teeth, wishing they could tear Huang Tao to pieces right here.

After Pan Yun stood up, he did not go over, but first helped Tang Cuicui beside him up. She glanced sideways at Zhang Yu and said deliberately angrily: "Why are you pretending to be a detective and playing with my heartbeat here?"

Zhang Yu quickly put on a smile and said flatteringly: "Didn't I want to get evidence of Huang Tao's evil deeds? Now that he has admitted it, all the truth has been revealed."

"Hmph!" Pan Yun glared at Zhang Yu again, "You stinky guy, you have found out a lot of things. Why didn't you tell me anything before?"

"It was just my guess at the time, and the time was so rushed, so I didn't say anything. Don't you already know everything now?" Zhang Yu said with a smile again.

"Zhang Yu, I solemnly tell you now, if you dare to fool me again in the future, don't blame me for being rude to you!" Pan Yun said harshly.

"I know, I know. I will never dare to do it again." Zhang Yu continued to please.

The little girl Tang Cuicui had been pulled up by Pan Yun and stood beside Pan Yun. She watched helplessly as Pan Yun kept scolding Zhang Yu. Zhang Yu just kept trying to please, and she couldn't help but feel a little curious in her little heart. .

Tang Cuicui flattened her mouth and whispered: "Sister, this big brother looked so powerful just now, why are he so afraid of you?"

"Big sister is better than me." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

Pan Yun rolled his eyes at Zhang Yu, picked up Tang Cuicui, and said, "You will know when you grow up. Let's go and ignore him."

After saying that, she walked forward.

There were screams in front of me at this moment, and the ones who screamed were naturally Huang Tao and the man in his fifties. These two people were handcuffed and pulled up by Ma Sihai and others. The two people who were hit by the glass could not bear this.

"It hurts, it hurts, can you please be gentle? Uh, uh"

"That Taoist Priest, Master, can you remove my glass? It hurts me to death."

"You know it hurts! When it hit us just now, did you know it hurt us too! Just leave me like this. I tell you, this trick is very effective, and you can't even see the traces of being beaten!" Sihai shouted cursingly.

Other patrol officers handcuffed the four bodyguards and woke them up. The man in black robes with one arm was also awakened. However, he had one arm and couldn't be handcuffed. All he had to do was point a gun at his head.

There was also a young patrolman who called Inspector Bai to explain the situation and ask for reinforcements.

In this way, Ma Sihai and others escorted Huang Tao and his party upward.

After only taking a few steps, Pan Yun suddenly shouted: "No! Xiao Sun and Xiao Zhao are still up there, nothing will happen to them!"

After Ma Sihai heard this, he immediately reacted and slapped the man in his fifties on the back of the head, shouting: "How are my two brothers now? If anything happens, I will tear you apart!"

"Ah, ah uh." The man in his fifties was shivering in pain from this sudden attack, and said tremblingly: "They are fine, they were just knocked out by the lowering of their heads."

They arrived at the large living room on the first floor, and sure enough, the two young patrolmen passed out there. The one between the two was a kind of ecstasy. Because Huang Tao was still down there before and he didn't know how to deal with it, so the man in his fifties didn't kill them directly after he beheaded the two patrolmen.

This kind of ecstasy technique is not as advanced as the glass technique. It is very simple and can easily wake people up. Zhang Yu learned some experience from it.

Although there were not many people in the patrol room here, the first offender Huang Tao was arrested, so the remaining bodyguards naturally did not dare to mess with the patrol room. Huang Xin and others were all captured.

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