Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2131 The skynet is sparse and not leaking out

"What you say is better than what you sing. Then let's talk slowly." The little nun Kong Yi seemed to be unhurried. After all, she was the only one standing at this moment. As for Huang Tao, he was kneeling on the ground.

Kong Yi said slowly: "My father burned himself to death, and my mother left her hometown with the little money she had in the family, looking for a place to live. But unexpectedly, when she was going to the bathroom, she asked her brother to Waiting outside, when she came out, her brother was gone. Her mother searched everywhere, but couldn't find it at all. At that time, she was really struggling every day. Her belly was getting bigger day by day. However, there was no whereabouts for her brother. Even so, her mother did not give up looking for her brother. She was already grieving for her father when she was pregnant, and the loss of her brother was a huge blow. Finally, one day, her mother could not hold on any longer and fainted. When my mother woke up on the street, she was no longer on the street, but at Putuo Nunnery. It was Master who saved my mother and left her to give birth to me in Putuo Nunnery. My mother was determined to continue looking for her brother, but she couldn't let go of her newly born baby. So I stayed in Putuo Temple, doing some odd jobs and taking care of him. After eight years, my mother told me that I still have a brother. She wanted to go down the mountain to continue looking for him. If he couldn't find him, she would I will never feel at ease in my life. Only then did I realize that I still have a father and a brother."

Halfway through the story, tears fell from Kong Yi's eyes, but her eyes were still staring at Huang Tao hatefully.

She paused, then choked and said: "Huang Tao, the reason why our family is like this is all thanks to you."

"This, what does the sharp fall of the ruble have to do with me? I didn't lend money to your family, but I lost all my money at that time. Later, I saw your father's death with my own eyes, and I regretted it very much. If I had known it, I would have You should sell the house and help him." Huang Tao said eagerly.

When he said this, he actually shed tears.

"It's really interesting. Is this called a cat crying and a mouse pretending to be compassionate? Huang Tao, Huang Tao, I really admire your acting skills. If you don't know the truth, I'm afraid anyone will be fooled to death by you," Kong Yi said coldly.

After taking a breath, Kong Yi continued: "I still remember that I asked my mother who my father was and who my brother was. After my questioning, my mother told me about that past event. She told me that after my father came home, She didn't know that her mother was pregnant. She saw that her father was worried and didn't tell her father. Creditors kept coming to her door. Her father was forced to choose death, but his father told her that after his death, he must leave his hometown, especially not Seeing his three "good brothers" again. His mother asked his father in confusion, and his father finally sadly told the truth. It turned out that the day before the ruble plummeted, his father had already exchanged the rubles in his hands for soft coins after the transaction. , planning to return to China the next day. But the three of you still wanted to buy a batch of leather in Moscow, so you were not in a hurry to exchange it. That night, you drank a lot of wine, and your father was very drunk. You didn't get up until noon. Tell him that the ruble has plummeted, and he hastily thought of a way to exchange it. His father said that he had already exchanged it, but after taking the money out of the bag, he unexpectedly discovered that the money in the bag was not a soft girl coin at all, but rubles for the three of you. They all told their father that they didn’t go to the bank at all yesterday. After the transaction, they went to drink together. They agreed to go to the bank today. Because my father drank too much and was told by you, he was confused at the time and couldn’t tell whether it was... I really remembered it wrong. After returning to China, the more my father thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. Just before he decided to commit suicide, he drank and cried and told his mother about it. But even if he knew that you had plotted against him, what would it matter? No matter what, my father has no choice but to die."

At this point, her eyes widened and she stared at Huang Tao.

Huang Tao's eyes did not dare to meet hers.

"Huang Tao, Boss Huang, do you have anything to say about this account?" Kong Yi said quietly.

"This, this is completely untrue. After we sold the goods in our hands that day, we all went to drink together. How could your father have time to go to the bank to exchange soft currency? The ruble plummeted the next day. Who is this? I don't even want to, I don't know why your father said this after returning to China, but it really didn't happen, Wang Kang and Xu Shao can both testify." Huang Tao said eagerly.

"Yes, there are two witnesses." Kong Yi showed a smile of realization, and then said: "Then where are Wang Kang and Xu Shao now?"

"He, they are both dead," Huang Tao stammered.

"You just said that you asked them to testify, and now you say that the person is dead, so where can I find them to testify?" Kong Yi said coldly.

"This...this" Huang Tao didn't know what to say for a while.

"You can't think of a way, then let me think of a way." Kong Yi showed a cruel smile.

"What can we do?" Huang Tao asked carefully.

"It's very simple. I will send you down to meet the two of them now. My father is also down there. You guys have a good confrontation in front of the Lord of Hell. What do you think?" Kong Yi said with a faint smile.

"I, I, I. I don't want to die." Huang Tao really panicked this time.

"Don't say that. Those people you killed didn't want to die. In fact, you should understand that even if I don't kill you, I'm afraid you won't be able to escape death because of your crime. If you kill me, Being shot and being shot are the same, it's just a few days difference." Kong Yi said with a chuckle.

"No, they can't get up now. I can take a boat out of the country right away. As long as you don't kill me, no matter how much money you ask, I will give it to you. Really, I have never harmed your father. Believe me." Huang Tao In order to survive, he said flatteringly.

"Hahahaha. Hahahaha." Kong Yi suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed. She smiled brightly.

Listening to her smile, Huang Tao's scalp was numb, and he asked timidly: "Why are you laughing?"

"I'm laughing at you for overestimating your abilities." Kong Yi said disdainfully: "With these two useless masters you bribed, do you think they can really take you out of here? Zhang Yu didn't take action, not because He is really injured and can't get up, but it's because he tricked you into admitting those crimes." Kong Yi looked at Huang Tao, as if he was looking at a fool.

When Huang Tao heard this, he couldn't help but immediately turned his head to look in Zhang Yu's direction.

Not only him, but Pan Yun, Ma Sihai and other patrol officers also looked at Zhang Yu. Pan Yun even asked eagerly: "Zhang Yu, are you really okay?"

"Hehehe" Zhang Yu smiled awkwardly, stood up slowly from the ground, and patted the dust off his body, "I'm sorry, she got it right."

With Zhang Yu's ability, how could it be possible to hurt him with the glass bow of the head-dropper. Especially today, Zhang Yu was still wearing robes. When the glass drop touched his Bagua Immortal Clothes, it immediately turned into nothing and was useless.

The reason why he did this was because he saw Pan Yun and others lying down, so he simply pretended to confirm his guess from Huang Tao's mouth. And let Huang Tao confess all these crimes in person.

"You bastard!" Seeing that Zhang Yu was really okay, Pan Yun was so angry that he wanted to kick Zhang Yu, but as soon as he tried hard, he couldn't help but scream in pain, "Ah"

"Xiaoyun, don't move." Zhang Yu hurriedly knelt down next to Pan Yun and said with concern.

"Don't say it's useless, untie it for me quickly, it hurts me so much!" Pan Yun shouted angrily.

"Yes, yes," Zhang Yu agreed hastily.

Seeing that Zhang Yu was fine, all the patrolmen were relieved. Since Zhang Yu was fine, then the big guy was safe.

On the contrary, Huang Tao was completely dumbfounded. He looked at Zhang Yu, then turned to Kong Yi, and said almost in a begging tone: "Save me, save me. Please, save me."

"Why should I save you?" Kong Yi asked.

"I" Huang Tao hesitated for a moment and then said: "Money, I have a lot of money. As long as you save me, I will give you whatever you want."

"Huang Tao, I have already said that all I want is answers. Tell me and I will spare your life." Kong Yi said seriously.

"Me, me." Huang Tao has completely lost his mind now. The situation at this moment is basically a wolf in front and a tiger in the back. The only way is to drive the tiger away with the wolf and take the opportunity to escape. But what is the real answer for him to say?

"Amitabha." Kong Yi raised her right palm and chanted the Buddha's name. Her eyes fell on Zhang Yu, "Zhang Yu, I am a monk. I care about you and your friends with compassion. I was deceived by him. Do whatever you want. I believe that as long as you don't beat him to death, your friends can't say anything. Even if you beat him to death, it will be justice for God and self-defense."

Zhang Yu couldn't help but laugh and said deliberately: "Several arrest officers, do you think it's convenient for me to deal with this guy now?"

"Hit me, you're welcome! Whatever happens if you hit him, it's mine! His grandmother dared to kick me just now. If I could move, I would be the first to go up and beat him now!" Ma Sihai was the first to shout.

"Beat him!" "Beat him!" "This guy resisted arrest. Beating him is self-defense!" "That's right! Beat him!" The patrol officers lying on the ground were all furious. When had they ever suffered such injustice? For a criminal to be so arrogant, there is simply no way he can do it.

"Brother Huang, you have also seen that public anger is hard to offend. It seems that I can only offend him." Zhang Yu walked towards Huang Tao slowly with a smile on his face.

He was so cooperative with Kong Yi, mainly because he was grateful to Kong Yi. It was expected that Kong Yi probably didn't know that he was fine before taking action, and most likely he found out later. Furthermore, he wanted to find out the truth.

When Huang Tao saw Zhang Yu coming over, he knew in his heart that this was no joke, even if he didn't beat himself half to death, it would be almost the same. When I get to the patrol room, I will definitely not get better.

Huang Tao said tremblingly: "If I say it, can you really forgive me?"

"That's right!" Kong Yi nodded seriously.

"Then I said that back then." Huang Tao had no choice. He was going to die anyway, so he might as well take a gamble. "Your father did exchange the rubles in his hand for soft sister coins after the transaction. Wang Kang, Xu and I Shao still wanted to continue doing business, so he didn't rush to exchange. The four of us drank in the evening. Your father was very happy and got drunk. In fact, I was also drunk. Only Wang Kang had the biggest drink capacity. He got up in the morning. As soon as he heard that the ruble had plummeted, he quickly woke up Xu Shao and me. He also wanted to greet your father, but he was too drunk to wake up. Seeing that he continued to sleep, and thinking that there was no ruble in his hand, he stopped. After greeting him again, Wang Kang told Xu Shao and I about the plummeting ruble. As soon as we heard the news, we panicked. When we went to the street, we saw people exchanging rubles for U.S. dollars and soft coins. The three of us completely lost everything. Xu Shao came up with a way, saying that your father exchanged the soft sister coins yesterday. The three of us should use the rubles in our hands to exchange his soft sister coins. When the time comes, he will drink If he remembers it wrong, what can he do if he remembers it correctly? I am also obsessed with money. I don’t want to suffer the greatest loss, so I agreed to this method. I really didn’t expect that your father would set himself on fire. Seeing your father’s death , I really regret and blame myself. I have been looking for your mother and your brother. I want to compensate you and atone for my sins."

The further he went on, the more excited Huang Tao became, with runny nose and tears.

"Ha" Kong Yi smiled bitterly and said indifferently: "Okay, I understand that I keep my promise and spare your life."

After saying that, she turned and left.

When Huang Tao saw her leaving, he quickly got up from the ground and wanted to follow her.

But as soon as he stood up, he received a heavy blow to the crook of his knee. The pain made him say "Ah" and he knelt down again.

That's right, the person who took action was Zhang Yu. The hand he was lying on just now, his energy was connected to the copper coins on the ground, and he could take action at any time.

Now that Huang Tao wanted to stand up and run, there was no such thing as a good thing, so he directly used two coins and knocked Huang Tao to his knees.

Huang Tao was so anxious that he shouted quickly: "Master, Master, save me."

Kong Yi turned around, looked at him coldly, and asked disdainfully: "Why should I save you?"

"You said you would spare my life," Huang Tao said bitterly.

"Yes, I spared you, didn't I kill you?" Kong Yi said calmly: "As for whether the patrol room will spare you or not, it has nothing to do with me..."

"I" Huang Tao was so angry that he almost threw his head on the ground.

"The Skynet is sparse and meticulous. Huang Tao, you are full of evildoers. If you kill someone like you, my hands will be dirty. I believe you will get the retribution you deserve," Kong Yi said quietly.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Lord." Zhang Yu clasped his hands, looked at Kong Yi, and said, "I just thanked the Master for taking action. I'm really grateful."

"Zhang Zhenren is too polite. I just want to ask about what happened back then." Kong Yi raised his right palm and said, "Furthermore, even if the poor nun doesn't take action, wouldn't Zhenzhen Zhang still be able to make him subdue him?"

"Having said that, Pindao still accepted the favor of the little master. It's just that Pindao was a little confused. Since the little master knew the truth, why did he ask me to rescue Huang Xin that day?" Zhang Yu asked curiously. .

With Kong Yi's ability, it would be too easy to take revenge. Seeing the little nun about to leave, Zhang Yu expressed his doubts.

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