"To tell you the truth, I have been scared since that day. If my wife didn't call me at night, and if I just didn't go back, what would be the result? I will tell them Same thing with being buried in a sea of ​​fire. Why do so many people go to the dormitory to do that kind of thing? Isn’t it just for convenience? In the dormitory, electric heaters are often used in winter. Why didn’t it catch fire before? Then it caught fire that night. You know? Well, Wang Kang and Xu Shao are my best friends. The three of us used to be together. When we established the garment factory, they were also my right-hand men. This fire almost killed all three of us. I I have always felt that it is very evil. It seems that there is a pair of eyes staring at us, Huo Huo." Huang Tao said with some excitement.

At the end of the sentence, his body trembled even more violently, as if he had thought of something terrible.

Zhang Yu knew who Huang Tao mentioned Wang Kang and Xu Shao. According to the information, both of them were deputy general managers of the garment factory.

"Mr. Huang, don't be so excited. Calm down." Zhang Yu said calmly: "You said you always felt like there was a pair of eyes staring at you. And you kept mentioning fire. Could it be that something really happened before? Something to do with fire”

"It's been a long time since we talked about this matter." Huang Tao's eyes suddenly became a little dull, as if he was remembering something from the past. He said slowly and sadly: "I still remember that it was two years ago." Fifteen years ago, Wang Kang, Xu Shao, and Gao Qian and I went to Moscow to do business, which was to sell domestic textiles there and then sell the leather there to China. For our industry, There is a saying that it is called an international bankrupt. At that time, only eldest brother Gao Qian was married and had a son. Wang Kang, Xu Shao, I, and I were not married. It was not easy for the four of us to go to Moscow with goods on our backs. At the home of eldest brother Gao Qian The conditions were not good. He borrowed a lot of money for this business. He just hoped that after finishing this business, he would stay at home and do some small business and never go out again. That night in Moscow, the weather was very cold. But the four of us were really warm in our hearts, because we made money, and each of us drank a bottle of vodka. You know, at that time, ten thousand rubles was equivalent to ten thousand U.S. dollars. Ten thousand U.S. dollars in China at that time How much does a house cost? You can buy a nice one with 20,000 to 30,000 dollars, and you can buy three houses with 10,000 dollars.”

Speaking of this, Huang Tao's eyes shone with a strange light, "Brother Gao Qian earned more than sixteen thousand rubles, and Wang Kang, Xu Shao, I, and I each earned almost ten thousand rubles. We will wait for the day tomorrow." However, no one would have thought that when we woke up overnight, the ruble plummeted. The exchange rate with the US dollar was almost 1:1, and overnight, it turned into 1:100. The ruble in our hands Tens of thousands of rubles were turned into waste paper. I still clearly remember that the bank was blocked and I couldn't squeeze in. They were all here to exchange dollars and soft currency. We had no choice but to fill the streets with the rubles in our hands. We went to find someone to exchange U.S. dollars and soft coins. But who would exchange it for us? Everyone knew that the ruble collapsed. One afternoon, only one afternoon later, the exchange rate fell to 1 to 800, and we were completely finished."

"Hahahaha. Wuwuhahahaha." Huang Tao's laughter was laced with tears. Although Zhang Yu had never experienced this scene, he could still imagine the inner collapse of the person at that time.

Rubles worth tens of thousands of dollars, turned into waste paper overnight, what a cruel blow to people.

"We lost everything, but in comparison, Wang Kang, Xu Shao and I at least did not have any loans, but brother Gao Qian was heavily in debt. He asked us to borrow money, hoping that we could help him tide over the difficulties. But At that time, we also lost all our money. Where could we lend him the money? He blamed us, why did we go to drink, why couldn't we go to the bank to exchange the money for soft coins. Who would have thought that it would become like this overnight? Queen of Heaven, brother Gao Qian called the three of us to his home. In addition to the three of us, there were also the creditors. His wife and son were not here, and the home was empty. He was all alone. He smelled of alcohol and had It also smelled of gasoline. He drank too much and was covered in gasoline. We were shocked and asked him what was going on. He told everyone to stay away and told us that he had nothing now and had divorced his wife. I hope the creditors will stop going to his wife to collect debts. He is responsible for the work alone. If anyone dares to embarrass his wife and son, he will not let these people go even if he is a ghost. After saying this, he will When he set himself on fire, his screams were so pitiful, hahahahahahahahahahaha."

Huang Tao shed tears and kept shaking his head, "Brother Gao Qian left just like that. Wang Kang, Xu Shao and I drank for a day. In the next few days, we went to look for Brother Gao Qian's wife and thought about the orphan. It’s not easy being a widowed mother, so if you can help, I will help. Unfortunately, we never saw their mother and son again. I heard that some creditors who borrowed a lot of money were unwilling to give up and went to find their mother and son, but no one could find them. Their mother and son seemed to have disappeared from the world. No one knows where they went. The scene where Brother Gao Gan set himself on fire will be recalled in my mind from time to time and will be indelible for many years. After the fire in the clothing factory, I always thought that someone was setting the fire. , and I thought it was Brother Gao Qian who came to settle accounts with us. Because we didn’t lend him money. Now thinking about it, I regret it. If I could have sold the house at home, I should have been able to help him pay off the debt and he would not have died. .”

Huang Tao's expression was definitely not artificial, Zhang Yu could see the truth in it.

Borrowing this kind of money is a matter of affection, but not borrowing it is a duty. Especially Huang Tao and the other three, they all lost their money, even if they didn't lend money to Gao Gan, it would be okay. After all, people have to live.

If it was said that Gao Qian's evil spirit was causing trouble, Zhang Yu didn't quite believe it. How likely is it that Gao Gan's wife and son came to take revenge?

Arson is certain, who could the murderer be?

After thinking for a moment, Zhang Yu said gently: "Brother Huang, do you know Feng Shui?"

"No." Huang Tao shook his head in confusion.

"Then it seems to me that the Golden City Community is laid out according to Feng Shui?" Zhang Yu asked deliberately.

"You said this." Huang Tao said bitterly: "To be honest, I originally had no intention of pursuing real estate. I still wanted to continue running a garment factory. However, after the fire, the employees in the factory always said that it was haunted and that they often I could hear the cries for help and screams. They didn't dare to stay in the factory anymore and resigned one after another. For a time, I was almost alone. I asked a gentleman to come over and take a look. He said that there was an evil spirit at work here. There was a lot of resentment in them, and they had to find ways to overcome it. But he seemed to have failed, and at that time, I had nothing but the land of the garment factory. My husband told me that resentment is difficult to transcend, and as long as I suppress it, While trying to solve the problem, he proposed to set up an array in the factory, but it would require a lot of funds. How could I have the money to give him the trouble? In desperation, I thought of a way. At that time, real estate was in short supply, so I mortgaged the land to the bank. I also sold my house and borrowed some money from some friends to develop the Golden City Community. All the layout of the community was done by that gentleman himself."

After hearing these words, Zhang Yu was completely relieved.

Everything made sense, except for the one who set the fire. And the person who set the fire was most likely the person who harmed Huang Xin.

Another important point is why Huang Tao and Huang Xin have different fates. Perhaps if you want to solve the mystery, you can only find out the answer by finding that person.

At this moment, Zhang Yu made up his mind to help Huang Tao cure Huang Xin.

Zhang Yu turned to look at Huang Xin on the bed. Huang Xin acted as if nothing had happened and was still holding his phone. For a deaf and mute person, the mobile phone has become his only thing.

"Brother Huang, go and prepare pen and paper. I want to ask who your son met and what happened before his accident." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"Okay." Huang Tao nodded, immediately stood up and walked towards a cabinet next to him.

He opened the cabinet and took out a pen and a notepad.

Huang Tao walked back to Zhang Yu, handed the notepad to Zhang Yu, and said, "I have asked many people to help with treatment before. Each of them asked about Huang Xin's condition. There are many records on it. , see if you can put it to use."

This is not an ordinary disease. If you seek treatment from experts from various sects, you have to find the cause or some clues. These can only be answered by asking Huang Xin.

Zhang Yu opened the notepad. On the first page, there was a record of inquiries in two fonts.

The questions above include: which day did it become like this? In the week before this, who did you meet, what did you eat, what did you do, what special things did you encounter, and did you have sex with any woman? Have sex, etc.

The content of the answers was considered exhaustive. Zhang Yu flipped through the pages. The fonts of the people who answered the questions remained the same. They should all be from Huang Xin. The person who asked the question has changed. It can be seen that there are a total of fifteen people's inquiry records.

These people asked all the questions they could ask, including eating, drinking, sleeping, and sleeping. After seeing this, Zhang Yu felt for a moment that he had no questions to ask. The problems he can think of have been thought of by everyone before.

After Zhang Yu read it, he read it again from the beginning and summarized everything in detail. The places Huang Xin visited in those days were all entertainment venues, such as bathing centers, KTVs, disco bars, and bars. The places to eat are all high-end restaurants, including Chinese and Western food, and they don't seem to be anything special. The people he was with were roughly the same, and they were marked on them. They were all Huang Xin's friends, and there were no strangers. Not to mention which girls I had sex with, there were three of them in one week. One is a fourth-tier star, one is a car model, and the other is a female student from Zhenhai Art School.

Other than that, not much.

After summarizing, Zhang Yu said with a smile: "Master Huang seems to have quite a lot of friendship with people in the entertainment industry. Within a week, the three women are all close to the entertainment industry."

"It made Mr. Zhang laugh. I don't have much friendship with people in the entertainment industry. At most, some celebrities occasionally go to the Gold Coast for vacation and have a meal or something," Huang Tao said.

"Have you checked all three women?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Everyone has been checked." Huang Tao nodded and said, "Everyone who treated Huang Xin before said they wanted to check. They checked three times. There are no problems and nothing abnormal can be seen."

"According to this statement, Brother Huang must have had others check everything recorded in the book," Zhang Yu said.

"Yes, we have checked everything." Huang Tao nodded.

This put Zhang Yu in a dilemma. Everything he could think of, others had thought of and checked. If no one else has found it, can you find it yourself?

It seems that the problem is definitely not something that appears in the notebook, but it is most likely something that everyone has not thought of or asked about yet.

Zhang Yu had previously heard from the little nun Kong Yi that Huang Xin must have been frightened and bowed his head. Zhang Yu checked Huang Xin and looked at it carefully. If there was anything special on him, he couldn't hide it from Zhang Yu even in bed.

Zhang Yu didn't know exactly how the lowering head was lowered onto the person's body, but he probably had to have physical contact or take it orally.

Zhang Yu frowned deeply and began to think about it again.

"Ring, ring, ring." At this moment, Huang Tao's cell phone suddenly rang.

Huang Tao took out his cell phone, looked at the caller ID, and answered, "Hello, hello."

"Oh? Brother Zhao, what do you want from me?" When he said this, Huang Tao had already walked outside. He thought there was something wrong and it was not convenient for Zhang Yu to listen.

He spoke very slowly, and by the time he finished speaking, he had already walked out the door.

Zhang Yu couldn't hear what the person on the other side of the phone said, but he could only hear Huang Tao's footsteps walking away. He could hear the sound of walking far away.

"What is it? It's mysterious." Zhang Yu muttered in his heart. People usually do this when there are extremely important things that cannot be known to others.

After about seven or eight minutes, footsteps sounded from outside, and Huang Tao followed him in.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry, I have some business matters," Huang Tao said kindly.

"It doesn't matter." Zhang Yu said politely and said, "Brother Huang, your son's illness must have been tampered with inadvertently. Can you lend me this notepad to study and see if there are any omissions?" ."

"No problem." Huang Tao nodded.

Zhang Yu stood up and said: "I can't find the problem now, and I can't take action. So, I'll take my leave first, and we'll get back in touch if I think of anything later."

"Then I'll give it to you." Huang Tao said politely.

Huang Tao escorted Zhang Yu out of the private villa and headed to the parking lot. Because he knew that Zhang Yu came by car, he specially arranged for a driver to wait in the parking lot and take Zhang Yu back.

Zhang Yu didn't object, he was going home anyway.

When we arrived at the parking lot, there was already a car parked there, and a driver stood outside the car and greeted politely.

"Xiao Chen, take Mr. Zhang back. Go wherever Mr. Zhang says. Everything must be obeyed by Mr. Zhang," Huang Tao ordered.

"Yes, boss." The driver nodded.

Huang Tao made an invitation gesture to Zhang Yu, and just as he was about to say a few words of courtesy, a Sagitar suddenly drove over in the parking lot and honked, "Beep, beep, beep..."

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