Zhang Yu left the patrol room, took a taxi, and rushed towards the Gold Coast.

His mind was filled with doubts, all because of Huang Tao's numerology, which made it impossible for him to make a correct judgment. Is Huang Tao the culprit, or is there someone else?

In Zhang Yu's mind, an idea came up, that is, to test Huang Tao and listen to what Huang Tao had to say.

At this time, the taxi suddenly stopped on the side of the road. Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment. He hadn't arrived yet.

But before Zhang Yu could question the driver, the driver pulled down the window on Zhang Yu's side and said to a middle-aged man standing outside: "Where are you going?"

"Jiameng Community." said the middle-aged man outside.

"Come on up," the driver said.

The middle-aged man opened the rear door directly and got in. The driver then started driving.

Zhang Yu realized that this was the driver trying to get a passenger. It's just that the driver didn't ask for his consent at all. However, with Zhang Yu's status, he would not care about this.

The car continued to drive, and after a while, the phone of the man behind rang. The ringtone was so domineering that Zhang Yu even thought it was familiar, as if it was the appearance song of Gao Jin, the God of Gamblers.

The middle-aged man answered the phone and said: "Hey, Qiangzi. I'm going to Zhenbei District to play. I won't go. I don't know what gambling means. If anything happens in Zhendong District, our buddies can Let’s settle it. Go to Zhenbei District where you are unfamiliar with the place. What should you do if something happens? Don’t let the money you won not be taken away. No, no, no.”

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

When the middle-aged man's words were heard in Zhang Yu's ears, Zhang Yu's mind suddenly trembled.

"Bet far and near" Zhang Yu muttered, subconsciously turning his head to look at the middle-aged man behind him.

"Brother, what's going on?" The middle-aged man asked when he saw Zhang Yu turning around.

"Brother, just now you said gambling from far and near, how do you say this?" Zhang Yu asked deliberately.

"This is not simple. When looking for a woman, no matter whether it costs money or not, it is best to go somewhere far away. If you are too close, it will be unpleasant if people know about it. Gambling must be done near the door of your home. Go there. Playing far away, if the other party wins or loses, who can I talk to?" the middle-aged man said seriously.

"Philosophy," Zhang Yu said deliberately exaggeratedly.

"Of course, that's a wise saying left by our ancestors." The middle-aged man said again carelessly.

At this moment, Zhang Yu already had an idea in his mind, "It's a good bet from far and near."

Zhang Yu was thinking of nothing else but the fire in the clothing factory.

It's too abnormal for so many people to be talking nonsense in the staff dormitory. Forget about one or two, how could there be so many at once. If it gets out, it will definitely be good or bad.

These people who were burned to death were more or less people with status in the clothing factory. Whether it was unwritten rules or taking the initiative to embrace them, as for saving two rents, they all stayed in the dormitory of the clothing factory and did this. Something?

It doesn't make sense to say it's a collective thing. The reason is very simple. If this kind of thing spreads, it will be worse than the unspoken rules. This is a factory yard, just kidding.

Illogical, really illogical!

"There is something wrong with six men and seven women, and there is something wrong here." Zhang Yu discovered another important problem in an instant.

These people were divided into six pairs to do that kind of thing, and only one woman was left alone. It was impossible for that woman not to know what the other people were doing. Why is she left alone? Nothing to do? No matter who it is, at this time, it’s time to leave.

Zhang Yu also looked at all the information about the deceased. The single deceased was a clothing model in a clothing factory. He lived locally, which seemed to be Zhenxi District. Since he lives locally and knows about this matter, why would he stay?

"There must be someone." In an instant, another thought came to Zhang Yu's mind.

He was absolutely certain that his idea must be related to another person, and this person was most likely the one who set the fire.

The existence of this person is not reflected at all in the archives of the patrol headquarters. In other words, no one knows who the man with this model is?

It is estimated that everyone who knew it had died in the flames.

Who could this person be?

Zhang Yu recalled the files of the patrol chief. He looked at them very carefully and did not miss any trace.

Even though the garment factory was on holiday, there were four other security guards. The security guards did not see anyone entering, and no one went out before the fire started.

Of course, this does not rule out the possibility of someone climbing over the wall. At that time, surveillance was not particularly popular. If you look at it now, it is easy to find clues.

Zhang Yu just thought about it, and when the driver stopped and the middle-aged man behind him got out of the car, he came back to his senses.

The car continued to drive, and when it was approaching the Gold Coast, Zhang Yu called Huang Tao. When they arrived at the door, Huang Tao was waiting there with two bodyguards. Maybe he didn't expect that Zhang Yu came by taxi. When he saw Zhang Yu getting out of the taxi, Huang Tao was obviously stunned for a moment, but he immediately stepped forward. greet.

"Mr. Zhang, why did you come by taxi?"

"It depends on which car you take. Taxis are also convenient." Zhang Yu laughed.

"Yes, yes." Huang Tao nodded repeatedly, took Zhang Yu's hand enthusiastically, and the two of them walked inside hand in hand.

These days, as long as a person has an identity, not to mention taking a taxi, even riding a bicycle is called green travel, and it will not lose his identity at all.

Arriving at the private villa, Huang Tao asked Zhang Yu to go upstairs, and then to Huang Xin's room on the second floor.

There was no sound in the room. When I opened the door and walked in, two waiters immediately greeted me.

Huang Tao and Zhang Yu subconsciously looked towards the bed. They saw Huang Xin lying on the bed, holding his mobile phone, and seemed not to notice Zhang Yu and Huang Tao coming in at all.

Huang Tao gestured to the two waiters and said, "Get out."

The two waiters immediately went out and closed the door. Huang Xin is now deaf and mute, so naturally he can't hear.

Huang Tao did not ask Zhang Yu to go to the bed immediately, but first asked Zhang Yu to sit on the sofa in front.

"Mr. Zhang, how are you? Is there anything you can do?" Huang Tao, who had always had a calm expression before, now had a look of urgency on his face.

Zhang Yu made up his mind on the road to test Huang Tao.

Seeing Huang Tao say this, he said bluntly: "Mr. Huang, do you believe in retribution?"

"Retribution, so to speak." Huang Tao said in astonishment.

"You can ask me to treat you. You must know my identity well. I am not only the chairman of Wudang Group, but also the abbot of Wudang Taoist Temple." Zhang Yu said calmly.

"I know, I know this." Huang Tao nodded repeatedly.

"Then let's open the skylight and speak frankly. Your son is like this because he has received retribution." Zhang Yu said.

"How could he get retribution? Although this kid is a bit naughty, he hasn't done anything extraordinary and he suddenly became like this. In addition to doctors, I also went to many experts. Their opinions are inconsistent. "One, but no one said they suffered retribution or anything," Huang Tao said anxiously.

"Then have they been cured?" Zhang Yu asked directly.

"No." Huang Tao said disappointedly.

"It's over now." Zhang Yu smiled lightly.

"But... how can he be punished at such a young age?" Huang Tao was somewhat unconvinced.

"Some retribution doesn't mean that he did something extraordinary. Maybe the elders in the family did something unnatural and unreasonable, so retribution came to him." Zhang Yu said slowly, but his eyes were tight. Staring at Huang Tao's expression closely.

"Our family has done something that is harmful to nature." Huang Tao said innocently with a puzzled face: "How is this possible? Although I, Huang Tao, do not dare to say that everything I do is aboveboard, nor am I a philanthropic person. But I I can swear that I have never done anything harmful to heaven and earth. My parents, and it is impossible for the child’s mother to be a virtuous person. And now they have passed away. This is simply nonsense."

Looking at Huang Tao's expression, it didn't look artificial at all. In addition, Huang Tao's face did not look like a treacherous villain, which made Zhang Yu even more suspicious. Could it be that the fire in the clothing factory had nothing to do with Huang Tao.

If it really doesn't matter, then what's going on in the Golden City Community?

Zhang Yu deliberately chuckled, showing a look of disbelief, and said: "Brother Huang, when I, Zhang Yu, treat people, they must be innocent. If they are treacherous and evil, I will never help, even He will also step on me."

"Mr. Zhang, where do you start talking about me, Huang Tao? In your eyes, am I that kind of person?" Huang Tao said with an aggrieved look.

"With Zhang Yu's ability, it is absolutely easy to find out your details. Since you said where to start, let me tell you one thing first." Zhang Yu's voice became colder, "Back then you opened A clothing factory. It turned out that a total of thirteen people were burned to death in this clothing factory. What do you think about this?"

"This!" Huang Tao was startled, and his body couldn't help trembling. Then his face showed sadness. He shook his head helplessly and said regretfully: "This is all my fault."

"Huh?" This time it was Zhang Yu's turn to be stunned. He really didn't expect that Huang Tao would say this and look like this.

Zhang Yu asked curiously: "How do you say this?"

"Alas" Huang Tao sighed up to the sky and said bitterly: "I originally planned to bury this matter in my heart for the rest of my life. I never want to think about it now that Mr. Zhang has brought it up and said that it was my fault. Plus I My son is like this, and I have to say it.”

Having said this, Huang Tao paused, and then said melancholy: "I still remember that it was the winter eight years ago, and the Chinese New Year was about to come. It was the 26th of the twelfth lunar month. That day, the garment factory held an annual meeting, and in the evening was a celebration banquet. This garment factory is my biggest business since I started my business, so I decided not to go to the hotel, but to hold the ceremony in the factory. Men, sometimes they are a bit more perverted, and I was no exception, so I kept all the beautiful girls in the factory. Come down and have a drink together. I drank too much at the time and was helped to the dormitory by a female model. To be honest, I can’t even remember how I got there. It was probably around 12 o’clock in the evening when my phone rang. Yes, it was my wife who called me. She asked me why I hadn’t come home yet. I was a little henpecked. As soon as I heard that it was my wife who called me, I quickly got dressed and left the dormitory. Who would have thought that after I left, under the dormitory There was a fire in the clothing warehouse. Not only was the model accompanying me burned to death, but so many people were burned to death inside. The moment I got the news, my head exploded. I couldn’t believe that this would happen. kind of thing."

After hearing Huang Tao's words, Zhang Yu was startled again. He originally thought that the person who set the fire was the person who was with the female model, but he never expected that this person would be Huang Tao. And Huang Tao actually admitted it.

However, there is no such statement in the patrol chief room information.

Zhang Yu stared straight at Huang Tao, who had a sad and helpless look on his face. He continued to mutter intermittently, "Thirteen lives, thirteen lives! Why is this happening? Why are they in the dormitory? They"

At this point, Huang Tao's eyes suddenly brightened up and he shouted at Zhang Yu: "Someone is setting the fire! Believe it or not, someone is setting the fire!"

"Someone set a fire! Why did you say that?" Zhang Yu asked in surprise: "As far as I know, you didn't say that to the patrol chief at that time. You didn't even say that you were there that night!"

"Let me tell you this." Huang Tao said solemnly: "I really didn't dare to say where I lived at night. Firstly, I was afraid that the patrol would suspect me. Secondly, I couldn't say such a thing. Let my wife If you know, let people in the factory know, how can I meet people?"

Zhang Yu nodded slightly, Huang Tao's words made sense. He looked at Huang Tao, waiting for Huang Tao's next words.

Huang Tao seemed a little excited. He clenched his fists with both hands and his body was shaking. "There are two dormitories in the factory, one for employees and one for management. Because the business in the factory is very good and there are many orders, we often have to work overtime." , so I built a dormitory on top of the warehouse. You know, the first floor is the warehouse. I store a lot of clothes in it, and fire protection is the top priority. I have to check the circuits of the warehouse twice a year. , the wires were just replaced in June, how could it be that the electrical appliances were aging! I told the police officer at that time that it was an arson, not a fire!"

"You said that, so why did the patrol finally decide it was a fire?" Zhang Yu asked puzzledly.

"Hahahaha. Hahahaha." Huang Tao couldn't help but smile bitterly, staring at his eyes and said: "How big is the difference between the two definitions of fire and arson. If it is classified as a fire, then all the compensation will be mine, and even more I have to pay a large fine, but if it is arson, the matter of compensation belongs to the arsonist and needs to be patrolled to find him. I don’t have to pay a large fine, and I also don’t have to bear such a large compensation of my hard-earned money. This is all My hard-earned money. The compensation this time almost made me bankrupt. They patrolled to save trouble, but I was unlucky. I..."

As he spoke, Huang Tao shed tears.

Huang Tao's statement is not unreasonable. If this kind of headless case is defined as arson, the trouble will be great. The murderer cannot be found, and it involves compensation for so many dead people. Who will pay for it? If there is a fire, things will be much simpler. Huang Tao will pay for everything, and Huang Tao can even be made to pay a large sum of money as a fine.

At that time, the PCPD's supervision of the patrol house was not as strict as it is now. Anyway, there is no evidence that anyone set the fire, so it might as well be considered a fire.

But Zhang Yu was also curious, so he asked, "Why are you so sure that someone set the fire on fire?"

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