Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2103 Another letter

Modern technology is indeed advanced enough. With the help of satellite maps, the floor plan of Shouti Mountain can be quickly displayed.

The patrolman asked Zhang Yu to come over and take a look. Zhang Yu only needed to take a few glances, and according to the results of the recommendation, he found the throne of fearful sun Buddha. This location, viewed in combination with the plan and elevation, is generally on the back side of the mountain. In terms of direction, it is slightly above the mountainside in the southwest.

Zhang Yu could completely predict that most of the people would be hiding in this location.

Now that the location was determined, Zhang Yu secretly murmured again, what was the purpose of the man in the bamboo hat.

Zhang Yu had also heard Pan Yun tell the whole process of the incident before. The man in the hat caught all four criminals selling fake milk powder. According to the time, it should be before the child was poisoned. What was the purpose of the hat man in capturing them? Is it just to act bravely? If that's the case, we might as well hand it over to the police station, and there's no need to detain the main culprit.

Also, the fake milk powder dealer used to sell milk powder in Guangming Mountain, and the man in the hat must have been in Guangming Town at that time. Zhang Yu has never been able to figure out what the real purpose of the man in the hat is. He had thought before that if it was just to lure him there, it would be better to set up a simpler game so that he could find it quickly. It was so difficult to set up. If I hadn't met a fortune teller on the road, I was curious and asked more questions, I might not have been able to break it.

Everything seems so weird, maybe you can only know the truth when you get there.

Zhang Yu looked at the patrolman and said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." The patrol officer immediately said, "Daozhang Zhang, I don't know if you have anything else to do, but I will definitely try our best to help you."

"No, I'll take my leave now." Zhang Yu said.

"Then I'll see you off." The patrolman said politely.

He sent Zhang Yu and Pan Yun out of the patrol room, watched them get into the car and leave, and then went back.

Pan Yun drove the car without talking nonsense. With her intelligence, she naturally knew where Zhang Yu was going. Following the direction, she turned on the navigation and headed straight for Shoushi Mountain.

It was already dark now, but the two of them had already agreed to find the person before twelve o'clock tonight.

The car drove for an hour and finally arrived at the foot of Shouzi Mountain. Pan Yun said, "Where should we go now?"

Zhang Yu took out the Guizhen Four Elephants Plate from his pocket. With a simple look, he was able to determine the direction. He pointed to the right and said: "Follow the right side and drive along the foot of the mountain. I will tell you when you get to the place." ."

He had already made up his mind that he must go up Shouti Mountain himself, but he could not take Pan Yun up there. After arriving at the place, Pan Yun was asked to go back.

"No problem." Pan Yun drove according to Zhang Yu's wishes, but he continued: "There is something I need to explain to you in advance."

"What's the matter?" Zhang Yu asked.

"I estimate that you are most likely thinking that you will send me back when you get there." Pan Yun said Zhang Yu's thoughts straightforwardly.

Zhang Yu didn't expect Pan Yun to bring it up first. He also knew Pan Yun's personality, so he quickly said with a smile: "I am also thinking about your safety. Don't worry, don't stare at me. I always keep my word." Practice. If I can’t find anyone before twelve o’clock, I will definitely fulfill my promise.”

"Do you still remember the last time we went to Xiaoweng Mountain to arrest that evil master?" Pan Yun did not answer Zhang Yu's words, but asked.

"Of course I remember." Zhang Yu nodded.

"You went up the mountain alone and asked me to drive back. But something happened on the way. I was caught by a zombie and almost lost my life. Thanks to you for saving me. Now that we have reached the foot of the mountain, are you sure I am alone? If you go back, won't you encounter the same thing as last time?" Pan Yun said calmly.

"This." Zhang Yu was startled and then remembered. During the decisive battle with Zhi Taoist, the opponent took Pan Yun as a hostage. He finally killed the opponent and saved Pan Yun.

But after a second thought, Zhang Yu understood the meaning of Pan Yun's words and made it clear that he wanted to follow him up the mountain.

Zhang Yu said: "There must be danger on the mountain. Anyway, I already know the place. Otherwise, I will send you back to a safe place and then come here alone."

"We've come all the way here, so there's no point in going back. Besides, the car doesn't have much gas, so I guess it won't be able to drive for a while. The road is not close this way, and I didn't refuel." Pan Yun After saying that, he pursed his lips.

Look at that, Zhang Yu is sure to be defeated.

She was also bullying Zhang Yu for not being able to read the fuel gauge. To be precise, Zhang Yu didn't even know where the fuel gauge was.

There is definitely enough oil in the tank to get back.

"This." Zhang Yu was immediately choked by Pan Yun's words.

"Forget about this and that. When we were in Haimen Mountain, weren't we both going together? What's the big deal. Anyway, I feel the safest if I follow you. Besides, I'm not a decoration!" Pan Yun said proudly. said.

"That's good." Zhang Yu nodded helplessly.

This woman has already made up her mind to go. It's useless to stop her. She can't knock Pan Yun unconscious here and go up the mountain by herself. If something happens like last time, I will regret it to death.

"Haha" Seeing Zhang Yu agree, Pan Yun smiled proudly and said: "Actually, I think there is no danger in this matter, so there is no need to worry so much."

"How do you know?" Zhang Yu asked puzzledly.

"Intuition!" Pan Yun said, glancing at Zhang Yu.

"That's okay!" Zhang Yu frowned.

"Why not? Let me tell you, my intuition is sometimes very accurate. When police officers handle cases, in addition to relying on evidence, they also rely on intuition during the investigation process." Pan Yun said proudly.

"Then" Zhang Yu didn't know what to say. He couldn't help her anyway, so he had to take her there. He simply said, "Then it depends on whether your intuition is accurate this time."

After a while, the car came to the back of the mountain. Zhang Yu stared at the compass. After confirming that it had arrived, he said: "Stop the car."

Pan Yun stopped the car and was about to get out of the car. Zhang Yu got out of the car first and looked around, listening to the sounds around him.

Apart from the sound of the wind, there is no other sound here, typical of the wilderness. In the winter night, the wind was really strong, giving people a desolate and cold feeling.

Pan Yun then got out of the car, looked around, and then took out a pistol from his waist.

Zhang Yu walked to Pan Yun, took out a divine talisman and gave it to her, and said softly: "Put it on your body."

"Hmph!" Pan Yun raised his chin and snorted, understanding that this was Zhang Yu's concern for her.

She took the divine talisman and stuffed it into her sweater. To be honest, she couldn't find any decent place to stick it, so she simply stuck it in the ditch.

Pan Yun's cheeks turned pink unconsciously, but fortunately Zhang Yu didn't notice this.

After Pan Yun took out his hand, Zhang Yu said, "Let's go up the mountain."

He held the fire talisman in one hand and the money sword in the other, walking in front of Pan Yun. Pan Yun didn't seem to want Zhang Yu to stand in front of her, but walked hand in hand with Zhang Yu.

Using the starlight in the sky, the two slowly went up the mountain. They could feel the cold at the foot of the mountain. As they walked up, it seemed that the wind was stronger and the temperature was lower.

Zhang Yu originally wanted to take off his coat and let Pan Yun wear it, but there was a magic weapon hidden in his clothes, making it difficult to take it out in case of danger.

He had no choice but to hold Pan Yun's waist and let Pan Yun get closer to him, but he was still cautious. Pan Yun let Zhang Yu hug him, with a very serious expression on his face. Like Zhang Yu, he was looking around.

After all, Pan Yun is not Xiaojiabiyu. Although she would be nervous due to physical contact when she is with Zhang Yu at home, when she comes to a place like this, she is not nervous at all.

After walking for a while, you can see the mass graves on the hillside. Some graves have tombstones, and some have no tombstones.

It really takes a certain amount of courage to walk in a place like this late at night. But to Zhang Yu, this was nothing. Going to the cemetery late at night was not the first time.

He could feel that Pan Yun was sticking closer to her. On the surface, Pan Yun didn't look scared, but from this action, it could be seen that she was still somewhat scared.

In addition to being careful, Zhang Yu also calculated the route. Apart from the sound of wind and the sight of random graves, there was nothing unusual along the way.

After walking for a while, they reached about halfway up the mountain. Zhang Yu stopped first, took out the Guizhen Four Elephant Plate, and confirmed the position again.

After watching for a moment, he confirmed that he was not going wrong along the way. He was getting closer and closer to the direction of the fearful sun Buddha, and he was generally right in front of him.

"How is it?" Pan Yun asked in a low voice.

"It's not far ahead, don't be afraid." Zhang Yu said gently.

"I'm not afraid either!" Pan Yun said arrogantly.

Zhang Yu smiled at her and whispered: "Yes, yes, Inspector Pan is indeed a woman."

"That is..." Pan Yun raised his chin.

The two of them talked for a few words and were able to relax a little. Zhang Yu could not hold Pan Yun in his arms and continue upward this time, because if danger appeared, it would be inconvenient to take action.

Zhang Yu knew in his heart that if the target was really here, then the man in the bamboo hat who arranged it was definitely not an ordinary person. I still have to protect Pan Yun, and I must get in front of Pan Yun when the time comes.

Pan Yun held the pistol and walked side by side with Zhang Yu. They walked for five minutes when Zhang Yu suddenly saw a shadow under the tree in front of him.

He immediately grabbed Pan Yun, stopped and looked carefully.

Pan Yun also had good eyesight. Following Zhang Yu's gaze, she vaguely saw a figure even though it was a bit dark.

"Who?" Zhang Yu asked directly.


As soon as his voice fell, a scream instantly sounded from the other side.

This scream was filled with fear, and it was obvious that he was extremely scared.

Immediately afterwards, another nervous and hoarse voice sounded from the opposite side, "Who is a human or a ghost?"

"We are patrolmen, who are you?" Zhang Yu asked in a deep voice.

He listened carefully and was probably sure that there were no other sounds around him. Zhang Yu took two steps forward, and just when he was in front of Pan Yun, he heard the man on the other side shouting hoarsely: "Patrol. Patrol, help, please help me."

Listening to this man's voice, he seemed to be full of excitement.

When Pan Yun saw Zhang Yu coming forward, he immediately followed up and raised his pistol, just in case.

Now the two of them could see more clearly. It was true that there was indeed a person standing under the tree.

This made Zhang Yu a little puzzled. Hearing the other party's voice didn't seem to be painful, but his voice was hoarse and weak.

Zhang Yu asked: "Who are you?"

"I, I am a businessman. If someone robs me, please help me." The man said urgently.

"Business. What kind of business? The person who robbed you is really serious. If you can tie people up here, they will have nothing to do." Zhang Yu said calmly.

Then, he took three more steps forward. This time I could see it more clearly. The man was probably in his forties and was tied to a tree. It's just that at this distance, the facial features are not particularly clear.

"I, I sell health care products." The man said hoarsely again.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Yu couldn't help but curse in his heart for lying at this time.

Zhang Yu said coldly: "Selling health products? Sorry, we found the wrong person. We were just ordered to find someone selling fake milk powder."

After saying that, he looked at Pan Yun aside and said deliberately: "I'm not the criminal, let's go."

"Okay." Pan Yun was also hating in his heart that he dared to lie even after reaching this point. Like Zhang Yu, she was ready to leave.

As soon as the man heard that the two were leaving, he hurriedly shouted: "I said, I said. I am the one selling fake milk powder. Please help me."

Zhang Yu sneered and asked deliberately: "Is it true or false? Do you have any proof?"

"There are four of us selling fake milk powder in Guangming Town. People in the town who bought our milk powder will recognize me." When the man spoke, he cried anxiously, as if he was afraid that Zhang Yu and the others would leave.

"Then let me ask you again, who caught him and tied him here?" Zhang Yu asked.

"After we sold out all the milk powder, we left Guangming Town and left Zhenhai along the national highway. Unexpectedly, our car had a puncture halfway. We got out of the car for repairs, but a group of people suddenly appeared and captured us. First, they took us to an abandoned yard and beat us severely. Then we didn’t know where they took my three accomplices. Anyway, I was brought here last night. They froze to death and scared me to death. "When the man said this, he finally couldn't help it and cried out.

No one can stand being tied up in a place like this. As he said, if you don't freeze to death, you have to be scared to death. There are several graves around here.

Zhang Yu and Pan Yun exchanged glances and nodded to each other. The other's description was the same as what they had learned before.

"According to our patrol room's understanding, the person who captured you was wearing a bamboo hat. Where is this person?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Yes, there is indeed such a person, and he speaks in a weird way. He was the one who brought it up and tied me here. He also left a letter on me," the man cried again.

"Believe it?" Zhang Yu murmured doubtfully.

Pan Yun was also puzzled, "It's a letter again."

Zhang Yu swung forward and shot out four fire talismans, "Puff, puff, puff!"

The fire talisman turned into a fireball and immediately illuminated the man's surroundings. The man tied to the tree was obviously startled and nervously exclaimed, "Ah!"

Just now I was looking at it by the moonlight, but now with the firelight, everything can be seen clearly.

A man's body is so bound that he can't move anywhere except his head.

His nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and now he had either runny nose or tears, not to mention how embarrassed he was.

Zhang Yu moved forward slowly, carefully observing his surroundings to avoid falling into any formation.

Strangely enough, he didn't feel the slightest breath of the formation, as if there was nothing here.

In this way, Zhang Yu and Pan Yun finally slowly came to the man. Sure enough, there was an envelope stuffed into the man's chest.

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