Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2102 Locating Shouzi Mountain

"Yes, I bought a new house, and the decoration is basically new. After I bought it, I changed some furniture, but basically nothing was touched." Yang Xiaodong said excitedly: "How is it? Surprised. No surprise, no surprise!”

"You said this is your newly bought house... Where did you get so much money... Also, you don't go out very often, how could you come to the west of the town to buy a house... This is quite far away from where we live. "Xiao Ling said in disbelief.

Yang Xiaodong plays games at home every day, saying that he recently learned how to drive, but the Zhenxi Executive District is not close to where they live, so it is impossible for Yang Xiaodong to be familiar with the situation here. It is estimated that even the road conditions on the east side of Zhendong are not very familiar to Yang Xiaodong.

"After I saved enough money, I have always wanted to buy a house. Among the people who watched my live broadcast, there was someone from Zhenhai who said he would help me keep an eye on it. This is not true. Some time ago, an old man said that he wanted to buy a house in his relative's house. Sell, if I take him to play ranked, he will help me negotiate the price. In this way, I basically bought this house at a price slightly lower than the market price. All the money was earned by my live broadcast, neither stealing nor robbing !" Yang Xiaodong said proudly again.

"But... we still owe Mr. Zhang money... You have spent all the money to buy a house and a car, how will you repay him then..." Xiao Ling's character is still very good, and he always thinks about the money he owes others. return. Even she knew about Yang Xiaodong's relationship with Yang Ying and Zhang Yu, and with Zhang Yu's current wealth, she probably didn't care about this little money.

"Don't worry about this. The money I owe him has been prepared. After we move in, we will go to his house to pay back the money and invite them over to warm the pot." When Yang Xiaodong said this, he looked even more Excited.

"How much money have you made?" Xiao Ling was completely dumbfounded.

"Anyway, there are many, many, many. I have now become a pillar of Douxia Live and LOL. The website gave me a huge contract, and we will not worry about money in the future. By the way, tonight, we will have a candlelight dinner here. Let's live a world of two!" Yang Xiaodong looked at Xiaoling excitedly.

No wonder Yang Xiaodong was excited. To be honest, even when Zhang Yu first came to Zhenhai and moved into a new house for the first time, he was extremely excited. However, as he made more and more money, Zhang Yu became very calm.

"Yes." Xiao Ling was also excited, and she nodded heavily with joy.

In the living room of Pan Yun's house.

Zhang Yu, who had his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes and shouted excitedly: "Found it! Found it!"

"Stinky man!" Pan Yun glanced at Zhang Yu deliberately and said with some disbelief: "Real or false?"

"Didn't you say that you are all mine anyway, why are you so embarrassed?" Zhang Yu said with a playful smile.

"Hmph!" Pan Yun snorted heavily, "I have changed my mind now!"

"That's great. It just so happens that I don't know where the person is hiding. I'll leave first." Zhang Yu said, raising his butt and leaving.

"How dare you!" Seeing Zhang Yu about to leave, Pan Yunke became anxious, jumped up, and yelled: "I've betrayed you, how dare you run away after getting an advantage!"

Zhang Yu pretended to be aggrieved and said, "Didn't you say you changed your mind now?"

"I just changed my mind again!" Pan Yun shouted.

"Why do you change your order from morning to night?" Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"You don't have to worry about it. This is my home and I have the final say!" Pan Yun said arrogantly: "Didn't you just say that you couldn't find where the person was hiding? Is that true? We just made a bet. Got it!"

Fortunately for her, she remembered this very clearly.

Zhang Yu grinned and said: "I haven't completely determined the location yet, but that doesn't mean there are no clues at all. Don't worry, I will definitely find the person today."

"Are you teasing me again?" Pan Yun stared.

"How dare you?" Zhang Yu said with a smile.

Pan Yun said dissatisfied: "I don't think there is anything in this world that you dare not do! Anyway, it was agreed that it will only be one day. After midnight, as long as we can't find anyone, tomorrow morning, we will Go get the certificate! If you dare to default on your debt then, I will fight you!"

"Ah?" Zhang Yu exclaimed, "We have to find it at twelve o'clock tonight."

As he spoke, he looked at the wall clock in the living room. It was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

"As promised before, we will find it today!" Pan Yun said loudly and proudly.

"Then I'd better look for him first. You sit aside." Zhang Yu quickly let go of his hand on Pan Yun's shoulder.

"Who cares about sitting with you? You're a stinker!" After Pan Yun finished speaking, he sat down on the side and continued: "I want to see, after all the trouble you put in, I still have to be a model. , will we be able to find someone in the end!"

Zhang Yu looked around and said, "Xiaoyun, do you have a map of Zhenhai?"

"There is a map." Pan Yun nodded and asked casually, "What do you want this for?"

"Of course I'm looking for someone." Zhang Yu pretended to have a profound smile.

"Use the map to find someone." Pan Yun curled his lips and stood up, "Just wait, I'll go look for you."

At that moment, she walked into the study and pulled out a large atlas. Then she returned to the living room and handed it to Zhang Yu.

"There are maps of the Chinese Federation here, as well as maps of Zhenhai, and maps of each district." Pan Yun said.

"It's so complete, that's great." Zhang Yu said happily as he took the map.

Pan Yun sat down next to him, wanting to see how Zhang Yu used an atlas to find people.

Zhang Yu unfolded the atlas and turned to the map of Zhenhai. This map was really not small, and it was also very clear.

After passing the last push plate, Zhang Yu had already pushed it to the point on the child's finger, knowing that this was the position of the Buddha who was afraid to stay.

What he has to do now is very simple, which is to mark all seven Buddha statues on the map according to the final result. The point where the Buddha's throne is located should be where the person is.

The standard map is naturally up, north, south, left, west, right and east. Zhang Yu picked it up and marked all the seven Buddha statues. After a closer look, he found that the location of the fearful sun Buddha statue was actually in Guangming Town.

"Guangming Town" Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment. He really couldn't imagine that people would be in that place.

But then I thought about it, the guy selling fake milk powder committed the crime in Guangming Town, and it seemed reasonable to hide him there.

Zhang Yu then said: "Xiaoyun, is there a map of Guangming Town here?"

"The map of Guangming Town." Pan Yun frowned and said, "I don't have this at home. I guess I can only find a detailed map by going to Guangming Town."

"That's true." Zhang Yu nodded, and immediately thought that he was carrying out a development project in Guangming Town, and it seemed that the company also had drawings of Guangming Town.

But the drawings don't seem to be particularly detailed, and some are just accurate drawings of the construction location.

If you want to go to Guangming Town to find someone, you have to go to Guangming Town anyway, so why not just go to the town to find a map.

Zhang Yu then said: "Then I will go to Guangming Town now, and you will wait for my news at home."

After saying that, he stood up.

"No!" Pan Yun stood up immediately.

"Why not?" Zhang Yu looked at Pan Yun.

"I" Pan Yungang wanted to say, "I have to supervise you," but when the words came to his mouth, he felt inappropriate. After hesitating for a while, she said: "I am a patrol officer, and I am going to investigate the case now. Of course I have to follow you. Besides, if you go to the town to ask for a map, we also need the presence of our patrol office."

The previous sentence is quite reliable. As for finding the map, Zhang Yu called the Taoist temple and asked his disciples to look for it now. It is estimated that they will be able to find it in a short time.

Zhang Yu knew what Pan Yun was thinking and didn't want to waste time. He nodded and said, "Then let's go."

"Okay." Pan Yun agreed and walked quickly towards the door.

"Are you going out like this?" Zhang Yu glanced at Pan Yun.

"Ah!" Pan Yun finally reacted and turned to glare at Zhang Yu, "It's all your fault. Wait for me here."

With that said, she quickly rushed into her room.

Zhang Yu shrugged his shoulders and said to himself, what should I do?

After waiting for a while, Pan Yun dressed up and came out of the room.

Wearing a pair of blue jeans, a white sweater, and a black leather jacket, he looked completely different from his previous appearance.

She walked to the door in a few steps and shouted: "Let's go!"

The two of them immediately went downstairs. Pan Yun's car was still abandoned in the main patrol room and was not driven away at all.

Because the matter was urgent, the two of them took a ride to the patrol headquarters first. Pan Yun took his car and took Zhang Yu out with him to Guangming Town.

On the way, she called the police station in town. She is from the Major Crime Squad, so as long as she explains her identity, the town will naturally cooperate. She asked the local government to find a map of Guangming Town and went to get it later.

Silently speaking all the way, the two came to Guangming Town. Even though I was driving fast and driving at a lightning speed, it was almost six o'clock when I arrived, and the patrol room was already off duty, but the door was still open, and there was a patrol officer on duty sitting inside.

As soon as they entered the door, the patrolman on duty saw the two of them. Before Pan Yunliang revealed his identity, the patrolman stood up, stared at Zhang Yu and said, "Are you... Zhang Taoist priest who is not a Taoist temple?"

"It's me." Zhang Yu nodded and said, "Hello."

"Hello, Director Zhang, hello." The patrolman quickly walked out from behind the table and said politely: "Director Zhang, what's the matter with you? Why did you come here in person?"

As a patrol officer, you naturally need to know about the famous wealthy people in the town. And Zhang Yu is now the number one person in Guangming Town. If you don't know anyone else, you have to know Zhang Yu. Even if you haven't seen him in person, you still have to look at the photos.

The patrolman was very puzzled and didn't understand how Zhang Yu came here.

Pan Yun was very dissatisfied when he saw that the patrolman was respectful to Zhang Yu. He originally brought Zhang Yu here to get the map, but now, Zhang Yu obviously has more cards than her. No need to introduce yourself, the patrol officer knows you.

Zhang Yu smiled and said, "I came here with Inspector Pan from the Crime Unit. I want to see the detailed map of Guangming Town."

Pan Yun then showed his ID and handed it to the patrolman, "Hello, I am Pan Yun from the Zhendong District Crime Squad."

"Hello, Inspector Pan. I just told the inspector that you would come to get the map later. I have prepared it for you, please wait." Because Zhang Yu was there, the inspector did not even look at Pan. After receiving Yun's ID, he immediately picked up a folded blueprint from the table and handed it to Pan Yun, "This is the map you want."

After Pan Yun took it, he handed it to Zhang Yu, curled his lips and said, "Take a look."

Obviously, he should be useless. With Zhang Yu's font size, it would be no problem for him to ask for the map.

Zhang Yu took the map and said to the patrolman: "I'll just take a look here. Could you please borrow a table?"

"Use it, use it as you like," the patrolman said hurriedly.

Zhang Yu is the number one person in Guangming Town. He is the boss of Wudang Group. He is well-known in the town whether it is a Taoist temple or a football team. It can be said that prominent figures like Zhang Yu generally have to deal with important officials of the Office and the Chief Inspector of the Patrol Office. Even the inspector of the local police station is nothing in front of others.

In the eyes of others, such a person must be aloof. But the patrol found that Zhang Yu was really approachable. He couldn't help but murmur in his heart. It seemed that such a capable person was low-key and had no airs. Look at those little fish and shrimps, they are so arrogant all the time, it's really incomparable. It's like the little head of our patrol room, who hasn't become the patrol leader yet, and has quite a big air. Look at Chairman Zhang, what does it mean to be a real big shot?

Zhang Yu had already unfolded the map on the table, marked the directions on the Zhenhai map with his fingers, and quickly determined the location of Sun Fo.

Judging from the location, it is a mountain, and some of the mountains next to it are marked with place names, such as "Guangming Mountain" and so on.

However, this mountain is not marked and is relatively remote. Zhang Yu pointed here and asked: "Captain, I would like to ask, what kind of mountain is this?"

"This mountain doesn't have a name. We went there once when we were chasing fugitives. The locals called it Shouzi Mountain. In the early years, the mountain was a mass grave. Most of the local people who died were buried there." Patrolman said.

"Shouti Mountain" Zhang Yu pondered for a moment and said, "Is there a map of this mountain?"

The patrolman shook his head directly, "That's not the case. I heard that no one goes to this mountain except when sweeping tombs."

When he heard that there was no map, Zhang Yu frowned. This mountain was not small. It would not be that easy to find the person at once.

However, Zhang Yu believed that since he could find Shouti Mountain by arranging the pan, it would not be difficult to find the people hiding on the mountain. He just needed to continue using this method.

However, there is no map on the mountain, so it will take at least a lot of time to find someone.

But Pan Yun saw the clues on Zhang Yu's face and said, "Can you try using the satellite map?"

The patrolman didn't understand what Zhang Yu and Pan Yun meant, but since the two said so, he nodded and said: "Wait a moment, I will try to go online to see if I can locate the satellite map of Shouti Mountain."

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